Tuesday, December 16, 2014

GOD says 'Fool says in his heart, there is no GOD' [Psalms 14.1]. Every second Scientists around the World keep on Decoding such a lot of Intelligence, which is around us. Question is who Encoded all these Intelligence in the first place? It is GOD [Genesis 1.1], [Isaiah 46.9-10]. My friend, Everything WE: See, Smell, Touch, Feel, Hear has a: Creator/Manufacturer/Producer likewise You and I, have one; HE is GOD ALMIGHTY. Beloved, the Funniest thing is even the Devil Believes in GOD and Trembles before HIM [James 2.19]. Remember, GOD will never ever Force Anyone for Anything because HE has given us Common sense and HE believes in us. So Remember, Everything in Life is simply a Choice. Whether: Good or bad, Right or wrong, Blessing or curse, Life or death, Heaven or hell,... So, Seek GOD/BIBLE and be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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