Saturday, May 10, 2014

Beloved, GOD has given Everyone of us, something or other to bless others with, at any/all given point of time until our End. Remember, how MUCH or how little WE have is not even, as important as, what WE do with it, my friend. So don't wait until you become Rich or Comfortable to help the poor and needy around [Matthew 25.15-29]. So, bless someone today and everyday with your Time/Talents/Treasures. Giving is the Seed/Secret for Receiving. It starts from YOU. Want to Receive? then GIVE [Luke 6.38]. Want to be LOVED? Love others, Want to be Respected? Respect others. Want to be Helped? Help others,.. What you sow, what you Reap [Galatians 6.7-8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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