Monday, December 11, 2017

GOD is Patient and Silent which doesn't mean HE is Absent and Ignorant [Psalms 94.8-11], [Isaiah 46.10]. Everyone is Watched [1 Corinthians 4.5], Everything is Recorded for Rewards [Jeremiah 17.10]. Scary right? YES it is. FYI, One day WE all Must stand before GOD to give an individual account of our Life on Earth [Hebrews 9.27]. So Wake up. GOD is not a toy for us to play with! So Listen to GOD/BIBLE as: Early, Eagerly, Attentively as possible, to make Right, Great, Eternal Choices Now, when you have your Right to Choose for you [Deuteronomy 30.19], If Not, YOU Must Listen to HIM, HIM alone once DEAD [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38], [Daniel 12.2]. So FEAR, OBEY GOD/BIBLE Now [James 1.22], [Isaiah 66.2]. It Doesn't matter how Politically or Humanly Correct You are, If it is Not Biblically Correct, then YOU are WRONG [Proverbs 14.12]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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