Monday, November 30, 2015

Enemies become friends, Strangers become relatives, Difficulties become easy and Dead ends become new beginnings when GOD walks into one's life! Beloved, GOD can DO Anything to Anyone at any given time, as long as he/she is fully dependent on GOD/JESUS [Job 42.2], [John 14.12]. So Believe and Obey what GOD/BIBLE says in order to Receive the Best from the LORD [Hebrews 11.6], [Isaiah 1.19]. My friend, GOD Doesn't need Anyone's permission or recommendation to Bless you. GOD goes by HIS Word [Psalms 89.34]. Remember, as long as, you Believe and Obey HIM/BIBLE. No Devil on earth can Stop your Blessings [Deuteronomy 28.1-14]. Key to Promotions and Blessing is Not our Hard Works and Skills but GOD'S Mercy, Grace and Favor [Joshua 1.8-9], [Psalms 75.6-7]. So Seek GOD and Enjoy HIS: Grace, Mercy and Favor. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

How often we keep running behind People Crying 'Help me, Help me, Please...' only to be eventually Disappointed and Disgraced in most cases, Whereas we give No thought or make No effort to Seek the Help of an UNFAILING GOD who is always ABLE and Willing, Who is the Creator and Custodian of US and all the Universe, with Unlimited: Wisdom and Knowledge, Power and Resources to DO Anything and Everything to Anyone HE Chooses; who LOVES US so Much and Eagerly waiting to walk into our Lives to Set us FREE and Make us Great, in no time! How SAD [Revelation 3.20], [Hosea 8.12], [Job 42.2]. Beloved, Sick were Healed, Sinners were Saved, Weak became Strong, Simple became Smart, Wicked became Good, Depressed went Dancing, Dead came Alive when JESUS/GOD came into people's lives [Matthew 9.28-30], [John 11.40], [John 14.12]. So Turn to GOD/BIBLE to Find True HELP [Psalms 50.15]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Negativity and Pessimism, Fear and Worries, Hatred and Destruction, Injustice and Wickedness, Unbelief and Double mindedness,.. these BAD stuffs are Not from GOD but from Devil, because GOD is ABLE, GOD LOVES US so much, it is HE who Created us, Sustaining us, Ruling us, HE is for us and HE has Awesome Future Plans for us [Genesis 1.26 & 2.7], [John 3.16], [1 Samuel 2.6-10], [Jeremiah 29.11], [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]; Whereas Devil is the Liar, Murderer [John 8.44], he comes only to Steal, Kill, Destroy [John 10.10] and he keeps DECEIVING the whole world [Revelation 12.9], Beloved, GOD prepared HELL for the Devil and his angels not for the Mankind, as long as we Listen to GOD/BIBLE and DO what GOD says [Matthew 25.41]. Now the Question is not why would a Loving GOD send people to Hell but why would Anyone choose Hell over a Loving GOD? [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Remember, GOD OWES US Nothing but still gives us Everything. So be Grateful. Turn to GOD/BIBLE and DO what GOD says because GOD has Love, Joy, Peace and Hope for YOU too. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

GOD Won't Force You or Anyone for Anything now, because HE has given us the Right to Choose until we live on earth but that's the end of our Choices [Ecclesiastes 9.10]. GOD Never forced ANYONE for ANYTHING right from day one [Genesis 2.17], So GOOD/bad/ugly is just a Choice here [Ecclesiastes 7.29]. GOD gives the Right and Elaborate information leaving the Choice with us, for BLESSINGS or for curses [Isaiah 1.19-20], [Deuteronomy 28.1-14]. An Inch of Experienced and Tasted GOD's Glory in our personal life is more Powerful and Wonderful than the whole world of Ignorance and Vanity [Psalms 119.37], [Acts 19.12], [1 John 4.4], [Hosea 4.6], [Isaiah 48.22]. So Know JESUS/BIBLE personally to celebrate the Amazing GOD kept life for Real, Now and Forever [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Matthew 6.33]. Remember, GOD is LOVE and HE is always Awesome [1 John 4.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Fearing or Believing and Obeying GOD/BIBLE, is the Secret key to get rid of all Your other FEARS, my friend [Psalms 34.4], [Genesis 22.12]. Only GOD/JESUS has the SOLUTIONS for all our Problems, my friend [Jeremiah 33.3]. Seeking and Being in the Will of GOD is the Best place to Be/Live [Job 1.10-12]. Knowing and Doing the Will of GOD is the Smartest thing we can ever DO [Matthew 6.24], [Luke 16.15], [James 4.4], [Romans 8.6], [Matthew 6.19-20], [John 6.27-29], [Mark 10.29-30]. GOD/BIBLE says, My people are Destroyed for lack of Knowledge [Hosea 4.6], why? Because DEATH is Not the End of our Existence, as Falsely: Believed, Lamented, Worried and Feared by Billions out there But Transition into Eternity either to Heaven or Hell, purely based on our Individual, Personal Response to BIBLE/GOD, Now while we Have the Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 & 19], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. So Turn to GOD/JESUS now and be SAFE and Sound Forever [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved, people may not always see the priceless Treasure what GOD has deposited in you [Matthew 25.15], [2 Corinthians 4.7]. So, Don't fall for other's flattery to become proud and walk away from GOD or Don't be intimidated by the negative opinions of others to feel inferior/unloved to cut down your good works for others. Know this for sure that GOD is: For you, With you and In you, as long as you keep Believing and Obeying HIM/BIBLE, even though No one see/say that [2 Kings 6.17-20], [1 John 4.4]. GOD is not respecter of persons but Faith [Matthew 9.28-30], [John 14.12]. So, grow in your Faith, increase it, to receive more from GOD, to be a great blessing for many around you. Remember, life on earth for a very short while, so live right and live quick; accumulating Rewards and Treasures in Heaven rather than here on earth to leave them behind someday [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.20], [Mark 10.29-30]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Beloved, Life is Uncertain, its not forever on earth [James 4.14]. If you don't change, you will be left behind [John 3.16], [Acts 2.38]. Your Time, Talents, Treasures are like SEEDS. You can EAT them, KEEP them or SOW them in Good Grounds to have 30, 60, 100 fold returns. Remember, You Reap, Only what you SOW [Galatians 6.6-7]. If you spend that to drink, you may become an alcoholic. If you spend that to complain, you may become a blamer. If you spend that to be picky, you may become a 'mean' person. If you spend that to beautify yourself, you may become a pretty girl or handsome guy. If you spend that to stay healthy, you may enjoy a healthy good life but these things will leave you someday. These things are just temporary whereas If you spend them to Seek, Learn, Know, Believe, Obey, Honor, Please GOD/BIBLE and DO what GOD says, You will be Wise and Productive here on earth and You will spend your Eternity in Great Style with High Class in Heaven with GOD HIMSELF, along with your own Eternal: Rewards, Treasures and Inheritance [2 Timothy 4.7-8], [Matthew 6.20], [1 Peter 1.4]. So, wake up, CHANGE Yourself, for your GOOD [Isaiah 66.2]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved, STOP Living in: Pain, Tears, Sorrows and in Despair, simply for lack of knowledge/BIBLE [Hosea 4.6]. Our Life does not get better by chance but by Deliberate right: CHOICE and CHANGE, by Welcoming GOD/JESUS and Applying HIS Word BIBLE; The Divine Knowledge and Truth, early into our Spirits/Lives to Liberate us and Empower us to Come out of our own self imprisonment of Ignorance, Wrong Beliefs, Superstitions, Misconceptions,. and Anger, Bitterness, Covetousness, Depression, Ego, Greed, Hatred, Injustice, Jealous,.. and all kinds and forms of EVIL. Receiving JESUS/GOD into your Spirit is the only way to Receive TRUE Love, Joy, Peace and Hope from within [Revelation 3.20], [John 14.27]. So STOP Living in Inner/Mental/Spiritual Darkness to remain Hopeless and Helpless, forever [Jeremiah 33.3]. So Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor GOD/BIBLE for your own Good and Swift Betterment in all walks of Life, for Now and Forever [2 Chronicles 7.14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.