STOP Buying/Celebrating LIES but TRUTH/JESUS [John 17.17], [John 14.6], [John 10.10]. Instead of Doubting/Laughing at Devil and his Deceptions to DESTROY us in Hell; how often WE dare to Doubt/Laugh at GOD/BIBLE who Created us, gave us LIFE, LOVES us so Much with countless Blessings and Promises? [Matthew 25.41], [John 1.1], [Colossians 1.16], [Jeremiah 31.3]. My friend, Doubt your Doubts but Not GOD [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. GOD is Far beyond human Understanding and Imaginations [Isaiah 55.8-9]. HE is Wonder Worker and Miracle Maker; if Doubtful, think of YOURSELF, Your: Parents, Children,.. How You and they all came into being? [Job 9.10]. Beloved, Until as GOD Warned, it Rained and Flooded NOAH looked like a Fool, Until as GOD Warned, it Rained Fire from Heaven LOT looked like a FOOL, Until as GOD Promised/Warned, RAPTURE or TRANSFIGURATION takes place WE BIBLE Preachers/Teachers may look like FOOLS [Genesis 7.11-23], [Genesis 19.1-28], [1 Corinthians 15.51-54], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. So, Wake up, STOP You being FOOLED, Be SAVED Now and SAFE Forever [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 21.4]. So, Believe GOD/BIBLE and DO what it says, Now [James 1.22]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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