Saturday, July 21, 2018

Beware of FALSE Prophets, which come to you in Sheep's Clothing but Inwardly they are Ravening Wolves. Ye shall Know them by their Fruits [Matthew 7.15-21]. There shall be FALSE Teachers among you, who Privily shall bring in Damnable heresies, even Denying the LORD, that bought them, and bring upon themselves Swift Destruction. And Many shall Follow them, by reason of whom, the way of Truth, shall be Evil spoken of. And through Covetousness shall they with Feigned Words, make Merchandise of YOU [2 Peter 2.1-9]. Know them. FALSE: Prophets, Teachers: 1. Will have NO Burden for Dying SOULS. 2. Selfish, Greedy, Money minded. 3. Projecting themselves more Important than GOD HIMSELF. 4. Focus on: people with Possessions, Positions and Power; Scare them, Enslave them, Fool them, Steal them. 5. They Give Self Talk, NOT from BIBLE. They are Self Sent, Man Sent, Devil Sent and NOT GOD Sent. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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