What is BAPTISM, why it is so important? How it can affect one? here is some information from BIBLE... Baptism is not just GOD's idea but command [Mt 28.19-20]. Water testifies [1 John 5.7-8]. JESUS HIMSELF stood as a model for us [Mark 1.9-13] There is only one baptism [Ephesians. 4.5-6] JESUS says immersion baptism is must for entering into Heaven. [John 3.5] It helps us begin a new relationship with GOD [Matthew. 3.6] It is for the remission of our sins [Acts.2.38] It is godly righteousness to be followed [Mt.3.15] It is for our salvation [Titus 3.5] It gives us a new identity in CHRIST [Galatians.3.27] It cleanses our spirit of its sins [1 Peter 3.21] It only gives us Resurrection guarantee, once we are dead [Col.2.12] It helps us to escape the wrath of GOD [Luke 3.7] So never delay your knowing, accepting JESUS; getting baptism and being ready to meet GOD [Acts 8.36-39 and 22.16] Be wise. Be safe. Life is just once, don't lose your eternal life in JESUS CHRIST. What if BIBLE says is true and we are wrong; will you get one more opportunity to live again and be baptized, if dead without it. Consider....
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