Monday, November 21, 2016

CHANGE your seeds to Change your HARVEST. Sow what Exactly you want to Reap. If Love then Love, if Respect then Respect, If Peace then Peace, If Kindness then Kindness, If Forgiveness then Forgiveness,. Be the Personality you want to see in Others; by simply doing unto others what exactly you expect them to do unto you [Luke 6.31]. When people: Ignore you, Insult you or Ill treat you for NO Fault of yours or for No reason; Don't get shocked or upset but check carefully if you had done this to anyone before, if Yes then Apologize and Never repeat that; if No, please be informed that person who treated you bad now, had just chosen to be treated bad in future deliberately because that is what GOD/BIBLE Says, 'What one Sows one Reaps' [Galatians 6.7-8]. Remember, GOD Cannot LIE [Titus 1,2]. GOD Cannot CHANGE [Malachi 3.6]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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