Beloved as there are Rules in Competitions; there are Conditions to Enter into the Kingdom of GOD [Hosea 4.6], [John 3.5]. Baptism is one among them. It is Not an Option for Consideration but a Command to be Strictly Followed [Matthew 28.19-20]. Baptism is for the Remission of our own Sins and for the Reception of the HOLY GHOST [Acts 2.38]. Water Baptism is the physical act of us declaring LORD JESUS as our personal SAVIOR [1 John 5.7-8]. During then; Spiritually We get Crucified with JESUS, we get Buried with HIM and we are Raised with HIM [Romans 6.4], [Galatians 2.20]. This is why Baptism is a MUST for SAVED folks. Ignore opinions of men. OBEY GOD's Word. Never delay it [Acts 22.16]. My brother, my sister and my dear friend: BIBLE is GOD in Word [John 1.1]. GOD/BIBLE says Baptism is a Must [Acts 16.30-34] because it Cleanses our Inner man [1 Peter 3.21] and Shields us from the Wrath of GOD [Luke 3.7]. Baptism is: Personal, Voluntary and should be Absolutely Faith driven [Acts 8.36-38] Confessing our Sins [Matthew 3.6], [1 John 1.9] thereby it opens a new Relationship with GOD. Baptism makes us a part of the Body of CHRIST [1 Corinthians 12.13] and it is the Completion of GOD’s Righteousness [Matthew 3.15] giving us a New Identity in CHRIST [Galatians 3.27]. My friend JESUS HIMSELF stood as our model [Mark 1.9-13]. If Baptism is a Must for JESUS, how much You and I need it? Be Wise. Be Safe. Be Baptized.
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