Someday: Everyone and Everything WE ever LOVED and LIVED with will Leave US Forever, in DEATH, my friend. Know this, DEATH is not End of our Existence as falsely believed by Billions out there but the BEGINNING of it or Our Transition into Eternity, that's all; Either to HEAVEN or HELL based on our Response to BIBLE or GOD's Word, Now while WE are in our Body on earth [John 3.16]. Death is simply the Separation of our Spirit and Soul from our Body [Ecclesiastes 12.7]. That day, Everyone will: See, Know, Experience, Believe, Confess that: BIBLE, JESUS, GOSPEL, Heaven and Hell all were TRUE. But Now the Good News for You is this; I tell you, I told you this Priceless Truth that JESUS is the Only way to Heaven, So You can Choose JESUS/BIBLE now and be: Saved, Baptized, Sanctified, Fruit bearing and be Heaven bound from now on or the Bad news is this, You will Never Ever get a second chance to Re-Live your Life once you are Dead without JESUS [John 14.6]. So, Consider this very Seriously and ACT immediately because Tomorrow is Not Guaranteed, my brother, my sister [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. JESUS Died and went to HELL for you too, by simply accepting HIM as your Savior you too can walk into HEAVEN like me. So, STOP saying NO to GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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