DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Rapture?... What is it? It is the transfiguration of Christians; who live according to Bible standards for Eternal life with God Himself....
Learning, understanding, believing and obeying Bible in all walks of life results in clear conscience. There is no better pillow as soft as clear conscience for a sound sleep...
Learning, understanding, believing and obeying Bible in all walks of life results in clear
conscience. There is no better pillow as soft as clear conscience for a sound
sleep. Nothing gives us more peace and joy like being just, right, loving and kind to others. God created us, created our universe; listen to Him to enjoy life to its best on earth and in heaven to come. If you break His laws, He will break His promises for you. Don't expect Him to fill you with peace, when you have no regard for Him, His word, the Bible.
Never wait until Retirement, Disability or Death hits you unawares, robbing of all your opportunities suddenly and forever [Ecclesiastes 9.12] before you live and Enjoy life, Doing Good [Matthew 3.10], Earn your Eternal Rewards [Matthew 5.12], Heap Eternal Treasures for you [Matthew 6.20] by Pleasing GOD [Hebrews 13.16] thus bringing Glory to HIS Name [Matthew 5.16]. Beloved What GOD loves and expects from us is: to live a Just and Righteous life [Psalms 33.5]. So live your life when GOD has given you Good: Health, Strength and Sound Mind. There will be a time, we may not be as: Healthy, Strong, Approved and Alive as Now. So don't waste great opportunities focusing only on less or unimportant things in life. Someday Everyone and Everything will leave you forever. Keep that in mind, always; STOP for a moment now,- think, Who created you and why?- ask and try to find out the answer, which is there only in the BIBLE and Prioritize things, Now. Be wise. Do Good things, Great things; Achieve and Accomplish things, Today and Every Day.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Protocol is the expected behavior, precise conduct that's expected in any given environment....
It takes wisdom and knowledge to understand a protocol and it takes patience, self-control and wisdom to respect and keep it. Protocol is the expected behavior, the precise conduct that is expected in any given environment. Very often, many business, social and family relationships; right from top to bottom turn; sour, bitter and break because of unexpected bad behavior, which annoys and breaks up peoples heart; ending up in disasters. So take time to learn about the protocols before entering into any new environment and be committed to behave yourself exactly the way you are expected to. Always, remember; you will never get a second chance to make your first impression. Protocol is everything or matters a lot. Every environment has a protocol for entering and staying in it. Obey the law of the house, environment.
Someday we will leave everyone, everything behind; when you can do good, never hesitate, never delay...Look around and do what best you can...
Bible says blessed is he that considers the poor, the Lord will deliver him in times of trouble [Psalms 41.1] Happy is the generous man, the one who feeds the poor. [Proverbs 22:9]Jesus says: Then the just and the upright will answer God [on judgment day] saying Lord when did we see you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcomed and entertained you? or naked, and clothed you? or when did we see you sick or in prison, and came to visit you? And the king will reply to them, truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these my brethren [Poor, helpless, hopeless] you did it for Me [Matthew 25.37-40] My friend, master Bible, believe and obey what it says, for eternal life in heaven. Don't be deceived, by ignoring Bible/God.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Bible says, these: military, economical, scientific, social and natural signs will precede before the coming of Jesus Christ...very interesting... Know about impending future before it takes you unawares... Be SAVED and be ready my friend [Romans 10.9-10]
Bible warns those disciples of Jesus, the Born again Christians, to be ready to join Jesus in His second coming to enter into eternal life, which He promised them; in heaven with Him. He said these following signs will precede before His coming. [Please read Matthew 24.3-14, Mark 13.3-13, Luke 21. 8-20, Luke 17.26-30, Luke 21.11, 2 Timothy 3.1-5, Daniel 12.1-4, 2 Peter 3.9, 2 Timothy 4.1 and 4, Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] Bible says (1) Deceptions (2) Wars and rumors of wars (3) Nation against nation (4) Kingdom against kingdom (5) Famine (6) Pestilences (7) Earthquakes (8) Persecution (9) Fearful sights in heaven, UFOs (10) Men hating truth (11) Increasing presence of deceiving spirits, doctrines of demons (12) Perilous times (13) Scoffers of God (14) Sodomy, swinging, swapping wives [Luke 17.26, Romans 1.18] (15) Blood, smoke, fire [Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] My friends please read those above given Bible verses to know, understand and believe in God. Jesus is coming back soon. Bible says those who have ears, let him hear [Mt.11.15] those who read understand [Mt. 24.15] So, you have both, be wise, action.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Revamp your associations. Avoid: helping, approving, loving, dealing, dining with: evil, greedy, unjust and wicked people who REFUSE to Change for GOOD. Bible/God says, we must walk away from evil people [Proverbs 3.11] Limit your associations with folks who doesn't enjoy great reputation in the neighborhood. Avoid: befriending, loving, dealing, dining and doing business with evil, greedy, selfish, unjust and wicked people. You may try to evangelize them but in that process don't lose yourself. Don't long for their favors and gifts. Their kindness is a trick; they want to use you as their pawn. [Proverbs 23:6] Remember it is God who blesses us. When we obey Him, He has no option but to bless us. Keep looking for God's blessings, that is joyful and peaceful; which will always come without strings attached. Always try to associate with godly/good people who love: justice, fairness, peace, joy and mutual respect, safety and happiness for all....
Correct your children. Discipline them. They won't die if you use a stick on them. Punishment will keep them out of troubles, prison and hell...
Bible/God says we must correct, discipline our kids [Proverbs 3.11-12] Never hesitate to correct your children. Discipline them on time, every time. They won't die if you use a stick on them. Punishment will keep them out of many troubles, prisons and hell. Do it if you really love them. If you fail to do it at home now, when they are small and in your hands; the society will teach them not with love and softness but with force and roughness, which might be very painful to witness. Moreover, your own children will hate you when they grow up, for you having not corrected them when they were young, in your supervision. So act now. Be wise. Be a responsible parent. Raise great children, citizens and leaders for the world.
Enjoy every moment in life with your loved ones; feel free to express your love, feelings and observe, ask for your partner's feelings too, nothing wrong in that, in fact that is the right thing you must do. Be proactive. Ask your partner for her/his preferences and choices, instead of assuming and spoiling your/their mood. Remember in every happy relationship; the little things matter a lot, indeed they are the big things. Don't be too reserved. You don't have to be like that, unless and until that turns on your partner. Be wise. Live, enjoy your life, thanking God, who gifted us with this life.
Friday, February 22, 2013
God/Bible says when we make a feast; to call the poor, maimed, lame, blind; so that we can be blessed, and have treasures in heaven...Luke 14.13-14
Bible says blessed is he that considers the poor, the Lord will deliver him in times of trouble [Psalms 41.1] Happy is the generous man, the one who feeds the poor. [Proverbs 22:9]Jesus says: Then the just and the upright will answer God [on judgment day] saying Lord when did we see you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcomed and entertained you? or naked, and clothed you? or when did we see you sick or in prison, and came to visit you? And the king will reply to them, truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these my brethren [Poor, helpless, hopeless] you did it for Me [Matthew 25.37-40] My friend, master Bible, believe and obey what it says, for eternal life in heaven. Don't be deceived, by ignoring Bible/God.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Eternal, heavenly life is real but not easy; so be watchful, listen to what God says...Accept and Help the helpless and hopeless...
All those in prisons are not guilty indeed and all those who are outside are not innocent too. Jesus says: Then the just and the upright will answer God [on judgment day] saying Lord when did we see you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcomed and entertained you? or naked, and clothed you? or when did we see you sick or in prison, and came to visit you? And the king will reply to them, truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these my brethren [Poor, helpless, hopeless] you did it for Me [Matthew 25.37-40] My friend, master Bible, believe and obey what it says, for eternal life in heaven. Don't be deceived, by ignoring Bible/God.
Helping others is nothing but sowing seeds for reaping help...what you sow, what you reap beloved... So, sow good, so that you can reap good... If you help the deserving folks around get what they want, you can have everything you want, sooner or later; through them or through someone else. Remember, JESUS said; love your neighbor the way you love yourself [Mark 12.31] why? GOD is our Father, [y]our neighbor is HIS child as well, your brother or sister. Every time, you help some, you put a smile on our dad's face, and in turn, dad: honors, appreciates, reciprocate what we do, saying what one sows, one reaps [Galatians 6.7-8]. So do good to have good.
Success is always hiding or residing on the other side of pains and without entertaining pains and problems, you can't meet success and make her your own... Criticism, enmity, hatred, insult and rejection are the price we pay for progress to realize our dreams. Success is always hiding or residing on the other side of pains and without entertaining pains and problems, don't think you can meet Success...and have her as your own. Remember, no pain no gain. No cross no crown. No thorns no throne. Every good thing has a visible or invisible price to be paid, directly or indirectly. Jesus paid the price for our sins by His precious blood on the cross and now by simply accepting Him as our Lord and God, we can enjoy eternal life, says the Bible, God's word. Go for it....
Marriage, relationship: works well, at its best when a couple has a single purpose, goal, in life... Stop getting into trouble willingly, because of fake attractions and making bad decisions. Be quick to gather information but patient to think, analyze before making decisions, when it comes to very serious things; like marriage or divorce. Life is not a joke. Nothing wrong in laughing, being jovial but never take things for granted always, you never know, when things may go beyond your control and bitter. So play while you play, work while you work; if you change this order you will cry while others are laughing. Remember fish can't fly and birds can't swim. Make sure your partner and you share same purpose and goal in life, before settling down....
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Loving God means; not just bringing some offerings and paying tithes to your Church regularly but knowing and keeping God's word, the Bible in all walks of our life [John 14.23] God says first commandment is to love Him [Mark 12.30] God counsels us to love Him wholeheartedly [Deuteronomy 6.5] God says He knows very well, who loves Him [1 Corinthians 8.3] God says He will turn our curses into blessings when we love Him [Deuteronomy 23.5] God says, whatever happens in the lives of those who love Him, happens for their own good, even bad things [Romans 8.28] God says no eyes have seen, ears have heard or hearts have perceived what wonderful things God has prepared for those who love Him [1 Corinthians 2.9] So begin to love God, who began loving us, even before we were born, moreover it is for your own good.
You know the wrong people in life won't go voluntarily; you must throw them out....
As we throw out garbage regularly; get rid of all wrong guys from life, who are the invisible agents of devil; unwilling to learn, understand and change for good. You know the wrong people in life won't go voluntarily; you must throw them out. However you try to convince, correct and bring them up and turn them into good; there are folks, who will always refuse to be corrected and try to rather convince, spoil and destroy you. Never play with them, just get rid of them from your contact list as soon as you can. Be wise. Stop playing with fire.
God's gifts are countless but one among them is enjoying a great relationship...
God's gifts are countless but one among them is enjoying a great relationship: Never lie, cheat or make promises you can't keep with your partner; to enjoy your relationship better and longer. The more honest, true, transparent, responsible, loving, kind and caring you are; the more you can bring out of your relationship and enjoy together with your partner and family. Relationship is not a business, trading or transaction but more than that, it is God instituted; sacred and holy. Never separate God from it because He is the founder, administrator and finisher of it, life. Love is the base and being in every good relationship. Remember, God is love.
Stop assuming and missing your wonderful life. Sometimes the people we think, don't want to talk to us, are the ones desperately waiting for us to talk to them. People are always hungry for appreciation, compliments, praise, recognition, love, care, wisdom and knowledge. Never hesitate to talk to others, whenever there is an opportunity and you got something good to say. Remember, animals won't and can't talk to us. Worst punishment one can suffer is to be separated from other fellow humans and the best reward one can enjoy is to be in an environment with loved ones, living together. So break your silence and talk to others.
A true friend is someone who accepts our past and covers it up; supports our present and stands by it; and encourages our future and enlarges it. They are neither managers, nor partners or clients of our life but simply they take all pains for the well being of us for almost nothing. They are the rare diamonds among common rocks found out there in the streets. Never leave them, if you are blessed to have one, they are the real assets in life. Don't take them for granted. You know Jesus is like one of them, indeed best among them. He can be better than them, you know why, He is more than a man but God, yet He says, He can be our friend; and He is, when we follow His teachings. Go for it, its an awesome experience....
Great achievers, always: sense, spot and grab: every great opportunity swiftly, making even big decisions quickly...Become one like them...
Great achievers: sense, spot and grab great opportunities swiftly, making even big decisions quickly, and move into action immediately; saving: time, energy and efforts. Do you want to become one, then increase your speed of: asking questions, thinking, understanding and action; never wait until retirement or death to decide, when convinced of anything good and great. Be a now man/woman. Life is just once and short; so live: good, fast and wise.
Don't promise when you are happy and never decide when you are angry...
Never promise when you are happy and never decide when you are angry. It is easy, good and wisdom to fix a great but broken relationship than starting a new one to lose it later and fall into deeper pit of pain and agony than before. Are you trying to recover from a broken relationship? If so, never rush into another one. Don't do that when you feel like doing it, but when you don't; in order to be happy and successful in relationships. No one is perfect; everyone has their own flaws and shortcoming, because we are all unique. So forgive, forget, accept and move on, to enjoy life better and longer.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Though God created us for His own pleasure, He created us in such a way that someday, you will become someone special to someone else...thereby loved and loving...Thank God for life....
Though God/Bible says, God created us and this universe for His own pleasure [Colossians 1.16];
God created us in such a way that, you were going to be special to someone, someday. Be happy with yourself, with your family, loved ones and friends, and know that you are loved by God and many. Bring God in your thoughts, intents, words and deeds to see your life becoming more interesting, fun, joy and peaceful. God adds value to life but devil removes it.[John 10.10] More you welcome God and worship Him: more wisdom, love, joy, peace and hope will flow in your inner being. Or the more devil or evil you entertain, more unrest, worries and fear you must suffer. Everything in life, is just a choice. So choose wisely.
God is the greatest giver.. Reflect on God's numerous gifts to you. It will increase your joy, peace and hope...God is just. He has gifted us all. Identify, develop and deploy your gifts and talents on time, bearing fruits for His kingdom. Reflect on God's numerous gifts and talents to you. It will increase your joy, peace and hope. God is good, He has given us all, something or other. We don't have anything good, which God has not given us. So often ponder on those, use and enjoy them before too late. Be thankful and happy. Be blessed and become a blessing to others, as well, SHARING and Caring others...
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Sickbed is a shocking as well as a sad thing to experience but the good news is this; BIBLE/GOD says that GOD is not only our Creator and provider but also our healer [Ex 15.26]. What physicians cannot do, GOD can do [Mk 10.27]. GOD says by the stripes of JESUS, by believing in HIM, we can be healed [Is 53.5, 1 Pt 2.24]. Our: faith in JESUS heals [Mt 9.22]. Prayer heals [Psalms 30.2, James 5.16]. When worshiping GOD [Ex 23.25]. Humility before GOD [2 Chronicles 7.14]. Forgiving others [Mt 6.14-15, Psalms 107.17]. Tears before GOD heals [2 Kings 20.1-5]. Helping poor and needy heals [Psalms 41.1-3]. Praising GOD heals [Psalms 103.1-5]. Loving BIBLE heals [Proverbs 4.22]. When we look at GOD [Mt 13.13-15]. GOD's word heals [Psalms 107.20]. JESUS is our healer, HE is the word of GOD [John 1.1]. Job prayed for his friends when he himself was in tears, pain and in shame [Job 42.10], then GOD turned his captivity around and blessed him with Double Portion Blessings! Beloved Do these things and be healed in your body, soul and spirit and Blessed with Double Portion Blessings too in JESUS' Name.
Beloved be the real YOU. Don't hesitate to share your ideas, mind, views; in a polite, nice, wise manner with your loved ones; instead of hiding them in, living in fear and depression... If you love someone, tell them, express your love, because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken, on time. So, never hesitate to share your mind; especially with your partner and loved ones; in a polite, nice and wise manner without forcing or begging them to buy them, but leaving the choices to them. Remember, even GOD doesn't force HIS interests on us, human beings. GOD shares HIS heart in the BIBLE and giving us HIS promises with its conditions; finally, giving us the option to choose. So be wise. Make your partner, loved ones, your true friends in order to give them your best and receive their best. Life is just one. Make it an awesome one. Enjoy to the brim, without harming anyone.
Good friendship is wonderful but True friendship is awesome. Beloved of all relationships FRIENDSHIP is Wonderful. A true friend is someone who picks us up, when nobody else has even noticed, realized that we have fallen. A true friend often acts proactively; sensing, observing, asking and finding out things which, not even our family or other loved ones know about. There is No fear or shyness between true friends. There is No secrets between them. True friends know they are equal. True friends accepts, appreciates, cautions and corrects everything and never discriminates. There is no boundaries between them like age, sex, religion, color, creed, size, shape, status, etc. True friendship is selfless. True friendship is Real. True friendship is full of LOVE and RESPECT. True friendship is simply Awesome [1 Samuel 18.1]. You know what GOD/BIBLE says about us and all things we: see, hear, touch, feel and perceive?, they were all created by GOD and for HIS own pleasure [Colossians 1.16-18] Wow, how sweet, we were created for GOD's pleasure. So, can we befriend GOD? Enjoy HIS company? of course we can, but how? just by knowing, believing and keeping GOD's Word the Holy BIBLE which is HIS offer for Anyone to become HIS friend [James 2.23], [John 15.13-15] Its very true my brother, my sister and my dear friend. Its amazing, you too can be a friend of GOD Our Creator. Sounds great? Please go for it.... Become and be GOD's friend! What a privilege! Remember GOD is GOOD.
The world is in a mess because things are being loved and people are being used...
People should be loved and things should be used. The world is in a big mess today, because things are being loved and people are being used. Many great would be: leaders, scientists, doctors, engineers, teachers, social workers,.. and wonderful citizens are in those awesome, amazing but uncared for kids, in the streets, across the globe; labelled as: orphans, fatherless, homeless, poor and needy. whereas many very fortunate animals, have all possible care and luxury, in millions of homes, eating and sleeping next to their masters; across the globe as pets. Remember, God said love your neighbor, as yourself [Mt. 19.19] Obey God. The day will come, we all must stand for judgment before God. Ecclesiastes 12.13-14.
God/Bible says that marriage is so personal. That union between husband and wife is so holy ...
God/Bible says that marriage is so personal. That the union between husband and wife is so holy [Hebrews 13.4] So always keep God/Bible in your marriage. God is always the unseen judge, overseer, father. Every marriage is full of tears and cheers, pains and pleasures. Always keep this mind, the world need not know all, pains and problems, what's happening between you and your partner. Keep it to yourself. Share only the good and great things with others. Remember, marriage is just the beginning of, creation of your own family life, with godly love and forgiveness as its foundation; and countless sacrifices and responsibilities, as its healthy body, until death parts. Hope you got it.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Marriage is God's idea, divorce is devil's....Nowadays, many people change their partners as easily and frequently, as they change their shoes...
Marriage is God's idea, divorce is devil's. Nowadays, many people change their partners as easily and frequently, as they change their shoes. Devil supplied selfishness and lust, has blinded and fooled the hearts and minds of many. No more value or desire for having a healthy, happy, lasting marriage; where children can enjoy only one father and one mother, till the end; receiving love, care, wisdom and knowledge from them and considering, copying their parents as their role models, thereby healing and building the society, as they enter into their family life. So bring God/Bible in to your family. Husband + God + wife = Threefold cord; which won't be broken.
Bible says; fear of God is not being scared of God but believing and obeying God...
Bible says; fear of God is not being scared of God but believing and obeying God. God promises us, so many blessings when we fear Him or believe and obey Him. Wisdom [Pro 1.7] Angel protection [Ps 34.7] Satisfaction [Pro 19.23] Honor, wealth and life [Pro 22.4] Enemies become our friends [Pro 16.7] God becomes our teacher [Ps 25.12] God becomes our friend [Ps 25.14] God surprises us pleasantly [Ps 31.19] God shows mercy like an earthly father [Ps 103.13] God grants our heart's desires [Ps 145.19] God does what we say [Ex 33.17] God protects us from famine and untimely death [Ps 33.18-19] No lacking [Ps 34.9] Long life to anyone who fear God [Pro 10.27] God promises He will put a fear about us in our enemies minds [Deut 28.18-19] So fear God/Bible, believe and obey.
You can never stop people from talking bad and negative stuff against and about you; but, you can always make them eat whatever they said, by living a good and exemplary life proving them totally wrong. Remember, God has not made anyone to depend on anyone for a living, as long as they seek, honor and worship God. It is just our ignorance and misunderstanding, that's all. Wisdom is what God gives to anyone; to begin with, when they believe and obey Him. So listen, learn, understand and change; to prove those bad guys wrong, by living an extraordinary, great life.
People today shop for relationships the way they shop for clothes. They try something on and if it doesn't fit they try something else; not realizing that relationships are more than just physical looks and contacts. It involves one's spirit and soul along with their body; for a happy and successful marriage. Most of the time many focus only on the outward looks of their would be partner and what is available in their hands rather than what's in their head and heart and being deceived. So be patient, watch, observe, find out; before jumping into conclusions, making decisions. No love, no God. No God, no good relationship. Keep this in mind.
Worst sickness is not cancer, aids, heart attack, stroke,.. but sin. Sin depresses, destroys and kills; body, soul and spirit of anyone who loves and practices it. It is world's worst sickness...
Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil; likewise,
love of self or selfishness is the root of all sin. Being just, fair, right is
godliness in practice; directly or indirectly. Sin is also a deadly sickness; world considers and calls worst sickness are cancer, aids, heart attack, stroke,.. and so on; but it is wrong, because the right answer is 'Sin'. Sin depresses, destroys and kills our body, soul and spirit. It is world's worst
sickness. All forms of evil, greed, hatred, injustice, partiality, selfishness and wickedness: in our thoughts, intents, words and deeds are sin. So stop loving, practicing and protecting sin. Get rid of it, before it kills you fully. Bible says, the blood of Jesus can cleanse us, of all our sins; and God's word, the Bible can continue to purify our body, spirit and soul too, until the end. Go for it.
Beloved though it is Invisible there is indeed a very great, unrealized but PRICELESS: Beauty, Attraction, Strength and Power in just being: Humble, Honest, Grateful, Kind and Patient. Don't change yourself, thinking that people will like you. Just be yourself beloved and the right people will always like and love the real GOD intended you. By You posing like someone else which indeed you are Not, you may attract the Wrong people and ban the Right ones from reaching you, who were supposed to be a greater part of your life. That is why GOD commands and expects You and I to be the Original ones HE created in the first place before man sinned, which is now, to be in CHRIST and be a New Creature in HIM and not to become a Copy of someone with or without HIM [2 Corinthians 5.17]. Moreover, in order to be you; you don't have to take any extra pain or lessons; you can always be you without any training or preparation. Become and be real; get rid of all kinds and sizes of hypocrisy from and in you. LOVE and RESPECT ALL and Serve GOD, Authorities and Men: by being honest, kind and real before GOD and men; which indeed will make you even feel good and great almost all the time!
Friday, February 15, 2013
If anyone in Christ, he/she is a new Creation. Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new... Friendship with world is enmity with God [James. 4.4] What is highly esteemed by world is abomination to God [Luke. 16.15] They that follow Jesus as per Bible standards have denied themselves of their worldly pleasures, carrying their cross daily; losing their lives on earth, living for the sake of Jesus and Gospel [Mk. 8.34-35] They are the Jesus said, Salt and Light of the world; preserving and adding taste to and in the social life and leading them to God, by their life of love, forgiveness and peace. [Mt 5.13-14] New creations can have what all Bible promised, in eternity in heaven [Revelation 21.4] These are the New Creations Bible talks about... Become and be one; to enjoy great peace, love, joy and hope; now and later, throughout eternity.
Thank God for His love, kindness for creating you; then continue to thank Him everyday for your: family, friends, health, ability, skills, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, success, laughter, and even for your trials, tears, pains and problems; everything which makes us and help us grow, improve and produce in life. God is good. Many know and understand the value of life, only when others around lose it, right in front of their eyes. Remember many who were with us are no more with us. So be wise. Value and celebrate: life and God's goodness. Stop: wasting life, being ungrateful for all the blessings God has showered upon us....
Smile, be happy, because although you may be having a bad day, you still have food, clean water, clothes, a home and your health. You are blessed indeed...
Be happy, smile; because, though you may be having a bad day; disconnected to your expected luxury, temporarily; remember, you still have: food, clean water, clothes, a home and your health. You are blessed indeed. Billions out there, had not even had, what you had all these days, even for a day in their whole life. Thank God for His goodness and pray for those poor folks; who have only seen pain, poverty and pressures all their life. God is good. Wake up to the realities. So try to bless those helpless and hopeless around, put a smile on someone's face today; by buying a drink, meal, a blanket, an umbrella whatever. We or they may be not be around forever. Be wise. Be grateful. Be good to others.
God's love on you has not changed, though you don't realize it. Sign, proof of His love, care for you is, His continued gift of life, opportunities and a brand new day...Cheer up!!!
Remember, if yesterday didn't end up the way you planned; God created today for you, to start a new one. God's love on you has not changed at all, even though, you don't realize or believe it. Sign and proof of His love and care for you is, His continued gift of life, opportunities and a brand new day. Look around, world is full of opportunities and teachers. Listen, learn, improve and change to succeed in life. So cheer up, get up, dress up; pray, thank God and begin the day, for another hunt for success.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
To keep your relationship up, you must keep your business to yourself, the whole world need not know your problems...Be wise...Save your marriage...
To keep a great relationship up, healthy, running and growing, you must keep your business only to yourself and your partner, the whole world need not know your mutual pains and problems in your relationship, marriage or family. Be wise. Control your tongue. Keep it to yourself. Every family, relationship has their own problems. All those who pose like your brother or sister are always not for real. Many love to hear what you have to say; not to pray for you or help you in anyway but to make fun of you in your absence with others. Don't become someone's free entertainment; betraying your innocent partner by your ignorance, foolishness and stupidity.
Single ladies Know your real worth in CHRIST and enhance it by increasing your walk with GOD on a regular basis. Enrich and BEAUTIFY yourselves with GODLINESS, make Great GODLY Men to: look at you, like you, love you, long for you and MARRY you by your Real and Priceless Godly Appearance and Attitude. Become and be that Virtuous Woman the BIBLE boasts about [Proverbs 31.10] and make even great men to run behind you instead of you waiting for anybody out there... So, Don't lose heart instead seek GOD. For those who love GOD...everything good or bad, happens for their own good says GOD [Romans 8.28]. Keep on trusting and loving GOD, rejecting all the lies of the devil and his followers... Sometimes, what looks like a sudden disappointment, failure, loss or setback outside; is nothing but GOD positioning You to receive what HE has been preparing for your next level... BIBLE/GOD says HE has great plans for us for now and for later too [Jeremiah 29.11], [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20-21]. So Cheer up, praise and thank GOD for this wonderful blessing in GOD... Remember you are a princess in CHRIST and you deserve a Prince in CHRIST. So Trust GOD and HE will make it happen in the right time, as long as you walk with GOD/BIBLE.
If you try to become the best friend of everybody, remember you will never even be a good friend of anybody, worth befriending....
Unfortunately we can't choose our relations, they are given by God, but not our friends. So be wise and good at that. If you try to become the best friend of everybody, remember you will never even be a good friend of anybody, worth befriending. Try to befriend someone, from whom you can receive, learn and better yourself and them, enjoying life. Remember, no one can be: friends with God and devil, good and evil, wise and fools, alive and dead, at the same time. True friends are awesome, go for it.
What is baptism, why it is so important? How it can affect one? here is some information from Bible... Baptism is not just God's idea but command. [Mt 28.19-20] Water testifies [1 John 5.7-8] Jesus Himself stood as a model for us. [Mark 1.9-13] There is only one baptism [Ephesians. 4.5-6] Jesus says immersion baptism is must for entering into heaven. [John 3.5] It helps us begin a new relationship with God [Mt. 3.6] It is for the remission of our sins [Acts.2.38] It is godly righteousness to be followed [Mt.3.15] It is for our salvation [Titus 3.5] It gives us a new identity in Christ [Gal.3.27] It cleanses our spirit of its sins [1 Peter 3.21] It only gives us resurrection guarantee, once we are dead [Col.2.12] It helps us to escape the wrath of God [Luke 3.7] So never delay your knowing, accepting Jesus; getting baptism and being ready to meet God [Acts 8.36-39 and 22.16] Be wise. Be safe. Life is just once, don't lose your eternal life in Jesus Christ. What if Bible says is true and we are wrong; will you get one more opportunity to live again and be baptized, if dead without it. Consider....
JESUS, JESUS, JESUS... Billions of people talk about HIM 24/7. What is so special about HIM?! Is JESUS GOD? YES HE is says the BIBLE [John 1.1-3] with convincing details. Beloved BIBLE gives a lot of very interesting information about JESUS. Here are some. JESUS' Birth, Death and Resurrection was foretold [Isaiah 9.6], [Matthew 20.19]. HE was born of HOLY SPIRIT [Luke 1.35]. HE preached about many things, a lot about Heaven and Eternity [John 14.2-3]. HE was full of wisdom, power, love, compassion and forgiveness [Matthew 9.36]. HE knew peoples heart exactly [Matthew 12.25]. HE prophesied [John 4.18]. HE spoke with authority [Matthew 7.29]. HE said, I tell you [Luke 13.3]. Forgave sins [Matthew 9.2]. Accepted worship [Matthew 8.12]. Healed the lame, deaf, dumb, blind and sick [Matthew 8.3]. Raised the dead [Mark 5.41-42]. Turned water into wine [John 2.7-9] and did countless miracles. Walked on water [Matthew 14.26]. HE disappeared [Luke 24.31]. HE transfigured [Matthew 17.2]. HE claimed HE is the Messiah [John 4.25-26]. Evil spirits confessed, worshiped, obeyed [Mark 3.11] and left at HIS command [Luke 9.42]. HE was without sin [ 2 Corinthians 5.21]. HE foretold about HIS own death, resurrection and proved it [Matthew 28.6]. HE was taken up into heaven and He promised that HE is coming back [John 14.3], to take HIS disciples to heaven and so on. So read, study and mediate BIBLE for more information. Its really very very interesting... Beloved GOD is not someone's private property. HE loves us and loves to Reveal HIMSELF to Anyone and Everyone who longs for HIM [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21].
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Never treat everyone equal. God never does that. Value your people, appreciate their inputs and efforts; openly reward their contributions, if possible on time, every time....
Never treat everyone equal. God never does that. Because all are not equal. Value your people in life. Be it your family, colleague, friend, or even neighbor; appreciate their good: deeds, inputs, attitudes and efforts for your well being and happiness, directly or indirectly and be swift to openly reward them aptly or at least thank and encourage their love, care, thoughtfulness, kindness, performance, contribution, service or whatever which made an appreciable change, adding value to your life. Learn and practice to appreciate goodness, to have it more frequently and abundantly, in and around your life.
Easy way to know God's will, in life is to pursue, doing those good things; whatever produces great: peace, joy and energy within you....
Easy way to know God's will in life is to learn God's word, the Bible thoroughly and to pursue, doing any good thing as per your instinct until you hit the ones; which produces a great deal of: peace, joy and energy within you; spontaneously. Know for sure, that is your area of anointing, ministry; where you will be exceedingly successful without any external help or pressure. God's vision always comes along with His provision, protection, wisdom, direction and instruction. Anger, bitterness, confusion, destruction, evil, fear, greed, hatred, injustice, jealousy,.. selfishness, unforgiving, wickedness; these are not God's will. God is good. God is love. His will is doing good in love.
Even God respects our privacy: I stand at the door [heart] and knock [Rev 3.20] Don't frequent your neighbor's house, without proper invitation. [Pro 25.17] Be wise....
Respect others privacy. Don't disturb others without a valid reason; by trying to visit them frequently; unless and until you are invited or you have serious business to do with them. Stop assuming. Stop becoming a thorn, pain in your neighbor's minds. Even God respects privacy: I stand at the door [heart]and knock, if anyone opens, I will sup with him/her and they with me [Rev 3.20] Don't frequent your neighbor's house. [Pro 25.17] Be wise. Value and don't lose your self-respect.
GOD said life and death is in the power of tongue. So make sure what you taste and talk produces: healing and life but not harm and death...Be wise... BIBLE/GOD said life and death is in the power of the tongue. So make sure what you taste and talk: produces good, love, forgiveness, peace and healing; leading to life but not bad, bitterness, curse, evil, greed, hatred and injustice; leading to death. Life or death, Good or bad, Blessings or curse; Future or present, God or devil, Heaven or hell; is simply a choice. What you sow, what you reap; but in many folds. Prevention is better than cure. So be patient, wise, determined and focused until the end....
Monday, February 11, 2013
Bible/God says; They that sow in tears shall reap in joy [Psalms 126.5] Give so that you will receive [Luke 6.38] What one sows one reaps [Galatians 6.7] Happiness and sorrow, is just a feeling resulting from our thoughts; based on what we did to others or how we reacted to things, others threw at us. Weeping may remain for a night but joy comes in the morning. Nothing is permanent in life. Everything is passing by, but God's promises stands forever [Matthew 5.18] Heaven is not for rich or poor but for all righteous people; aim for that and be qualified to live forever and ever with God in eternity; while enjoying a simple but happy, carefree, fearless, good life....
Until one: learn, understand, believe and begin to appreciate his/her spouse their marriages will not appreciate...
Everyone has their own hidden pains and pleasures: in their relationships, which cannot be easily found out always, even by their spouse; until they learn to appreciate their spouse: of their good qualities, ignoring bad ones, to begin with; to break that barrier of shy, shame and fear in them. Its, after all your: marriage, relationship, family, life; you must do it, without any hesitation or delay, and remember it always begins from you. Best way to solve any serious problem is to depend on God, wisdom and one to one: private, confidential, true, frank dialogue. By doing so, you can heal, restore and build up your relationships, as soon as possible, so that you can enjoy, more from the remaining, left life ahead. Please do it today, do it now.