SELFISHNESS is Demonic, Ungodly and sheer IGNORANCE [Matthew 26.15]. Selfishness may: feel, look, sound Safe and Sweet to Selfish people but it is nothing but they Eat their Fruits along with its SEEDS Deliberately or Ignorantly which are supposed to be SOWN or Given to Poor and Needy around [Matthew 25.15-45]. I, MY, ME, MINE,. is a Slow, Invisible KILLER. GOD/BIBLE Never say Receive so that you can Give but 'GIVE so that You can RECEIVE' [Luke 6.38]. So, GOD has given us stuffs to GIVE and RECEIVE. Beloved, so STOP Burying/Wasting your Precious: Time, Talents and Treasures by Using them Only on YOU and YOURS without Sharing with Others, Poor and Needy; bringing Glory to GOD [Matthew 5.16]. Remember, NO One becomes Poor by GIVING, rather GIVERS are the Real RICH folks even in GOD'S Eyes [Matthew 6.19-20]. So, Wake up, my friend, STOP being Barren but FRUITFUL. Love, Give, Forgive. Be a BLESSING and be the Transition Person or the True CHRISTIAN. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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