Every single time you are shocked and shaken; when people let you down and walk away from you for None of your Mistakes [Psalms 34.19]; Remember and be reminded this world is not your Permanent Home beloved [Philippians 3.20-21]. Being a child of GOD as your intimacy with GOD keeps improving, you will be Hated by others including your family and friends at times. You will lose attraction and voluntarily begin to walk away from Money, Men and Materials to celebrate your secret and regular fellowship with GOD enjoying an awesome: invisible but intimate relationship with GOD. GOD is not respecter of persons [Romans 2.11]. The more you seek HIM the more you can find HIM [Jeremiah 29.13]. Reality. Experience it.Every single time you are shocked and shaken; when people let you down and walk away from you for None of your Mistakes [Psalms 34.19]; Remember and be reminded this world is not your Permanent Home beloved [Philippians 3.20-21]. Being a child of GOD as your intimacy with GOD keeps improving, you will be Hated by others including your family and friends at times. You will voluntarily begin to walk away from Money, Men and Materials to celebrate your secret and regular fellowship with GOD enjoying an awesome: invisible but intimate relationship with GOD. GOD is not respecter of persons [Romans 2.11]. The more you seek HIM the more you can find HIM [Jeremiah 29.13]. Reality. Experience it.
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