Most common Trick or LIE of the Devil is, Repeatedly telling you that 'You are a Failure, You are Not Loved, You will Never Win, No body wants You, Your Life is Over, and so on and so forth; telling all sorts of Negative things about you, reminding all your bad past'; trying to Discourage and Convince you that Everything Good in your Life is OVER and GOD doesn't Love or Care for You Anymore [John 8.44, 10.10], [Revelation 12.9-10]. Beloved, its just a routine LIE of the Devil, DON'T Believe it. Truth of the matter is, GOD LOVES YOU very MUCH [John 3.16]. Remember, If GOD can Kill HIS only Begotten Son for You and I, will HE Not or Ever Hesitate to Restore, Rebuild and Renew us, as long as we Repent and Seek HIM? [[Revelation 13.8], [1 John 1.9]. My friend know this for sure; GOD can DO the Miracle you have been desperately looking for or dreaming for since long even in your 59th minute's 59th second! [Luke 23.43]. So, Don't Lose heart or Don't be shy to approach JESUS [Joel 2.26]. GOD/BIBLE says According to 'Your Faith' [Matthew 9.28-29]. So, Believe in JESUS and Receive your Miracle Now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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