DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, September 30, 2016
because You don't see any way out, doesn't mean, there is no other way ahead at all; which only means You are still Trying on your own. Call unto GOD, Seek HIM Wholeheartedly, Humble yourself, Fast and Pray, Heaven will open, GOD will Intervene, Things will CHANGE in your favor in no time [2 Chronicles 7.14]. GOD will make you See things, You haven't Seen before, make you Hear things you haven't Heard before, make you Think things you haven't Thought before because GOD's Wisdom, Knowledge, Power, Resources,. have NO Limits [Psalms 32.8], [Psalms 147.5], [Jeremiah 27.5]. My friend, GOD has Millions of ways, which WE have no clue of, That' s why GOD/BIBLE says 'Call unto ME, I will teach you things you don't know and things you can't know' [Jeremiah 33.3]. So: Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor GOD/BIBLE to be Delivered. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Our Pains, Sorrows, Disappointments, TEARS matter to GOD and GOD, knows Exactly what we all go through [Psalms 56.8], [Psalms 94.8-11]. Our Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death is limited just for now, and only to earth, that's all [2 Corinthians 4.17], not forever, my friend. GOD has prepared an Awesome place for all of us in HEAVEN [John 14.2-3] and going to Send JESUS again, anytime soon [Acts 1.11] to take us back HOME to Live with HIM in HEAVEN [Philippians 3.20-21] Forever and Ever, Provided WE accept The LORD JESUS as Our Personal SAVIOR now and continue to Live in HIM and for HIM [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38], [2 Corinthians 5.17]. FYI, the only heaven known to UNSAVED folks, is this earth, whereas the only hell known to SAVED folks, is this earth. So, be SAVED now and be Eternally: Safe, Secure and Sound. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Beloved, be Productive. FYI, Someday you Must give an account to GOD [Matthew 25.16-30]. Remember, Life on earth is not forever. So, Live Everyday as if its your LAST DAY on earth, someday you will most certainly be right. Live a Fruitful life, Believing, Obeying, Serving GOD/BIBLE; Touching and Transforming lives, Heaping Treasures in Heaven, Earning Eternal Rewards and Preparing for your own Awesome Retirement in Heaven, from now on [Philippians 3.20]. 'Labor not for Perishable' [John 6.27], 'Don't heap Treasures on earth' [Matthew 6.19], 'Sow in GOD'S Kingdom' [Mark 10.29-30] 'Sell and Give alms' [Luke 12.33] Counsels GOD/BIBLE; GOD Says 'Fools lay treasures on earth' [Luke 12.18-21]. My friend, so Don't be a FOOL. USE your: Time, Talents, Treasures to LOVE People and SAVE them from their Eternal Death [Proverbs 11.30]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
there are two types of PAINS in Life, one that simply Hurts and keeps you Miserable whereas the other called Truth/BIBLE, which CHANGES You and makes you Great in this world and in the World to come, in and through CHRIST [John 8.32, 17.17]. Whether you Realize it or not, Believe it or not; WE are living in the Final few moments of this age. Ever increasing: Evil, Earthquakes, Plagues, Famines, Wars and Rumors of Wars are nothing but the Proof and Signs of JESUS' RETURN [Matthew 24.3-14, Mark 13.3-13, Luke 21.8-20, Luke 17.26-30, Luke 21.11, 2 Timothy 3.1-5, 2 Peter 3.9, 2 Timothy 4.1 & 4, Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19]. The fact that you are Reading this message is the Evidence that GOD is Reaching out to YOU, to wake You up and Prepare You for Your SALVATION, Eternity in Heaven. So get serious, be SAVED now, Tomorrow may be too Late [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, September 26, 2016
FYI, GOD/BIBLE says: 'All that live Godly in CHRIST JESUS shall suffer PERSECUTION' [2 Timothy 3.12], 'GOD who called us,. by JESUS CHRIST, after ye have SUFFERED a while, make you Perfect, Establish, Strengthen, Settle you [1 Peter 5.10], Many are the AFFLICTIONS of the righteous; but the LORD delivers him out of them all [Psalms 34.19]. JESUS Himself said, 'In the world ye shall have TRIBULATION, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world' [John 16.33], My friend, Our Harvest is yet to come [Galatians 6.7-8]. Beloved, True CHRISTIAN Life is Not Fun and Joy always but Pain and Tears. So, STOP Crying and Cursing Yourself, Not Realizing an Awesome Life Awaits us in HEAVEN with Eternal: Rewards [John 6.27], Treasures [Matthew 6.20] and Inheritance [1 Peter 1.4], [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. So, Cheer up. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
STOP being Ignorant, if you think it is your Alarm clock that woke you up this morning, try putting it beside a Dead body, then you will realise, it is the Grace of GOD, that woke you up [James 4.14]. Everyday is a Gift from GOD. GOD is the GOD of second chances. Many who were with us in the past are no more with us. Ask yourself, Who am I? Where do I came from? Where am I going to, once Dead? GOD/BIBLE says very clearly, that Death is not the end of human Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual response to JESUS/BIBLE [Luke 2.10], [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Once DEAD you will lose your Right to Choose forever, so before that, wake up and know what's waiting and turn to GOD to set right things before you face HIM, face to face [Hebrews 9.27], [Daniel 12.2-3], [1 Corinthians 15.51-54], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Strange but true. GOD, the Creator of Heaven and Earth will become your FATHER too [John 1.12 - 13], [Hebrews 12.9] the moment you truly receive LORD JESUS as your personal SAVIOR, says GOD/BIBLE. Then you too will be born of Spirit, born of GOD and we become GOD's Children [John 3.5-6]. That is why GOD employs HIS angels to guard us physically [Psalms 34.7] and gives us The HOLY SPIRIT to guard us spiritually [1 John 4.4], [John 14.26]; to communicate, comfort, warn, teach, guide and lead us and to fill us with love, wisdom, joy, peace, hope, revelation from inside. GOD our Heavenly Father is Awesome. Be grateful and celebrate HIM with all Honor and Fear. Beloved, GOD is not someone's property. HE is for all. So get closer to GOD, HE will get closer to you [James 4.8]. STOP living Ignorantly, treating GOD as a stranger [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, September 23, 2016
Beloved, Turn to BIBLE, turn to GOD and Seek GOD and Welcome HIM into all walks of your life for your own Good and Betterment [Psalms 34.10]. FYI, GOD is Good and HE LOVES US so much and wants us to Know and Obey HIM/BIBLE to be Delivered, Saved and Blessed whereas devil is evil, he hates us and wants us to Ignorant of GOD/BIBLE or Disregard GOD/BIBLE and to be killed, stolen and destroyed [John 8.44, 10.10]. We all have, not only a Body but also a Soul and Spirit [1 Thessalonians 5.23]. Death is nothing but the separation of Soul and Spirit from our Body. Death is not the End of our existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell based on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now. GOD/BIBLE says 'my people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge' [Hosea 4.6]. So, be INFORMED now and set right things before too late. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Faith and Miracle go hand in hand because Miracle is the other side of the coin called Faith. So, you cannot have one without other [Matthew 9.28-30]. Those three Hebrew boys; Shadrach, Meshach an Abednego, were neither Men Pleasers nor Feared Men, but Stood for GOD until the End, Refusing to Worship King's Golden Image [Daniel 3.1-30]. Though it was going to END their Awesome Royal Life in King's palace,. and their Life too in a fiery furnace, in a Horrific way. They were Three, Bound, and Thrown into Fire but in Fire they were Loose, Walking without Hurt becoming Four, the last one was like Son of GOD. King saw this in Astonishment, asked them to come out, they became again Three, Fire had NO Power over them. Beloved, FYI; GOD HIMSELF will be with YOU, when you Fear and remain Faithful to HIM, No matter what devil/men say [Psalms 91.14-16]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
GOD/BIBLE doesn't suggest but Commands us to: LOVE Others [Matthews 5.44], FORGIVE Others [Matthew 6.14-15], RESPECT Others [1 Peter 2.17] and ACCEPT Others [Romans 15.7]; Why? Because WE are all UNIQUE; One and Only ones of GOD's Wonderful Creation, that's why NONE of us have the Same: Appearance, Voice, Smell, Thumbprint, DNA,... or Whatever [Psalms 139.14]. That's why WE shouldn't be Comparing or Judging Others to Neglect, Ignore, Reject, Ill-treat and HARM but to LOVE, Care and Share the Gospel/JESUS, prepare and Build Each other up for Eternal Life in Heaven [Matthew 28.19-20], [John 3.16]. GOD is LOVE; Now, We as HIS Children, should Reflect HIM, in Our: Intents, Thoughts, Words and Deeds [1 John 4.8]. So, Reach out and LOVE Others, Transform your world, make GOD Proud. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Whenever you are cornered, stuck, unable, disgraced, betrayed, bound,.. Don't lose heart but rather Rejoice because then is when GOD is more closer to you than you think [Psalms 34.18], [James 1.2-4]. Then is when GOD whispers to YOU deep down your heart - 'My child, we need to talk and You have time now'. Beloved, GOD LOVES US beyond measure and HE is Waiting for us to fellowship with HIM [Revelation 3.20], [John 3.16],. Beloved, if there is no GOD, how we all got here? Who might have Created this Beautiful: Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars,.. Our: Parents, Siblings, Friends,. ; GOD did it and Doing it [Jeremiah 32.5], [Isaiah 46.9-10], [Deuteronomy 29.29]. That's why GOD/BIBLE Says 'Be still and know that I am GOD' [Psalms 46.10], [Jeremiah 13.29], [1 Samuel 3.21]. So turn to GOD/BIBLE to be Delivered [Psalms 34.10], Saved [Romans 10.9-10], Blessed [Acts 2.30]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Many question about BIBLE; about its contents, claims and promises. Consider just this thing, GOD/BIBLE says Heaven declares GOD's Glory [Psalms 19.1] and GOD says that Stars cannot be numbered [Jeremiah 33.22]. Current discoveries say, There are MORE number of STARS in the sky than DUST on earth. Hope you got an idea about How AWESOME GOD is. Beloved, GOD is our Creator and GOD knows the End from the Beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10]. GOD must be knowing many things which Mankind might not even imagined or never will, because GOD is GOD and man is man. So, Know BIBLE well to know GOD well, because it is GOD's official word [Hosea 4.6, 8.12]. LIFE we live may End anytime but before that Do what GOD Counsels us and be SAVED and get ready for Life after Death [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
If GOD could Create us in HIS own Image and Likeness [Genesis 1.26-27]; Reveal HIMSELF/BIBLE to us [John 1.1-14]; Employ HIS Angels to Guard us [Psalms 34.7]; KILL HIS only begotten SON JESUS for us [John 3.15-17]; Give us The HOLY SPIRIT, when we ask [Luke 11.13]; All these HE Did, Does for Nothing? and to let us SUFFER on earth for a very short while with such a lot of: Troubles, Sorrows, Pains, Tears and to DIE like an animal? NO, not at all!!! GOD has prepared an Awesome place for all of us in HEAVEN [John 14.2-3] and going to Send JESUS again, anytime soon [Acts 1.11] to take us back HOME to Live with HIM in HEAVEN forever [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4], if WE accept LORD JESUS as Our Personal SAVIOR now and continue to Live for HIM and in HIM [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38], [2 Corinthians 5.17]. So, Receive JESUS now and be SAVED. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
First thing GOD gave Mankind/Adam was Knowledge, '.. thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die' [Genesis 2.17], why? because KNOWLEDGE is Seed for: Change, Growth, Productivity,.. and LIFE. It is All in one. It is: Life, Protection, Production, Power, Peace, Strength, Freedom, Wealth, Fun,.. it is simply Awesome [Proverbs 16.16, 17.27, 23.23]. GOD is Knowledge [John 1.1]. HE gives Knowledge to Everyone who Seeks HIM wholeheartedly [Jeremiah 33.3]. People who: Ignore, Neglect, Reject to: Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor BIBLE/GOD are in DECEPTION and simply a step away from TRUTH [John 17.17]. GOD Never said 'My people are Destroyed for Lack of: Money, Prayer,.. or even Faith but KNOWLEDGE [Hosea 4/6]. So, SEEK GOD/BIBLE and be INFORMED RIGHT on time, every time [2 Timothy 3.16-17]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, September 16, 2016
GOD has Awesome plans for us [Jeremiah 29.11]. More You: Learn, Listen, Love BIBLE/GOD, more: Bold, Confident, Wise, Calm you will become [Isaiah 46.10], [Isaiah 54.17]; then You will be Engulfed by GOD's Grace [Psalms 32.10]. First thing what GOD gives anyone; who Believes, Obeys HIM/BIBLE is Wisdom [Proverbs 1.7]; because Wisdom changes all things that needs CHANGE, Improvement in LIFE. Wisdom is Priceless, Awesome. GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2]. Humbling yourself, Praying to GOD, Seeking GOD'S Face, turning from your wicked ways,..; is the secret to cut GOD in, to be: Delivered, Saved, Blessed [2 Chronicles 7.14]. GOD is full of: Grace, Compassion, Mercy, Love, Slow to Anger [Psalms 145.8-9]. GOD is not respecter of persons [Acts 10.34]. GOD cannot be Fooled or Bribed [Galatians 6.7-8], [Deuteronomy 10.17]. Turn to JESUS/GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Seen is temporary, Unseen is Eternal [2 Corinthians 4.16-18]. So, Listen to GOD/BIBLE now to be: SAVED, Baptized, Sanctified and Fruit bearing [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. My friend, GOD is Invisible. Heaven is Invisible. Angels are Invisible, Demons are Invisible, Our inner man is Invisible; only for Now, because we are still in Natural realm but they are in Spirit. Someday we will also slip in to that realm of Spirit where we came from; World calls it Death and end of our Existence whereas GOD calls it Home coming and Beginning of an Awesome Never Ending Life in Heaven with GOD with our Eternal: Rewards, Treasures, Inheritance provided WE listen to HIM/BIBLE now, to DO what it says before WE lose our Right to CHOOSE or DIE [Matthew 5.18], [Ecclesiastes 12.7 & 13-14], [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-20], [1 Peter 1.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
My friend, 'Labor not for Perishable' [John 6.27], 'Don't heap Treasures on earth' [Matthew 6.19], 'Sow in GOD'S Kingdom' [Mark 10.29-30] 'Sell and Give alms' [Luke 12.33] Counsels GOD. BIBLE Says 'Fools lay treasures on earth' [Luke 12.18-21]. So. Shift focus from Running Perishables to Imperishables which is SOULS, LOVE People, Share JESUS with them, Directly or Indirectly [Proverbs 11.30]. USE your: Time, Talents, Treasures to LOVE People and SAVE them from their Eternal Death [Isaiah 6.8]. Live everyday as if its your LAST DAY on earth, Living a Fruitful life, Believing, Obeying and Serving GOD/BIBLE; Touching and Transforming lives, Heaping Treasures in Heaven, Earning Eternal Rewards and Preparing for your own Awesome Retirement in Heaven forever, before too late [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
SUICIDE [2 Corinthians 7.10] is not smartness or solution to people's problems as falsely believed by many Ignorant folks out there but a terrible trap of the devil to Destroy them in hell forever [John 8.44, 10.10] with endless torment because LIFE doesn't End on Earth and we do not own ourselves [Hebrews 9.27], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Beloved, Death just separates our Soul and Spirit from our Body, that's all but it is Not the End of our Existence but Transition into Eternity [Daniel 12.2]. FYI, our Memory will be in tact even after death [Luke 16.19-31]. The only Real and Lasting Solution to all our Pains and Problems in Life is JESUS, the only way to HEAVEN [John 14.6], and Grace of GOD, to Endure this painful temporary Life on earth with Tears, Sorrows and Death [2 Corinthians 12.9]. This is why we all need JESUS and the Birth of JESUS was Good News for all Mankind [Luke 2.10]. So, Receive JESUS as your personal SAVIOR now [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Wise folks seek GOD, wise folks Worship GOD [Matthew 2.1-2]. Wise folks walk in LOVE, they Evangelize, they save souls from Eternal Death [Proverbs 11.30]. Beloved, welcome GOD [Revelation 3.20]. Please accept JESUS as your Personal SAVIOR before too late [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Be Eternally SAFE and tell others too Saving souls for CHRIST [Matthew 28.19-20]. Live for Eternity [John 6.27-29]. Heap Treasures in Heaven [Matthew 6.19-20]. Fear GOD, Love and Respect men; Know and believe in: Life after Death or Resurrection [Daniel 12.2], [John 5.28-29], Awaiting Final Judgment of GOD [Hebrews 9.27], Eternal Rewards for all Mankind for all our: Thoughts, Intents, Words and Deeds; and the Awesome Eternal Retirement in Heaven for all those who are in CHRIST [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Scientists Decode a lot of Intelligence around us everyday. Please ask yourself Who in the first place must have Encoded them all? Even the scientists know, there is something beyond science, that is GOD [Deuteronomy 29.29]. That's why GOD/BIBLE Says 'Be still and know that I am GOD' [Psalms 46.10]. When you cannot sleep at night, it's GOD speaking to YOU - 'My child, we need to talk and You have time now' [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. GOD LOVES US, HE is Waiting for us [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20]. If there is no GOD, how we all got here? Who might have Created our parents and everything around? [Isaiah 46.9-10]. No thing comes out of nothing but Something and that Something Cannot come out of nothing, only GOD can DO that [Romans 4.17]. So Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE before too late [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Beloved, you be DOERS of the BIBLE as well [James 1.22]. Never stop with just Knowing the BIBLE very well [Hosea 4.6]. Like a: beautiful, great, awesome would be son, daughter, servant of GOD, scientist, doctor, engineer, teacher, police officer, social worker or whatever great is aborted in the womb of a mother; for x y z reasons; Great ideas, thoughts, vision and love for progress, peace and prosperity of us and others around; is carelessly, deliberately destroyed for not putting them into action on time. GOD/BIBLE says don't be just hearers and believers but doers as well. Doers of good [Mathew 5.16], doers of GOD's heart [Acts 13.22]. Always remember, Life is earth is short but Life after Death is Never Ending, either in Heaven or in Hell as per your choice now [Luke 12.20], [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Faith won't make any sense! Sense won't make any Faith. Faith is Nonsense to ungodly but that only makes sense to GOD [John 11.40], [Matthew 9.28-30] that only cuts GOD into our LIFE turning our natural into Supernatural, ordinary into Extraordinary, nothing into Something and no one into Someone! BIBLE never suggest to Reason GOD but to Trust HIM [Hebrews 11.6], [Psalms 118.8], why? because GOD is too BIG and AWESOME to be understood. FYI, even Angels and Demons Tremble before GOD, because they know Who GOD is [James 2.19]. [James 4.7], [Jude 1.6]. And GOD LOVES US SO MUCH, Proof - HE Killed HIS only begotten SON JESUS on our behalf to pay a Debt we owed [John 3.16]. So, Believe in GOD/BIBLE to be DELIVERED, SAVED and BLESSED [Psalms 50.15], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], Acts 2.38],[Deuteronomy 28.1-14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
STOP getting mad at GOD for your sheer Ignorance [Hosea 4.6]. FYI, even by: fervently Praying, regularly Fasting or earnestly Believing you cannot Change GOD [Malachi 3.6], you cannot make HIM Lie [Titus 1.2] or you cannot make HIM Alter HIS Word [Psalms 89.34] because it is GOD's Nature, HE goes by HIS Word [Numbers 23.19]. Now know who is wrong? of course we are, simple. Beloved, here on Earth, there will be Tears, Pains, Sorrows until the end, followed by Death because GOD said it, even before we were born [John 16.33], [John 16.20], [1 Peter 5.10] because here is Evil [Galatians 1.4] but of course there won't be Tears, Pains, Sorrows or Death in Heaven [Revelation 21.4] but in order to go there we Must accept JESUS as our SAVIOR before we Die [Acts 4.12], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. So Act now before it is too late. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Imagination and our ability to communicate the same with others is an Awesome Gift of GOD. Use it as much as possible to Construct and Glorify GOD [Matthew 5.16]. For it is not only our Idea Generator but also the Spiritual Vehicle which can fly us into our: Past, Present and Future, at the speed of our thoughts [Genesis 15.5]. Faith in GOD is our Spiritual Currency for Miracles/Breakthroughs we desire [Mark 11.23]. GOD's Word/BIBLE is the Information and Navigation system Available [Psalms 119.18]. So, Enjoy flying into GOD's throne to preview your Eternity in Heaven with Rewards, Treasures and Inheritance [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.21], [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-20], [1 Peter 1.4]. FYI, GOD cannot Lie [Titus 1.2], GOD is Able [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. So take advantage of GOD's Word to Receive your Miracles by simply Believing and Speaking it out [Proverbs 18.21]. So: Imagine, Believe, Confess; to Receive them [Numbers 14.28]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Stop IDOLISING people. People are people. One of the most: Ignored, Neglected, Rejected, Forgotten TRUTH is; though GOD gives us Many Good things every day, We keep Praising, Celebrating, Idolising the people HE chose to Use in the process, Ignoring GOD altogether. Beloved, GOD/BIBLE says, WE are Not Destroyed for Lack of: Money, Materials, Prayer or Fasting but Knowledge [Hosea 4.6]. So wake up, Give GOD HIS Glory. FYI, not men but GOD: Created us, Keeping us, Loving us and HE is For us, HE Longs to Fellowship with us and HE has Awesome Future Plans for us but SADLY most Mankind has not Realized this Basic but Priceless Truth yet [Isaiah 1.3], [Malachi 1.6], [Isaiah 46.9-10], [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. Moreover, GOD can supply all your needs and wants in no time, provided You Believe and Obey HIM/BIBLE [Psalms 34.10], [Matthew 6.33], [Deuteronomy 28.1-14], [Isaiah 1.19]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, September 5, 2016
STOP taking Life for granted. WE are not going to Live on Earth forever [Psalms 90.12], [James 4.14]. So, LIVE wise, Live for GOD; Seeking, Believing, Obeying GOD/BIBLE now, Who Gave us Life, Keeping us Alive, Loving us so much with countless opportunities and blessings. Every passing second takes us closer to GOD, what a Great Joy it would be to meet GOD face to face, If we lived for GOD now [Hebrews 9.27], [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-20], [Mark 10.29-30], [Revelation 22.11-12]. Though DEATH is an Unsolved Problem, it can Scare only those who are in spiritual darkness but for those who are in CHRIST it is just the Beginning of GOD promised Glorious LIFE [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. To be absent from body is to be present with LORD [2 Corinthians 5.8]. So Receive JESUS [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Enrich your Eternal Value as you Age. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, September 4, 2016
BIBLE says 'Heaven declares GOD's Glory' [Psalms 19.1]. Current Discoveries say, there are MORE number of STARS in the sky than DUST on Earth. Nearest known star is Sun, which is approximately 96,000 times Bigger than Earth, then how about the rest? BIBLE says 'GOD Created these numerous Stars, just by HIS Word' [Psalms 33.6]; 'GOD tells the Number of the Stars and calls them by their Name' [Psalms 147.4]; 'These Stars Worship GOD' [Nehemiah 9.5]. My friend Know, How AWESOME GOD/JESUS is [John 1.1-3], [Colossians 1.16-18]. GOD is far beyond human Understanding or Imagination; that's why GOD says Not to reason HIM but to Believe HIM [John 11.40], [Matthew 9.28-30], [Hebrews 11.6]. GOD knows the End from the Beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10]. BIBLE is GOD's official word [Hosea 8.12]. So Fear, Obey, Honor GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Accepting others, Respecting others, Loving others, Forgiving others and being: Kind, Humble, Honest, Patient, Helpful, Grateful,. are some of GODLY/BIBLE principles which will produce AWESOME Results in Anyone's life [Matthew 15.25-28], [Matthew 8.5-10], [Matthew 5.37], [Luke 17.12-19]. These are Simple but Divine Choices, WE can always be RICH and Accepted before GOD and men; without even having a penny in our pockets by being truly Beautiful or Beautiful within. GOD is LOVE and GOD is JUST [1 John 4.8], [Acts 10.34]; GOD cannot Help us without us: Listening, Believing, Obeying HIM/BIBLE [James 1.22]. My friend, LIFE is simple!, STOP Complicating it. Learn and DO what GOD our CREATOR says through HIS Word/BIBLE. Be Blessed, Enjoy LIFE now and forever [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, September 2, 2016
BIBLE says, in the beginning was the WORD, the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD, and that's JESUS. All things were Created by JESUS [John 1.1-3]. Funniest but Regrettable thing is, Most Mankind Doesn't Believe, Obey, Fear GOD/BIBLE whereas Devils Believe and Tremble before GOD, JESUS [James 2.19], [Matthew 8.29]. GOD has written to us the Great things of HIS Law [BIBLE] but many counted that as strange thing [Hosea 8.12]. All scripture in BIBLE are given by Inspiration of GOD, they are profitable for 1.Doctrine, 2. Reproof, 3.Correction, 4. Instruction [2 Timothy 3.16]. BIBLE: 1. It talks about Our Past, Present and FUTURE 2. Transforms Everyone who Reads it with faith 3. Written in Highest Standard Ever known to Mankind 4. Divine PEACE flows in Anyone's spirit when read with faith [Hebrews 4.2]. So, Know BIBLE Know GOD. Wisdom. Truth. Choice. Share.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Every GOOD and PERFECT Thing is FREE indeed and they are from GOD alone [Matthew 6.33]. GOD Never Sells Anything [Isaiah 55.1-2] and GOD is the only Source and Supplier of Every Good and Perfect Gift for us [James 1.17]. Easiest thing on Earth is getting things from GOD because it doesn't require any MONEY but FAITH and OBEDIENCE to GOD/BIBLE. So, You can FREELY get Your: Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding [Proverbs 1.7], [James 1.5], [Jeremiah 33.3]; Protection [Psalms 34.7], Provision [Psalms 34.10], Peace [Isaiah 26.3]. Rest [Matthew 11.28], Healing [Matthew 9.28-30], Miracles [John 14.12], Choicest Blessings [Deuteronomy 28.1-14] and The ETERNAL LIFE or SALVATION [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], The HOLY GHOST [Acts 2.38],... and even the Priceless, Matchless, Awesome HEAVEN Forever [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20]. So, Turn to GOD/BIBLE today to be: Delivered, Saved, Blessed. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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