Crown of all GOD's creations is YOU and I beloved, the mankind [Psalms 139.14]. So stop cursing you because of you suffering only the devil's version of life with tears, pains, sorrows and DEATH living in DARKNESS believing the lies of the Devil [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.9-10] and being DECEIVED by the DEVIL; rather try to know, understand, believe how much GOD LOVES YOU [John 3.15-17] so as to Enjoy LIFE with GOD [Matthew 6.33], [Psalms 34.10] . Smartest thing one can ever do is to Know The GOD our Creator very early in life and to [Jeremiah 29.13] Believe, Obey and Please HIM now to the brim while living on earth; in order to be qualified for Eternal LIFE in Heaven with Great Rewards and Everlasting Treasures [John 6.27], [Matthew 6.19-20] before we lose our Right to Choose once DEAD and gone. Beloved GOD created us in HIS own Image and Likeness [Genesis 1.26-27] to let us LIVE FOREVER; not in this earth [Philippians 3.20-21] but in HEAVEN along with HIM [Revelation 21.4]. Think about this If a sea turtle, a olive tree and dust on earth can live for hundreds or thousands of years; do you think our life span is just 60 - 80 years? Beloved we are Spirit beings in human bodies for a very short time on earth; once dead we will be LIBERATED in Spirit World to become 100 % Spirits and must live in Heaven or Hell based on our response to GOD's Word/BIBLE now [Romans 10.9-10]. Know this please: there are Two Final Destinations 1. Heaven [Revelation 21.4] and 2. Hell [Revelation 19.20]. Two Fathers 1.GOD [Matthew 5.16] and 2.Devil [John 8.44]. Two conditions 1. Righteous [Matthew 13.43] and the 2. Wicked, [Matthew 12.45]. Two statuses 1.Children of GOD [John 1.12] and the mere 2. Creation of GOD. So be: SAVED, SAFE, SMART. Beloved WHOEVER you may be Never compromise your Eternity in Heaven with GOD for Anyone or Anything. Wake up World to Realize this INCREDIBLE LOVE of GOD for us all [Hosea 4.6], [John 8.32], [John 17.17].
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