Saturday, June 16, 2018

Every friendship: Corrects or Corrupts [Psalms 1.1-3]; Multiplies our: Faith or Doubts [Genesis 3.1-13]. Billions out there suffer in: Tears, Pains, Sorrows, in Eternal Death; Assuming this is what LIFE is all about, Without any: JOY, PEACE or HOPE because of their sheer IGNORANCE about GOD [Psalms 34.10], [Matthew 6.33]. Devil has blinded their Minds, to believe all his Lies to: Steal, Kill, Destroy them [2 Corinthians 4.4], [John 844]. As Christians, Carrying CHRIST; WE must: Tell, Teach them by showing JESUS/LOVE saying JESUS/GOD is: Omnipresent [John 4.24], [Psalms 139.7-12]; Omnipotent [Job 42.2], [Isaiah 46.9]; Omniscient [Jeremiah 17.10], [Psalms 44.21] and LOVE [1 John 4.8]. So, there is NOTHING that GOD cannot DO [Isaiah 46.9]. Then they'll Seek GOD/BIBLE, so that they too can be: Delivered, Saved, Blessed [2 Chronicles 7.14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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