Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Everything starts with You and I. So Stop waiting indefinitely for others to make the first move. Be PROACTIVE. Go out and Bless Others. Be a Blessing. Reach out to HELP Someone Today and Everyday. Whenever possible,Try to Put a Smile on the less fortunate folks around, in your capacity; making GOD Proud [Matthew 5.16]. GIVE or Buy a Gift, Meal, Coffee or whatever to Someone who CANNOT afford it. Try to Meet, Call, Text, email your Loved ones, or Anyone concerned; say that you Love them, Miss them, Enquire about their well being or Apologize if needed and get Reconciled [Matthew 6.14-15]. Remember, WE Won't be here Forever [James 4.14]. Be the Difference, Be a TRANSITION Person [Matthew 5.44], [Luke 6.31 & 38], [Galatians 6.7-8]. So CHANGE, ACTION please. Heap Treasures in Heaven [Matthew 6.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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