Beloved, Faith won't make any sense! Sense won't make any Faith! In other words Faith is Nonsense to the ungodly or the world But that's what make Sense to GOD, that alone holds the key to all our Miracles [John 11.40], [Matthew 9.28-30] that only cuts GOD into our LIFE Circumstances and Situations to turn our natural into Supernatural, ordinary into Extraordinary, nothing into Something and no one into Someone! That's why BIBLE never says to Reason GOD but to Trust HIM [Hebrews 11.6], [Psalms 118.8], why? because GOD is too BIG and too AWESOME to be understood by mankind. to get a clue, know this; even the Angels and Demons Tremble before GOD, because they know Who GOD is [James 2.19]. [James 4.7], [Jude 1.6]. And know this as well GOD LOVES US SO MUCH than Anything, Proof - HE Killed HIS only begotten SON JESUS on our behalf to pay a Debt we owed [John 3.16]. So, Believe in GOD/BIBLE to be DELIVERED, SAVED and BLESSED [Psalms 50.15], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Deuteronomy 28.1-14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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