Saturday, August 30, 2014

Everything on earth is Temporary, if things go well, Enjoy them. If things go bad, Stop Worrying, they won't last long either but this is not the case in Heaven, where Things will only be Awesome and Forever; if WE listen to GOD/BIBLE now, and Live accordingly [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 21.4]; if not in Hell it will Horrible, again Forever. So, Keep that in mind and work for your Eternity, amidst these Temporary: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death; which is why GOD has kept us here on Earth for a short while, to qualify for Heaven, giving us Freewill and Knowledge/BIBLE to Choose GOOD. Remember, Death is Not the End but only a Transition [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved, you are responsible for your Happiness, not others. Happiness depends on happenings in Life; so, Create and Control them by Believing, Obeying GOD/BIBLE, by Doing unto Others what you would have them Do unto you [Isaiah 1.19-20], [Luke 6.31], [Galatians 6.7-8]; While Peace and Joy is the result of your Relationship and Intimacy with GOD [Philippians 4.6-7]. My friend, the Emptiness, the sense of Missing something or the Reason-less Fear in You, is the Sign and Proof of, Room for GOD in your Heart is still Vacant [Ecclesiastes 3.11], [John 14.27], [Acts 13.52]. So, Welcome GOD, Thank and Worship HIM [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. Remember, GOD is the Key. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Though Invisible for now, GOD alone is Our: Creator, Master, Ruler. So be: Fearful, Grateful, Humble before GOD so that You will be: Strong, Confident, Bold in HIM, for Now, Forever [1 Samuel 2.30], [Isaiah 66.2] why? because Hearts only GOD: Sees, Stays and Shapes [1 Samuel 16.7], [1 John 4.4], [Psalms 33.15]. Remember, WE are in the world but Not of this world [John 15.19], [Philippians 3.20-21]. So, Limit your Associations with World, knowing that it is Temporary; 120 years Maximum [Genesis 6.3]; Whereas Eternity is Never Ending [Revelation 21.4]. So, Live a Proportionately Balanced Life, focusing on GOD/BIBLE for waiting Eternal Life. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

GOD says ‘There is a Season and TIME for Everything under the sun’ [Ecclesiastes 3.1-8]. A time to: Work, Rest, Play,. and Pray. So, don’t be under the False Impression, believing the Lies of the devil, to Live a GODLY LIFE will leave you High and Dry. My friend, every: Good, Perfect Gift/thing comes from GOD [James 1.17], [Psalms 34.10]. GOD is the Greatest GIVER the world has ever known [John 3.16]. Adam did not even Know/Ask for Eve but GOD provided. GOD is GOOD. Know GOD/BIBLE personally, so that you will Know, what real: LIFE, Peace, Joy and Hope, is all about. Remember, GOD is Not only our Creator but also our Loving: Father, Friend and Much More [Malachi 1.6], [John 15.14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.