Sunday, June 9, 2013

GOD is with us... Moment you Accept, Believe, Confess and Decide for JESUS; as your LORD and SAVIOR [Romans 10.9-10] and continue to live so, you become GOD's Property from then on my friend... NO DEVIL can TOUCH YOU [Psalms 34.7] [1 John 4.4] [Isaiah 54.17] ... God never leaves us [Hebrews 13.5] until our End, as long as we don't reject HIM... My friend if you begin living for JESUS your AWESOME DAYS are just coming [John 14.1-3] [Philippians 3.20-21] [Revelation 21.4] So be quick to Accept JESUS [Revelation 3.20] and be protected, provided and prospered by HIM physically and spiritually; now and for evermore... Know JESUS know Awesome LIFE...

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