Beloved, want to walk on the water? then, get out of the boat. We can't eat the cake and keep the cake. Want to Experience GOD's Supernatural power in your personal life? then, You must Believe in the presence and power of GOD [Hebrews 11.6], [John 14.12]. Of course GOD will: provide, protect and take care of our needs; provided WE remain in HIM/BIBLE [Matthew 6.33], [Psalms 34.10]. GOD/BIBLE warns us saying NO ONE can serve two masters; GOD or Money, it's a choice, my friend [Matthew 6.24]. WE are in the world, but we are not of the world [John 17.14-20], [Philippians 3.20-21]. Remember, Friendship with the world is Enmity with GOD [James 4.4], What's highly Esteemed in the world is Abomination to GOD [Luke 16.15]. So, Stop running behind the World: Ignoring, Bypassing and Disobeying GOD. Beloved, Never go beyond the limit/BIBLE simply to be Deceived and Destroyed [1 Timothy 6.8-14], [1 Samuel 13.13], [John 8.44]. STOP Advising GOD. HE Created Everything, including us [Proverbs 21.30]. Always keep in mind, WE CANNOT Please GOD by Disobeying HIM/BIBLE [Isaiah 1.20], [Deuteronomy 28.1-14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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