Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil; likewise,
love of self or selfishness is the root of all sin. Being just, fair, right is
godliness in practice; directly or indirectly. Sin is also a deadly sickness; world considers and calls worst sickness are cancer, aids, heart attack, stroke,.. and so on; but it is wrong, because the right answer is 'Sin'. Sin depresses, destroys and kills our body, soul and spirit. It is world's worst
sickness. All forms of evil, greed, hatred, injustice, partiality, selfishness and wickedness: in our thoughts, intents, words and deeds are sin. So stop loving, practicing and protecting sin. Get rid of it, before it kills you fully. Bible says, the blood of Jesus can cleanse us, of all our sins; and God's word, the Bible can continue to purify our body, spirit and soul too, until the end. Go for it.
DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
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