Be quick to learn. Everyone has something to teach us; when we are open to learn. No one knows everything and at the same time, no one knows nothing....

Be quick to learn. Everyone we meet, has something to teach us. Because, God has deposited in everyone of us, unique gifts and talents. If we are open to learn, we can learn even from children. Always keep this in mind; no one knows everything and at the same time; no one knows nothing. Sooner you learn better your life will be. World is full of great teachers everywhere we go. So be open to listen, ask, understand, apply and change. Be victorious. Be blessed and be a blessing to others as well.

Dress, eat, rest well: be clean, exercise regularly; take very good care of your body. It's the only place you live,.. while on earth...

Always try to dress well, eat well, rest well, be clean, exercise regularly; taking very good care of your body. Because it's the only place you can live along with the Holy Spirit during our short stay on earth. As long as, it is up and running, you can be legal on earth: living, enjoying, producing and being fruitful to God and men, heaping treasures in heaven. So be wise. Go for periodical medical check ups, dieting, exercising and so on. Take very good care of your body/yourself. Common sense.

If you can do something good now, do it. Never postpone especially doing good, for no reason, waiting until retirement. You never know, when life stops.

If you can do something good now, do it without second thought. Never postpone especially anything good for no reason. Never wait until retirement. You never know, when life may stop. Death is not respecter of persons. It cannot be stopped or postponed. Why take risk. Make the best use of time. Money is replaceable but not time or our life. Life or time both are same. Every day gone is a slice of life spent or reduced. Be wise, stop postponing things; speed up productivity, live good, fast and be Godly. 

At times though we deliberately ignore warnings and signals, we cannot ignore or runaway from resulting pains and heart aches. Self control.

At times though we deliberately ignore warnings and signals to proceed further, thinking that no one has watched us, what we are doing, God is always watching. There comes a time to reap the fruits, which we cannot ignore or runaway from; those resulted pains, shame, loss and heart aches could have been avoided had we exercised our self control on time, every time. Self control, avoid deliberate sinning. 

Things that are seen, came from things that are unseen; from our mind; Universe, mankind,..from God though we haven't seen Him yet. Believe in God.

      Things that are seen in our life like our: shelter, clothing, food, stuffs that we use for work and fun all these came from thing that is unseen; from our creative minds. Like every huge tree came out of a small seed. Bible/God say that we are created in God's own image and likeness; so we carry the DNA of God. The more we use our imagination creatively the more wonderful things we can design, create, produce. Universe, earth, wind, mankind, animals.. are all created by God though we have not seen Him, like we haven't seen our own mind. So believe, seek, honor and worship God. God is more real than you and I.

Often we ask God for things, repeatedly, desperately; not realizing and enjoying enough what He has blessed us with already; whereas many out there dream of, pray for what we got, but never used once or enjoyed it enough...

Often we ask God for new things repeatedly, desperately; not realizing and enjoying enough what He has already blessed us with; whereas millions and millions out there, dreaming and praying for stuffs what we have got long before but never enjoyed or used them once. Stop for a moment everyday, to take stock of what God has blessed us with; to thank and praise Him and; to use and enjoy them, before we are separated from them. Remember, life is short, love people, use things and be grateful to God, authorities, men, nature and life itself.

When people talk about planned and perfect relationships, don't believe them; they might be talking about a movie they've seen or heard...

When people talk and boast about someone's planned and perfect relationships, don't believe them; they might be talking about a movie they have seen or heard. There is no such thing on earth. We are all unique and even our likes and dislikes are also unique, though at times it looks like similar. So don't get angry or upset when your partner says no when you say yes, or yes when you say no. Try to understand, be patient, reach a common ground, talk with love, kindness and understanding. Remember though you both look like the same outside, in terms of interests; but truth of the matter is: not same. Accept and respect others, inform and request them, your choice. Never force your partner for anything, though you get it you may not enjoy it to the full. So enjoy life without harming others. Bible/Jesus said, love your neighbor; why, this is why.

Every step we take towards self reliance is a step away from depending on God. Every lack or unmet need we face is God's reminder that He is the source....

Every step we take towards self reliance is a step away from depending on God. Every lack or unmet needs we face is God's reminder that He is the source. Some have wealth issues, some have health issues, some have approval issues and some have time issues. Some need money to buy what they want, some need healing to move around peacefully, some need permission to do what they want and some need rest, leisure, or time to spend with their loved ones, travel, study or the way they want to live. Remember, God balances mankind's life on earth based on these four factors; directly or indirectly; either by; giving or removing it, them, based on one's obedience or disobedience to His word, Bible/Him. Except physical birth and death, everything in life is a choice, including eternal or spiritual: birth, life and death.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hidden agendas, vested interests are not Godly but selfishness, evil. We must develop others also, to reach extraordinary success, in a very short time..

Hidden agendas and vested interests are not Godly but selfishness and evil. Its a sign and proof of one's unbelief on God's continued provision, protection and promotions. We must first of all understand and believe without wavering, it is God who created, keeping and blessing us, but not men. Men are being used by God, to bless us but the source is God and God alone. So love, bless and develop others who are around, so that we can build anything BIG and great together. Even so is the Kingdom of God; so that, we can reach extraordinary success in a very short time. Remember, Bible/God says there is power in unity. Remain united, trusting God.

Self development is pivotal to leadership success..Take time, pain and make sure, everyday you learn something new, personally. Do whatever it takes, to build yourself on a daily basis....

Take time, pain and make sure, everyday you learn something new, personally. Do whatever it takes, to build yourself on a daily basis. Make it a hobby, habit, so that that may become a business with pleasure. Learning is imperative until we breathe our last. Self development is pivotal to leadership success. So, while focusing on others, don't ignore yourself. The more you equip yourself, the more you can be fruitful to self and many others.

Some folks carry great weight only in their titles before their names but not in them. They are visible and recognized by the world only because of their titles....

Be different, be the difference. Impact lives around your life. Love and respect people. Smile at people. Say hi, hello,.. Greet people. Encourage one another. Say few words of love, encouragement and hope from your heart rather than giving others a great lecture from what someone said from someone's head. Many people are in pain and tears around us, though they don't share, with all. Some folks carry great weight only in their titles before their names but not in them. They are visible and recognized by the world only because of their titles not by their contributions. You do good, though you don't have one. Get into God's books. Leaders never wait for titles. Wake up, go forward, touching and transforming lives around.

Valuing your time is the sign and proof of your growing wisdom. Try to engage in high impact activities, aiming to touch and transform millions across the globe....

Valuing your time is the sign and proof of your growing wisdom. Try to engage in high impact activities, aiming to touch and transform millions across the globe. Think BIG, dream BIG, talk BIG so that you can become BIG. Stop wasting you precious: resources, talents, energy and time; with jokers who have no value for their or others: time, talents and treasures. Get rid of or run away from: all negative folks and atmospheres, from your mind and physical presence. Life is just once, be your best; nothing is impossible for a willing mind. Be an achiever. Be an extraordinary man/woman. Good luck.

Inspiring and igniting people to produce more will bring in great results than trying to threaten and beg them to do the same...

Inspiring and igniting people to produce more will bring in great results than trying to threaten and beg them to do the same. People are the real great assets. They respond more to love and respect, wisdom and knowledge, bonus and incentives than threats and begging.  Great results become easy and automatic when people in your team are inspired and ignited by your shared vision and wisdom. Make everyone in your team know and believe that they are also a partner in your vision and a partaker in its returns; for untold great success. Lying and cheating, injustice and partiality are the most common dominating and invisible enemies of every non growing and failing organizations. 

Sports stars are for real but cine stars are just actors; in God's kingdom, there is no room for hypocrites; but in devil's kingdom, devil himself is an actor. Wake up....

       Sports stars are for real, they bring out what is in them; but cine stars are just actors, they become what the director wants them to be; in God's kingdom there is no room for actors; God hates hypocrisy, double mindedness and double standard people. God expects us to be good and real. But in devil's world: hypocrisy, lying, cheating, stealing, bribing, fooling, killing, destroying: all these evil acts are, very common, accepted and practiced; even devil himself is an actor. So wake up. Change for good: become real, live good, love and respect others; promoting peace and harmony and pleasing God. Bible/God warns of final judgment for all mankind; be informed, set right things before God and before men; before that most unexpected and uncertain death kisses us good bye.

Those who believe, act, say: that they don't need others are in ignorance. God said love your neighbors; for an awesome reason; how can we love others, without even knowing them?...

       Those who continue to believe, never hesitate to openly act and publicly say: that they don't need others are still in ignorance and darkness. God said love your neighbors; why? because we are all unique and we carry in us precious gifts and talents; which are also unique. How can we ever have access to other's assets and share ours with them, in order to enjoy, without even knowing and loving them. Remember, we came naked and we will go back like that one day. Moreover, we cannot enjoy life without listening to God, who created and gifted that to us in the first place. Love your neighbor to obey and please God. God is the greatest giver: seek, honor and worship Him, to receive and enjoy more.

It is a blessing to be: educated, wise, gifted and talented but that clarity in one's head is not real until it reaches their feet, blessing others...

       It is a great blessing to be: highly educated, being very wise, exceptionally gifted and talented but that clarity in one's head is not real until it reaches their feet, blessing the commoners out there, impacting lives in and around their lives. Nothing we brought in to this world, when born; and it is very certain nothing we can carry with us when dead, so until death stops us: be a giver of love, kindness, wisdom, knowledge, encouragement, hope and whatever to put a smile on God's face and the receiver's face. Make God proud: for creating, revealing, keeping, protecting, providing and blessing you.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

To get what we never had before we must do what we never did before...

Inputs decide outputs. To get what we never had before in life we must do what we never did before. Don't remain married to your past, repeating only what you used think and believe. Discontinue rejecting information and change. Go for knowledge and wisdom shopping, as frequently as possible, know whats happening outside your mind, life, family, community and country. Bring the best inside and boost it. Think out of the box. World is shrinking. People are the real assets; mingle with outside world also, to tap into their findings and discoveries; to benefit you and others. Life is short, live quick, change for good; so that we can make this planet a better place together, for us and our children to pass through.

Most important thing in a relationship is not what we say or buy but what we are in it visibly and invisibly. Love, truth, respect, care, understanding: imperative as well as irreplaceable....

Most important thing in a relationship is not what we say or what we buy but what we are in it, visibly and invisibly. Loving, being truthful and transparent, respecting, caring, readily taking up responsibilities and understanding each other; these are qualities not only imperative for a healthy, happy relationship but also irreplaceable ones. Joking must be there in relationships but relationships should not become a joke.

Don't lose heart, just one great idea can change your life for ever. Think about it....

Stop begging for position, promotion, increment or bonus; Rather identify and start solving problems that matters to most, wherever you are; your desire can be demanded, then. No more begging. Think about it. Don't lose heart, just one great idea can change your life for ever. Think about it. 

Past cannot be changed, no point in crying about it. Stop trying to fix it...

Past cannot be changed, no point in crying about it. Stop trying to fix it. Rather focus on your future, look for the available opportunities around to make a difference in someone's life and yours as well, by getting involved in their lives; make it so awesome; so that you and others, may not remember your past. 

Be very careful to make right choices; because the choices you make now, will make you later...

Be very careful and wise in making right choices. Reason and research, to find out maximum facts possible. Never let anyone decide on your behalf, because of your laziness or ignorance. Ask, listen and learn; because the choices you make every now and then are very important in life, because they are only going to make you successful or failure later.

Devil gets more afraid of us; not because of our theological degrees, way we preach, Church we run, position we hold in Church body; but our relationship with God...

       Devil gets more afraid of us; not because of our theological degrees or the way we preach; jumping and screaming all the time or a crowd pulling church we run in the city, or the top positions we hold in the Church body; but only because of our extraordinary relationship with God. Devil believes in God and trembles before God. Even devil knows very well who is who in the Lord. So don't be deceived. While preaching many others, never be a teacher, only to them but be a obedient student as well, to yourself; believing and obeying God in your personal life too, pleasing God and remaining a great threat to the kingdom of devil.

Never keep dreaming about an awesome future; when you are still happily married to your past lifestyle and mindset...

Never keep dreaming about an awesome future; while you are still happily married to your past lifestyle and mindset. Throw those obsolete garbage outside your life and mind; So that you can move forward, thinking great and awesome things moving towards glory. Never forget, constant change is inevitable for fast improvement and growth. Be quick to learn and apply. Life is short; live fast.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Bible says that God has engraved or tattooed us on His palm [Isaiah 49.16] and He says His heart and eyes are always on us [Psalms 53.2] How sweet, comforting and uplifting; GOD HIMSELF is LOVE [1 John 4.8] God's love for us is Awesome [John 14.1-3] ... Become HIS [Romans 10.9-10] to enjoy these promises my friend!!!

At times, because you are an orphan, fatherless, widow, destitute, poor, needy, helpless or you live isolated or no one is very much interested in your life, for x,y,z reasons; we even feel, question, does anyone really care, love or even know that I exist. Beloved, be informed, about what Bible says about you. Bible/God says that God has engraved or tattooed us on His palm; and He says His heart and eyes are always on us. How sweet, comforting and uplifting; God's love is. Seek, honor and worship Him to enjoy His sweet fellowship deep down your heart and to get rid of your loneliness. Remember, God always care; even if we don't feel or believe it.

Honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness these are Godly virtues and these must begin in our hearts....

Bible/God says honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness these are Godly virtues and these must begin in our hearts. if those virtues are not birthed in our hearts we cannot remain so, to ourselves in the first place and in turn, we cannot be honest, true, just and fair to God, authorities or any men. It is the devil which convinces many to compromise on these Godly life giving virtues, for some quick illegal gains; sowing in them; greed, selfishness, wickedness and injustice; pushing them away from God's will and pleasure; into untold pains and shame.

Promote solutions wherever possible by being one and educating others. God bless you, my friend....

Bible/God says foolishness is a problem but wisdom is the solution. Death is a problem but eternal life is the solution. Hatred is a problem but love is the solution. Ignorance is a  problem but knowledge is the solution. Pride is a problem but humility is the solution. Divisions are problems but unity, oneness is the solution. Devil is the problem but God is the solution. Injustice is the problem but justice is the solution. Wickedness is the problem but righteousness is the solution. Greed is the problem but fairness is the solution. Promote solutions wherever possible by being one and wisely, politely educating others. God bless you, my friend.

Like planning for: building a house, children's: education, marriage, buying properties, savings for retirement, future: plan for your life after death as well...

Like planning for: building a dream house, children's: education and their marriage, buying some properties or doing some savings and investments for our retirement, future: plan for your life after death as well. Think of the eternal life or eternal death Bible/God talks about. Someday, we must suddenly leave everyone and everything behind, to depart from this very uncertain temporary life to meet the Creator who is the reason behind our being, and being here; keep that in mind always and be prepared accordingly. Consult Bible/God. Like everything we see, smell, hear, touch, taste, feel,.. has a manufacturer/producer; same way, for there is a Creator behind us as well, He is Jesus, He is God, someday we must meet Him gladly or sadly, based upon our relationship with Him, now, while living on earth.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Partnering with devil is very easy like, losing: trust, virginity or vision; but with God it is to like keeping them or gaining them back...God is good, devil is evil. Love God, love good. Hate devil, hate all forms of evil...

Life, strength, love, joy, peace, energy, enthusiasm to, do good; And wisdom, knowledge, understanding, power and revelation to, be good; flows from God. Which demands divine discipline, commitment and determination. This is why it is not very easy to follow Jesus, but it is very much possible. Whereas devil's are very easy: because its just lying, stealing, cheating, hating, destroying and being: unjust, greedy, wicked; which comes only from devil and slowly walks one towards death. Partnering with devil is very easy like, losing: trust, virginity or vision; but with God it is like keeping them forever or gaining them back. God is good, devil is evil. Love God, love good. Hate devil, hate all forms of evil.

God hasn't stopped you from using internet or reaching out and establishing contacts with like minded people from different parts of the world...

Don't feel: bad, mad or sad: because none of your neighbors are fitting into what you have been looking for. God hasn't stopped you from using internet or reaching and establishing friendship with like minded people from other parts of the world. Be proactive. Stop thinking like a pond fish, start thinking like a global, ocean fish. We were local and national once but now global. So think BIG, talk BIG, become and be BIG. Be a leader. Be: creative, innovative and a trend setter. 

It is unfair, wrong and foolishness to compare yourself with someone you think better than you and feeling bad, sad, depressed and deceived...

       We are all unique in appearance, voice, body odor, DNA, and many other things; including God's gifts and talents for everyone of us, in others words, you have no competitor; so it is unfair, wrong and foolishness to compare yourself with someone you think better than you and feeling bad, sad, depressed and deceived; rather understand and accept the fact that you are unique, and bring the best out of you, fulfilling your God sent call. And never lose your eternal life, ignoring Jesus; comparing temporary visible world with invisible God, who is eternal and immortal.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

True friends never care about: the size of our house, price of our car, cost of our clothes or bank balance we have...

True  friends never care about: the size of our house, price of our car,  cost of our clothes or bank balance we have; because it is not about the wealth or what we own but loyalty, love and feelings, they shared, share with us. True friends are our real wealth, who love us for who we are and not for what we have. Love, care and cherish them, they are not commonly available but very rare. Never take them for granted. Bible says, Lord Jesus can also become our friend, if we believe and obey, what Bible says. One of the greatest gifts of God is getting a or few true friends, go for it, if you are lucky enough to get some, develop it; enjoy and thank God for it..

Whenever you feel that vacuum, emptiness deep down you, remember it is time to pray and be with family, friends and loved ones...

We are spirit beings, as well. That is why, at times no matter how bad we try material pleasures to pamper us, it doesn't satisfy us like; having, enjoying fellowship with our family, friends, loved ones and seeking and soaking into God's presence. So, whenever you feel that vacuum, emptiness deep down you, remember it is time to pray and be with family, friends and loved ones.