How seriously and how often WE take: time, pain, care to Call, Text, email or even Visit to Share about an ongoing or forthcoming: Sale, Weather forecast, Special Offer or whatever for NOTHING in return Whereas isn't it sheer: Ignorance, Negligence, Disobedience to be SAVED and not Sharing about Our JESUS with others? [Matthew 28.19-20]. So, ACT NOW. You won't have this opportunity forever. Remember, Like that Rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus to minister to his brothers; Don't let your: Family, Friends, Colleagues, Neighbors, Others Accuse YOU on the Last day for Your: Selfishness, Shyness, Irresponsibility for NOT sharing Gospel or JESUS with them NOW, when you have the Opportunity [Luke 16.19-31]. So Wake up. Warn and Inform Everyone whom you know and Others too, in your capacity about the Urgency and Importance of SALVATION [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. So SAVE Someone Today and Everyday until the End so that You can Heap Eternal: Rewards, Treasures and Inheritance in Heaven for YOU and Enjoy forever once you are DEAD and gone from Earth [Hosea 4.6], [John 6.27-29], [Mark 10.29-30], [Proverbs 11.30], [Daniel 12.3-4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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