Thursday, November 21, 2013

DIVORCE is not GOD's idea beloved but of course MARRIAGE is. My friend this is why GOD warns us not to be unequally Yoked together with unbelievers in the first place [2 Corinthians 6.14]. GOD commands us not to commit adultery [Matthew 5.27] because that is the only compromise for Divorce in the house of GOD [Matthew 5.32] be happy with your own partner. GOD commands husbands to love their wives [Ephesians 5.25] why? Women are into Romance and Intimacy; they long for personal attention and for quality time together today and everyday, that is them. GOD commands wives to Submit themselves to their husbands [Ephesians 5.22] why? Men are into Sex and Tranquility; like food they want Sex and Peace at home, as well. So wives understand your husbands need and likes and honor them and shut the door for the devil. GOD says a wise woman builds her house [Proverbs 14.1] why? Wise women fear GOD, they welcome and keep GOD in their family [Proverbs 1.7] they guard their tongue, they speak LIFE [Proverbs 18.21] they bring the BEST out of their men by Respecting, Encouraging, Supporting and Caring their Husbands like their favorite Child until the end [Genesis 2.18]. GOD warns let NO man put asunder a marriage [Matthew 19.6] why? GOD unites a man and a woman in Marriage, it is HIS heart and Idea but HE doesn't separate them but devil and his followers. GOD says Marriage is Holy and a Covenant [Hebrews 13.4], [Malachi 2.14] why? it is between one man and one woman, it is not a club or society. Why GOD gave us these Commands, Counsels and Warnings? [Malachi 2.16] because Devil is Destroying FAMILIES around the world by fooling them with his LIES. Beloved WAKE UP! GOD LOVES MARRIAGE and HATES DIVORCE. Remember GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8]. Our tears matters a lot to HIM [Psalms 56.8]. Stop breaking GOD's Heart [ Hosea 4.6] by welcoming and keeping the devil and his followers in your home, house or life [ John 8.44], [John 10.10]. [Revelation 12.9] and being Deceived and DESTROYED!

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