GOD never bothered the Rich man or Lazarus, until they DIED because our Eternal LIFE or DEATH, begins only after our physical death [Luke 16.19-31], [Daniel 12.2-3]. So, we can Think, Talk, Write, Do whatever we want only now or until we live upon the earth, once DEAD we will Lose our right to Choose forever, So STOP considering GOD's Silence for HIS Absence. GOD will never bother us, until we Finish our life on earth. Then when we wake up, we must give an account of our life [Hebrews 9.27], [Romans 14.12], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. So, STOP thinking/talking that there is NO GOD or GOD has no knowledge about us! My friend, GOD knows Exactly what has happened, what is happening and what will ever happen and GOD knows Exactly who did it, who is doing it and who will ever do it because GOD knows the end from beginning, in other words GOD finished everything and then HE began [Isaiah 46.10]. So Fear GOD/BIBLE now and DO what it says, for your own Good. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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