Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Having 'Bad or Negative Attitude' and not dealing with it, is like; we becoming our own Enemy by Choice. My friend, Get rid of it, before it secludes and destroys you fully [Ecclesiastes 10.1]. Like bathing, brushing,.. in order to upkeep our body and get rid of dirt; likewise WE need to subject our Spirit and Soul to GOD'S Word/BIBLE, regularly; for the well being of our inner man. Word of GOD is Spirit and LIFE giver; It gives life [John 6.63] and beautifies our inner man because It is 1. Fire. 2. Hammer [Jeremiah 23.29]. 3. Sword [Ephesians 6.17]. 4. Surgeon's knife [Hebrew 4.12] 5. Light [Psalms 119.105] 6. Discern er [Hebrew 4,12]. 7. Weapon [2 Corinthians 10.4-5]. Beloved: Believe, Obey, Share GOD'S Word for the very well-being of You and Others [Hosea 4.6]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Because GOD LOVES us so much, Individually; HE created us all Unique with different: Look, Voice, Smell, Size,. and Mind set; so that no one else can compete with us or take our place in GOD’s heart here on earth or there in Heaven [Psalms 139.14]. Know this: WE are Very Precious to GOD; that's why HE sent HIS only SON JESUS to Calvary to be Killed on our behalf to Reach us HEAVEN safe and sound without Fail to become Joint Heirs with JESUS and be with HIM Forever and Ever [John 3.15-17], [Romans 8.17]. So, NEVER Fail GOD by rejecting JESUS, losing your Salvation, ending up in Hell, breaking GOD's Heart [Ezekiel 18.23]. So, be: Grateful and Committed; Evangelizing Others. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Monday, November 3, 2014

My friend, Only when we Choose to walk away from the Love of: Money, Materials, Men, Earthly Pleasures; WE can seek GOD wholeheartedly, step into the Spirit World of GOD, know GOD's Heart for us and realize eventually 1. Who we are, 2. Whose we are, 3. Where we came from 4. Where we are heading to 5. What's in store for us; so on and so forth [Matthew 6.24], [Luke 16.15], [James 4.4], [Jeremiah 29.13], [Psalms 46.10]. Beloved, GOD is a Spirit, we HIS Children are Spirits too [John 4.24], [Genesis 2.7]. Know this; though Spirit world is invisible to our naked eye, it is the most powerful and permanent one [John 6.63], [2 Corinthians 4.18]. So: Seek, Find, Enjoy GOD/BIBLE now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Precious Single ladies: Know who you are in CHRIST, Enhance your value by increasing your walk with GOD/BIBLE. Enrich and Beautify yourself with GODLINESS to attract and force Great GODLY Men to: like you, love you, long for you in order to MARRY you, by your Unique and Priceless Godly Appearance and Attitude. So, become and be that Virtuous Woman BIBLE boasts about [Proverbs 31]. My friend, make great men to go mad to run behind you instead of you waiting desperately for anybody out there. BIBLE says GOD has great plans for us [Jeremiah 29.11]. Remember, As a Child of GOD you are a Princess in CHRIST and you deserve a Prince in CHRIST. So, Trust GOD, Seek HIM diligently, so that HE will make it happen sooner than you think. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

'YOU have plenty of time to LIVE' - is the Convincing, Positive, Encouraging; Old and Standard LIE of the devil, saying - Now you are very: young, healthy, smart, earning, influential,.; So, Enjoy life; Drink, Dance, Do whatever you please... Don't be shy, No one will ever know, life is just only once, Everyone does it. So, don't worry now! GOD/BIBLE, Salvation, Baptism, Sanctification, Fruit bearing; Now? Are you mad? Those are for very Old and Sick folks but You have a L...O...N...G way to go, so Enjoy and Relax now. Later once you have Enjoyed all the Worldly Pleasures and become very old, you can always Do what GOD/BIBLE says, who is going to stop you then?'- Beloved, Wake up. Don't be DECEIVED. Yesterday is Gone. Tomorrow is not Guaranteed. Only Today we have. So be SAVED now [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

Old and Standard LIES of the devil is in fact very: Convincing, Positive and Encouraging saying -'You have plenty of time to LIVE. Now you are very: young, healthy, smart, earning, influential,.; So, Enjoy life; Drink, Dance, Do whatever you please... Don't be shy, No one will ever know, life is just only once, Everyone does it. So, don't worry now! GOD/BIBLE, Salvation, Baptism, Sanctification, Fruit bearing; Now? Are you mad? Those are for very Old and Sick folks. You have a L...O...N...G way to go, so Enjoy and Relax now. Later once you have Enjoyed all the Worldly Pleasures and become very old, you can always Do what GOD/BIBLE says, who is going to stop you then?'- My friend, Wake up, come back to your senses. Don't be DECEIVED. Yesterday is Gone. Tomorrow is not Guaranteed. Only Today we have. So be SAVED now [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.