Saturday, May 25, 2013

Meditate upon GOD'S Promises my friend; so that you too can be Excited... Remember, Someday people will say 'Thanks for everything' saying 'Good bye' in: their Sudden: separation, transfer, relocation, promotion, retirement and even in Death but God never does that. God never leaves us [Hebrews 13.5] ... It is true We all go through problems, every now and then; which is natural. But if You are standing for GOD building HIS kingdom, at the cost of compromising, sacrificing your Quality: Time, Talents and Treasures for JESUS, spreading the GOOD NEWS of SALVATION, setting people FREE from Bondage, Pain, Tears and devil's Darkness; know this for Sure your AWESOME DAYS are coming [John 6.27] [Matthew 6.19-21] [Mark 10.29-30] GOD NEVER Forgets Anyone, Anyone [Romans 2.6-7]... who stood, stand and will ever stand... Like Joseph's life; you too will be Remembered and REWARDED someday by GOD HIMSELF!!!!

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