Thursday, February 26, 2015

Focus on the Teachings of JESUS and Not on the Teachers of JESUS, my friend. Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors, Prophets and Teachers are Not Replacement for GOD [Ephesians 4.11]. Love them, Honor them but STOP Idolizing them and get Disappointed/Deceived in the end. NO ONE is PERFECT, always remember this. They are also mere men like you and I; with their own weakness and wickedness, flaws and shortcomings; so Focus on JESUS/BIBLE, to: Learn, Apply and Improve [Jeremiah 33.3], [Romans 12.2], [2 Corinthians 5.17]. Beloved, Teachers are just Starters and Guides; they can't sit for Exams on your behalf. You must DO it yourself, so You must be thorough with your Text book/BIBLE. Listening at school/Church alone, at times May Not even get you a Pass or a Great score, so you Must work hard and study the BIBLE at home as well. Remember, GOD/BIBLE Warns, 'Don't be DECEIVED, Be ye not only Hearers of the Word/BIBLE but DOERS as well [James 1.22]. So, Wake up. Find time for YOU, to Read, Study, Understand and Apply GOD's Word/BIBLE in Life before too late, because that only will decide Where and How YOU will spend your Eternity, once You are DEAD and gone; either in HEAVEN as GREAT/small or in HELL. So, PLEASE Know and DO what BIBLE says from Right Now, for Your own GOOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Someday: Everyone and Everything WE ever LOVED and LIVED with will Leave US Forever, in DEATH, my friend. Know this, DEATH is not End of our Existence as falsely believed by Billions out there but the BEGINNING of it or Our Transition into Eternity, that's all; Either to HEAVEN or HELL based on our Response to BIBLE or GOD's Word, Now while WE are in our Body on earth [John 3.16]. Death is simply the Separation of our Spirit and Soul from our Body [Ecclesiastes 12.7]. That day, Everyone will: See, Know, Experience, Believe, Confess that: BIBLE, JESUS, GOSPEL, Heaven and Hell all were TRUE. But Now the Good News for You is this; I tell you, I told you this Priceless Truth that JESUS is the Only way to Heaven, So You can Choose JESUS/BIBLE now and be: Saved, Baptized, Sanctified, Fruit bearing and be Heaven bound from now on or the Bad news is this, You will Never Ever get a second chance to Re-Live your Life once you are Dead without JESUS [John 14.6]. So, Consider this very Seriously and ACT immediately because Tomorrow is Not Guaranteed, my brother, my sister [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. JESUS Died and went to HELL for you too, by simply accepting HIM as your Savior you too can walk into HEAVEN like me. So, STOP saying NO to GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My brother, My sister and My dear friend; YOU are, who GOD says YOU are [1 Peter 2.9], that's it; Not what men says who you are!. Men see our appearance but GOD sees our attitude too [1 Samuel 16.7]. Men may know our past but GOD knows our Future too [Isaiah 46.10]. Remember, People saw a Barren woman in Sarah but GOD saw the Mother of all Nations in her [Genesis 17.16]. People saw a Murderer in Moses but GOD saw the Rescuer of Israel in him [Exodus 7.1-2], People saw a Prisoner in Joseph but GOD saw the Powerful Prime Minister of Egypt in him [Genesis 39.21]. People saw a Poor young shepherd boy in David but GOD saw the Mighty King of Israel in him [1 Samuel 16.7-13]. People saw a Prostitute in Mary Magdalene but GOD saw First witness of HIS Resurrection in her [John 20.16-17]. People saw a Destroyer of Church in Saul but GOD saw the Builder of Church in him [Acts 9.15]. My friend, Only GOD Knows the End from the Beginning and Not men or the demons [Isaiah 46.10]. So wake up. Stop believing the LIES and mere Opinions of men to Ignore, Neglect what GOD your Creator have to say about YOU!!! So, Listen to GOD/BIBLE and DO what HE says [Jeremiah 33.3], [Romans 10.9-10], [Matthew 6.24], [Luke 16.15], [James 4.4], [Matthew 16.24]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cancer and Carbon monoxide are not Real killers, my friend Whereas Spiritual IGNORANCE is [Hosea 4.6]. So, Stop worrying only about your Physical well being while Ignoring and Neglecting your Spiritual one; which only will take you to Heaven or Hell for Eternity, when you are Dead and gone [Hebrew 9.27]. While you are Physically Active take Care of your Soul and Spirit too [Romans 10.9-10]. Stop being Spiritually DEAD and only Physically Present [James 2.26]. Be Balanced in life [Revelation 3.20]. Whatever kills only your Body is Not Real killers whereas whatever Kills your Soul and Spirit is [Matthew 10.28]. If WE ever Realize what GOD/JESUS has Done and Promised us when WE Listen to GOD/BIBLE; Seeking, Obeying, Honoring, Pleasing GOD; Loving GOD won't be a Problem at all, rather it will become Spontaneous and a great Pleasure indeed because in Heaven there Won't be: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and DEATH, what a JOY it would be [John 14.23], [Luke 2.10], [Revelation 21.4]. Often words seem inadequate when WE/GOD lovers, try to convey our feelings, gratitude to GOD when WE understood this Awesome Truth. Remember, GOD gave us Life, countless Opportunities,. Eternal Life in Heaven [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10]. So, Know GOD well early, so that you can Stand for HIM here and Heap Rewards and Treasures in Heaven from now on [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Beloved spend quality time in Knowing GOD/BIBLE now, when you have the opportunity to do so and try to DO exactly what it says because someday WE must stand before GOD, then You won't be shocked or find yourself as a: Stranger or Joker. So, Get to Know GOD from now on and try to build up an Intimate relationship with HIM from now on, so that you can be well Prepared and very much Excited for what's coming or to meet HIM [2 Corinthians 5.8], [Hebrews 9.27], [Revelation 21.4]. My friend, Time is the seed for Relationship and Relationship is the seed for Revelation. So, More you Meditate BIBLE and Pray, the more GOD can Reveal HIMSELF to you [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Remember, GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2]. GOD cannot CHANGE [Malachi 3.6]. GOD cannot be PARTIAL [Acts 10.34]. So, Take ADVANTAGE of HIS Nature. We are all Creations of GOD, So WE are all equal before HIM But what makes the Difference is Our 'Individual Response' to HIS Word/BIBLE [Isaiah 66.2] because GOD is Just [Psalms 25.8], which is what makes us the Children of GOD [John 1.12] and GOD even Confides with those who walk intimately with HIM [Psalms 25.14]. So, it is our own Choice and Decision to Know more about GOD, which alone leads us to Witness and Taste HIS Glory and Goodness [John 11.40], [Psalms 34.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.