FAMILY is GOD founded [Genesis 1.28], [Genesis 6.9], it is GOD's own idea. That is why GOD commanded PARENTS to teach, train, correct and discipline their children in the Knowledge of GOD and HIS Values [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Proverbs 22.6 ], [Proverbs 22.15], [Ephesians 6.4] and CHILDREN to Honor and Obey their parents in order to enjoy a long and happy life [Exodus 20.12], [Ephesians 6.1]; HUSBANDS to love their wives in order to have a great home [Ephesians 5.25] and WIVES to submit themselves unto their husbands in order to be protected, provided, preached and enjoy peaceful home [Ephesians 5.22] saying Husband is the HEAD of the family [Ephesians 5.23]. So the more we keep GOD in our Families the more we can Enjoy GOD's Protection, Provision, Peace and Perfection [John 2.5], [Deuteronomy 23.14], the moment YOU remove GOD/BIBLE from your family by Ignoring, Bypassing or willfully Disobeying GOD; Remember YOU have removed LIFE from you, because GOD alone is LIFE, Strength, Joy, Peace and Hope; and thereby You have opened the door for the enemy or devil [Isaiah 1.19-20], [1 Peter 5.8]. Beloved GOD is the only LIFE giver and perfecter of it; by giving us Rest, Peace, Love, Joy, Fun and Hope as much as we Seek HIM wholeheartedly [Psalms 34.10]. GOD is not only our Creator but also our FATHER [Matthew 6.9] and Friend [James 2.23], [John 15.13-15] full of Love and Compassion; Forgiveness and Acceptance; Allow HIM to Love and Comfort You... Beloved Accept JESUS now if you are yet to be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10], so that GOD may open the Flood gates of LOVE, JOY, PEACE and HOPE in your life too!

Christianity is LOVE and RESPECT for ALL. GOD/BIBLE Never even suggests to: 1. Hate Anyone but rather commands us to LOVE; not only our: family, friends, neighbors but also our Enemies! 2. Not to Curse others but commands us to BLESS even them that curse us. 3. Not to Do evil to our Haters but commands us to DO GOOD 4. And to PRAY for those who USE us selfishly and PERSECUTE us [Matthew 5.44]. These are few of numerous GOD's Kingdom Principles for great untold Eternal Rewards which will show up once we are DEAD and gone. So never break them. GOD is GOOD, GOD is LOVE whereas Devil is EVIL. It is Devil who: deceives, lies, steals, kills and destroys but not GOD. [1 John 4.8], [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.9]. My friend Know JESUS personally as your Savior in order to know Real Love, Joy, Peace and Hope! Beloved know this it is JESUS who SAVES us but Not Religion ... JESUS DIED for our SINS, Forgave us and Loves us and Commands us to copy HIM to LOVE, RESPECT, FORGIVE others and Heal our world... Christianity is not a religion my friend as Misunderstood by Billions but a Relationship with GOD our Heavenly FATHER [John 1.12-13] walking in the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD [Romans 12.2]... By being Dead to our old dark self and quickened to CHRIST in our spirit [2 Corinthians 5.17] ...loving, forgiving, respecting and accepting everyone [Matthew 19.19]... Winning them [Matthew 28.19-20] for CHRIST, saving souls [Proverbs 11.30]... Go for it, become and be a CHRISTIAN, be BLESSED and be a BLESSING to others as well...

Good friendship is wonderful but True friendship is awesome. Beloved of all relationships FRIENDSHIP is Wonderful. A true friend is someone who picks us up, when nobody else has even noticed, realized that we have fallen. A true friend often acts proactively; sensing, observing, asking and finding out things which, not even our family or other loved ones know about. There is No fear or shyness between true friends. There is No secrets between them. True friends know they are equal. True friends accepts, appreciates, cautions and corrects everything and never discriminates. There is no boundaries between them like age, sex, religion, color, creed, size, shape, status, etc. True friendship is selfless. True friendship is Real. True friendship is full of LOVE and RESPECT. True friendship is simply Awesome [1 Samuel 18.1]. You know what GOD/BIBLE says about us and all things we: see, hear, touch, feel and perceive?, they were all created by GOD and for HIS own pleasure [Colossians 1.16-18] Wow, how sweet, we were created for GOD's pleasure. So, can we befriend GOD? Enjoy HIS company? of course we can, but how? just by knowing, believing and keeping GOD's Word the Holy BIBLE which is HIS offer for Anyone to become HIS friend [James 2.23], [John 15.13-15] Its very true my brother, my sister and my dear friend. Its amazing, you too can be a friend of GOD Our Creator. Sounds great? Please go for it.... Become and be GOD's friend! What a privilege! Remember GOD is GOOD.