Friday, October 2, 2015

Why Worry about Tomorrow, like it's Promised? rather DO your Best Today and Everyday: 1.For the LORD, 2.For the world or our fellow men, 3.For Your family, friends and you before you go to bed, having nothing to Regret or Lose, even if you won't wake up the following day [James 4.14]. My friend, WE all live a most uncertain life, in an Evil world [Luke 12.20], [Galatians 1.4]. So, Always be prepared to Depart/DIE [2 Timothy 4.7]. GOD/BIBLE says, 'Do not heap treasures on earth, why? because it's neither Safe, nor Lasting here but it's Not the case in Heaven [Matthew 6.19-20]. So, GIVE to the: Poor, Church and Gospel works to WIN/SAVE SOULS, LOVING ALL and be always ready to meet GOD Our CREATOR, as HIS Good and Faithful Servant [Matthew 25.23]. Beloved, WE ought to Live Everyday, as if it is our last because we never know when it will really be. So be SAVED and be SAFE Forever [Revelation 3.20], [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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