Thursday, February 5, 2015

LIFE on earth is not forever, my friend [James 4.14]. WE are not going to be here for thousands of years. So, Learn Apply Change Accomplish Great things and LIVE QUICK [Isaiah 1.17]. Every: year, month, week, day, moment GOD gives; is a brand new opportunity to get right with GOD [Matthew 3.2]. To: Know, Accept and Please GOD/JESUS which is why we are here and which alone will Determine Where and How, WE will Spend our Eternity once DEAD and gone; either in Heaven or in Hell, as a Hero or as a Joker; it is as simple as that [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [John 6.27-29]. Beloved, Results are published only after the Exams. We will know who we are in GOD's books only after we DIE. So, Listen to GOD/BIBLE and DO what it says, so that you won't REGRET when you stand before GOD [James 1.22], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. So, STOP wasting your precious TIME/LIFE running Only behind creations [men, money, materials] Ignoring, Neglecting, Disobeying GOD our CREATOR. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.

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