Friday, September 30, 2016

because You don't see any way out, doesn't mean, there is no other way ahead at all; which only means You are still Trying on your own. Call unto GOD, Seek HIM Wholeheartedly, Humble yourself, Fast and Pray, Heaven will open, GOD will Intervene, Things will CHANGE in your favor in no time [2 Chronicles 7.14]. GOD will make you See things, You haven't Seen before, make you Hear things you haven't Heard before, make you Think things you haven't Thought before because GOD's Wisdom, Knowledge, Power, Resources,. have NO Limits [Psalms 32.8], [Psalms 147.5], [Jeremiah 27.5]. My friend, GOD has Millions of ways, which WE have no clue of, That' s why GOD/BIBLE says 'Call unto ME, I will teach you things you don't know and things you can't know' [Jeremiah 33.3]. So: Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor GOD/BIBLE to be Delivered. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

Our Pains, Sorrows, Disappointments, TEARS matter to GOD and GOD, knows Exactly what we all go through [Psalms 56.8], [Psalms 94.8-11]. Our Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death is limited just for now, and only to earth, that's all [2 Corinthians 4.17], not forever, my friend. GOD has prepared an Awesome place for all of us in HEAVEN [John 14.2-3] and going to Send JESUS again, anytime soon [Acts 1.11] to take us back HOME to Live with HIM in HEAVEN [Philippians 3.20-21] Forever and Ever, Provided WE accept The LORD JESUS as Our Personal SAVIOR now and continue to Live in HIM and for HIM [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38], [2 Corinthians 5.17]. FYI, the only heaven known to UNSAVED folks, is this earth, whereas the only hell known to SAVED folks, is this earth. So, be SAVED now and be Eternally: Safe, Secure and Sound. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

Friday, September 16, 2016

GOD has Awesome plans for us [Jeremiah 29.11]. More You: Learn, Listen, Love BIBLE/GOD, more: Bold, Confident, Wise, Calm you will become [Isaiah 46.10], [Isaiah 54.17]; then You will be Engulfed by GOD's Grace [Psalms 32.10]. First thing what GOD gives anyone; who Believes, Obeys HIM/BIBLE is Wisdom [Proverbs 1.7]; because Wisdom changes all things that needs CHANGE, Improvement in LIFE. Wisdom is Priceless, Awesome. GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2]. Humbling yourself, Praying to GOD, Seeking GOD'S Face, turning from your wicked ways,..; is the secret to cut GOD in, to be: Delivered, Saved, Blessed [2 Chronicles 7.14]. GOD is full of: Grace, Compassion, Mercy, Love, Slow to Anger [Psalms 145.8-9]. GOD is not respecter of persons [Acts 10.34]. GOD cannot be Fooled or Bribed [Galatians 6.7-8], [Deuteronomy 10.17]. Turn to JESUS/GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

Seen is temporary, Unseen is Eternal [2 Corinthians 4.16-18]. So, Listen to GOD/BIBLE now to be: SAVED, Baptized, Sanctified and Fruit bearing [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. My friend, GOD is Invisible. Heaven is Invisible. Angels are Invisible, Demons are Invisible, Our inner man is Invisible; only for Now, because we are still in Natural realm but they are in Spirit. Someday we will also slip in to that realm of Spirit where we came from; World calls it Death and end of our Existence whereas GOD calls it Home coming and Beginning of an Awesome Never Ending Life in Heaven with GOD with our Eternal: Rewards, Treasures, Inheritance provided WE listen to HIM/BIBLE now, to DO what it says before WE lose our Right to CHOOSE or DIE [Matthew 5.18], [Ecclesiastes 12.7 & 13-14], [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-20], [1 Peter 1.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.