Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Beloved, we are Spirit beings, living in Human bodies for a time, preparing for Eternity either in Heaven or Hell, based on our personal Response to GOD/BIBLE [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9]. That's why WE can: Attract, Lodge, Entertain, Expel other Spirits from within [Genesis 2.7], [Revelation 3.20], [1 John 4.4], [Revelation 22.11-12]. Though we have only one Body, WE can carry More than one Spirit in us [Luke 8.2], [Acts 8.7]. It is that Spirit which WE Welcome/Entertain the most Drives us from within; If GOD then GOOD, if Devil then EVIL [Matthew 4.1], [Acts 19.16]. FYI, GOD is a Spirit but GOD is LOVE [John 4.24], [1 John 4.8], Whereas Devil is also a Spirit but EVIL [Hebrews 1.14], [John 8.44 & 10.10]. So, Check carefully what Drives You, LOVE or HATRED, GOOD or EVIL? so that you can know who Drives YOU from within! Welcome GOD, Expel the devil. Know what you must Know and DO what you must DO before too late [Jeremiah 33.3]. So be quick to: Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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