DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Someone who was with us yesterday is no more with us today. Thank God for the life, union you enjoy with your family, friends; along with countless opportunities, peace, joy and hope. Everyday Millions and Millions of people are suffering for survival... Thank GOD for HIS Goodness upon your Life and stop complaining!!!!
Things that will follow us even after death is: our life lived for God and our: time, talents and treasures invested in and for Him. Rest all will be forgotten, sooner or later. Beloved so: Beware. Be wise... Do good to others, even though No one Cares, Appreciates or Encourages... You know GOD is watching, that is what matters, Someday HE will Reward You [Revelations 22.11-12]
Love of mothers are awesome and wonderful. GOD/BIBLE says As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you [Isaiah 66.13] You know my friend; Many are miserable and hated because they are married to their own selfishness. But some are happy, loved and praised because of their selflessness and love for others. Love is the key. Love bears all, believes all, covers all and hopes in all [ 1 Corinthians 13.7]
GOD/BIBLE says whoso rewards evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house [Proverbs 17.13] GOD cannot lie [Numbers 23.19] says the Bible. So my dear friend, Stop exercising Double standards in life [Proverbs 11.1] which is an abomination to GOD. Let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these comes of evil [Matthew 5.37]
Always try to Care the Poor and Needy around you...GOD/BIBLE says that he that has pity upon the poor lends unto the LORD [Proverbs 19.17] Many are in darkness or ignorance; not for lack of light or knowledge but they never open their eyes to information, knowledge/Bible. Remember wisdom and knowledge is must for growth, improvement, establishment and long life...
BIBLE/GOD says - For GOD gives to a man that is good in HIS sight: Wisdom, Knowledge and Joy: but to the Sinner HE gives travail, to gather and heap up, that he may give to him that is good before GOD [Ecclesiastes 2.26] My friend, so Pleasing GOD is the secret to Enjoy a great life here on earth now and in Heaven to come for Eternity!!!
Beloved: Be Different, Be Creative, Be Innovative, Be above the average. Think out of the box! Be always a GIVER to the world... Bring that Best which The LORD GOD has deposited in you, Out...Remember: Carrying a stethoscope won't make one a physician or Holding a steering wheel a driver or carrying a spanner makes one a mechanic or carrying a Bible a servant of God. Everything Productive takes little Extra.... So listen to GOD/BIBLE; receive, learn, understand, create and be wanted everywhere...
Beloved; be quick to learn and change. Everyone has got something to teach us, when we are open to learn. No one knows everything and at the same time, everyone knows something. Be open. GOD is not only our Creator, Master, Father but also our Teacher...Seek GOD/BIBLE [Jeremiah 33.3] and be Transformed [Romans 12.2]....
Funny but true... Beloved you know what GOD/BIBLE says; A Merry heart does good like a Medicine [Proverbs 17.22] Its good to listen to jokes at times, for laughing...its a good physical exercise too... So laugh whenever you can...Enjoy life my friend... You know Even GOD laughs [Psalms 2.1-4] and BIBLE says GOD fills HIS Children's mouth with Laughter [Psalms 126.2] [Psalms 16.11] GOD is Not only our Master/Creator but also our FATHER [Matthew 18.14] Accept JESUS and please GOD [Romans 10.9-10]
Beloved remove negative people from your life as soon as you can. Remember the people you spend your time with influence your attitude, thoughts and success more than you think even without your knowledge. So never give even an extra second to: any negative people in life, who refuse to learn or people who never believe in GOD because eventually they will slow, stop and even spoil you. Beloved; Only thing which cannot be recycled is TIME or LIFE, Never waste it. Do every GOOD thing then and there, Never Postpone [Ecclesiastes 3.1-8]. Never Waste time [Ephesians 5.16]. Be wise in Using or Saving time; Plan ahead and be prepared [Colossians 4.5] Be wise.
BIBLE/GOD says that GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8] GOD is Creator of our Spirits [Zechariah 12.1] Mother of Emotions [1 Samuel 16.7] [Psalms 94.8-11] Life without LOVE is like Food without taste. That's why WE all need GOD/JESUS in life, in order to be filled with HIS LOVE for us and Show others also LOVE; GOD being LOVE commanded us to Love our Neighbors [Matthew 19.19] and even our Enemies [Matthew 5.44] Receive JESUS today [Romans 10.9-10] and start Enjoying a Life of New [2 Corinthians 5.17] Love, Joy, Peace, Wisdom, Gratitude, Humility and Hope!!!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Beloved: JESUS never asked us to follow the pastors, preachers, prophets or someone but HIM and HIM alone [Matthew 4.19] so don't be misled. Remember JESUS went on doing Good until the End of HIS TIME on earth [Acts 10.38] HE was full of Love and Compassion. He had quality time even for: beggars, drunkards, prostitutes, sick, demon possessed and the sinners...Follow JESUS...Live a life of LOVE and COMPASSION, doing GOOD until your end on earth, dreaming of Eternity with JESUS in HEAVEN!!!
Beloved We are in the World but We are Not of the world. We all MUST: 1.Repent [Matthew 3.2] 2.Believe in the Gospel/JESUS [Mark 1.15] 3.Be Baptized [John 3.5] 4.Receive The HOLY SPIRIT [[Luke 11.13] and 5.Live a Holy Life [Matthew 10.22] as per GOD's Word/BIBLE, so that we can enter into the Kingdom of HEAVEN!!! My friend, be not conformed to this world: but be ye Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind [Romans 12.2]
KNOWLEDGE is life, Knowledge is time, knowledge is power, knowledge is freedom, Knowledge is wealth, Knowledge is fun, Knowledge is simply Awesome [Proverbs 17.27] and GOD gives Knowledge [Jeremiah 33.3]. GOD/BIBLE gives us A-Z including Eternal Life [1 Samuel 2.6-10], [John 3.15-17]. GOD Removes ALL Fears including the Fear of DEATH [Psalms 34.4], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4]. My brother, my sister, my friend Whoever you may be it doesn't matter, please get a copy of The Holy BIBLE in your favorite language [you can get your FREE copy online as well], read it with reverence, believe it wholeheartedly, obey it immediately, receive it with gratitude to ENJOY REAL AWESOME LIFE beginning within you and flowing out touching and transforming your world [Jeremiah 29.11-13]. Beloved IGNORANCE is the worst KILLER ever known [Hosea 4.6]. So please STOP being Ignorant. Receive LORD JESUS Receive: Life, Wisdom, Power, Peace, Joy and Hope [John 10.10] for now & forever [Romans 10.9-10].
Beloved; Love is the key for Happiness. So Love others.. We always have something to give others. It may be our: love, kindness, time, knowledge,..The sign and Proof of Love is when our passion to give exceeds; our passion to receive... We cannot be in LOVE with someone without GIVING something GOOD and Valuable!!!! JESUS LOVES us, HE gave HIS Life, HE gave HIS Word, HE is Coming back!!!!
Prizes are given after the Finish of the Race...Wages are paid after Finishing the Job... Degree are given after passing the Exams.. Similarly he/she that endures SALVATION [Romans 10.9-10] to the end shall be SAVED [Matthew 10.22] So keep living in the LORD until the End for Eternity in Heaven my friend!!!
We are Created by GOD [Genesis 1.26-27] not by our fellow men or devil. GOD gave this Life, Never WASTE it for men, money or devil; Invest it back in the hands of GOD [Matthew 6.19-20] [John 6.27] and use it for the kingdom of GOD, before using it extensively, read GOD given Life manual BIBLE very carefully so that you can Live Life to the Full [Romans 10.9-10] with Love, Peace, Joy and Hope for now and Ever in Eternity in Heaven!!!!
GOD/BIBLE is full of Life, love, wisdom, power and mystery [Psalms 147.5] GOD says that even before HE created the Universe HE knew us in our Spirit [Jeremiah 1.5] BIBLE says GOD knows the end of everything from their beginning [Isaiah 46.10] Beloved, in all your thirst for Knowing Put GOD/BIBLE first!!! You will feel Proud you did!!!
Beloved in order to maintain Good Physical Health; Eat Healthy [Isaiah 1.19] Drink a lot of clean water [Daniel 1.12] Sleep well [Psalms 4.8] and Work out [Deuteronomy 5.13] For Good Spiritual Health; Read BIBLE and Pray regularly...So that Life will remain Healthy in a Balanced manner; in and out, my friend!!!
Try to Eat Raw vegetables and fruits...Daniel and his friends rejected meat and wine but requested for pulses, fruits, vegetables and water... They looked better and brighter; in and out [Daniel 1.1-17] So be informed and try to include Raw vegetables and fruits intake which can help improve our health a lot...
No one knows Everything or No one knows Nothing. Everyone knows something which We may or may Not Know. So Be open minded, be quick to learn. Your Life improves at the speed of your: learning, understanding, believing and CHANGING to Better and Greater without losing anything. Try to Know JESUS/BIBLE as soon as you can, in order to live a Life of Wisdom, Joy, Peace and Hope for now and for later in HEAVEN for Eternity!!!!
Beloved; Perfect love casts away the Fear [1 John 4.18] Though husband and wife or brother and sister or close friends; unless and until we know for sure we are being truly LOVED beyond mere words by that person, we will Never Ever open up our Heart completely to the core for them.... GOD/BIBLE asked us to LOVE GOD, Our CREATOR [Matthew 22.37] Wholeheartedly and Husbands to LOVE their wives [Ephesians 5.25] and all of us to LOVE our Neighbors [Matthew 19.19] and even our enemies [Matthew 5.44] Why? Because LOVE is the Greatest force on earth...It can unlock any locks of hearts...LOVE others and be LOVED!!!!
Many are dating the Devils, Not realizing they are Devils; because what they expected Devil to be is with Horrible face with Horns like in the Cartoon characters with long protruding Teeth and so on but Not knowing the Truth of Devil, who was created by GOD, Perfect and Beautiful [Ezekiel 28.12] and he fell from HEAVEN because of his PRIDE [Isaiah 14.12-14] and he is a Liar and father of Lies [John 8.44] As GOD is a SPIRIT [John 4.24] Devil is also a spirit [Mark 3.11] he can be in any Handsome he or Beautiful she, as long as they have Not Received LORD JESUS as their SAVIOR and filled with HOLY GHOST [1 John 4.4] and living according to BIBLE!!!! So wake up my friend and Stop listening to the LIES of the Devil rather Believe GOD/BIBLE, which is the TRUTH, and be filled with Life, Joy, Peace and Hope in GOD!!!!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Beloved; Without JESUS in Our personal life, Our Life will not be complete; Life will remain full of motion but without meaning, full of activities but without production, full of labor but without rewards. How sad and disappointing. Someday Everything will come to an End, but then only JESUS/GOD will walk into your Life, know this now!!! Beloved, You know JESUS was Crucified for our Sins [Matthew 27.35] and HE was Risen [Matthew 28.5-6] and HE is coming again to take all those who Believe and Obey HIM/BIBLE to be with HIM for Eternity in HEAVEN [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18] [1 Corinthians 15.51-54] So Believe this truth and be saved and get ready to meet HIM Happily at any moment, when JESUS Returns [Acts 1.11]
Many spend too much of their: time, treasures and talents on what is Seen and Attractive than: what is Important, Imminent, Eternal which is GOD, Final Judgment and Eternity in HEAVEN [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14] So Wake up, Beloved. Money, Men and Materials are nothing but a Deception my friend; We will all know that very well minutes before our Heart STOPS, whereas GOD is NOT; Look unto HIM NOW, and Be SAVED and SERVE HIM [Matthew 6.19-20] before too late!!!
Beloved; Because GOD believes in us, HE expects us to spread the Gospel/Good News about JESUS [Matthew 28.19-20] to the unreached world, where people are still in spiritual darkness and bondage! GOD Used all these following characters for HIS Purpose, if that is the case HE can very well USE YOU and I too...You know there are ranks in Heaven? [Matthew 18.4] Rewards in Eternity? [Matthew 6.19-20] [Revelations 22.11-12] Work for GOD now [John 6.27] so that someday you can have an Everlasting Awesome Retirement in [Philippians 3.20-21] HEAVEN!!! Wisdom....
We all MUST: 1.Repent [Matthew 3.2] 2.Believe in the Gospel/JESUS [Mark 1.15] 3.Be Baptized [John 3.5] 4.Receive The HOLY SPIRIT [[Luke 11.13] and 5.Live a Holy Life [Matthew 10.22] as per GOD's Word/BIBLE, so that we can enter into the Kingdom of HEAVEN!!! My friend, so be very serious about your choice of Eternity; either in Heaven or Hell, Act accordingly Now!!!
Beloved; Like it or not, someday we all must leave Everyone and Everything we always LOVED and ENJOYED. So Fear GOD. Remember Long-term thinking improves short-term decision making. Though we Hear, Read and Watch so many things in life; Eventually we will always Do, Say, Intend Only what we BELIEVE wholeheartedly, my friend. The heroes listed below, stood for GOD, Believing in HIM, now they are waiting for their Eternal Rewards [Romans 2.6-7] [Revelations 22.11-12] So WE too can be like them, provided we too believe GOD and stand for HIM NOW!!! Consider seriously!!!
If anyone is a Born Again Christian/True Disciple of Christ; his/her Glorious Life is yet to begin, says Our GOD/BIBLE [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18] [1 Corinthians 15.51-54] [John 14.1-3] My friend, make sure you too become one, so that No Devil or Death can Stop you from Cherishing and Celebrating Eternal life with JESUS in HEAVEN!!! Don't wait indefinitely, losing all opportunities to end up in Hell, you never know when may be your last chance to receive JESUS, as your Personal Savior [Romans 10.9-10]
If GOD could Create us, Mankind in HIS own Image and Likeness [Genesis 1.26-27] Reveal HIMSELF/BIBLE to us [John 1.1-14] Employ HIS Angels to Guard us [Psalms 34.7] KILL HIS only SON for You and I [John 3.15-17] give us HIS HOLY SPIRIT [1 John 4.4]; do you think it is all for Nothing BIG but simply to let us SUFFER on this earth for a very short while with a such a lot Troubles, Sorrows, Pains, Tears and to DIE just like a wild beast?!!! My brother, my sister, my friend; 1000 times NO!!!! GOD has prepared an Awesome place for all of us in HEAVEN [John 14.1-3] and going to Send JESUS anytime soon, again [Acts 1.11] to take us back HOME to Live with HIM in HEAVEN [Philippians 3.20-21] Forever and Ever, Provided WE accept LORD JESUS as Our Personal SAVIOR [Romans 10.9-10]!!! Do it today, Do it now, before too late and Be Eternally Safe, Secure and Sound!!!!
Every passing minute in Your Life is a brand new opportunity to denounce Evil and to Receive LORD JESUS, as your Personal SAVIOR [Romans 10.9-10] for a brand new life of love, joy, peace and hope my friend. It's never too late, beloved. Remember JESUS paid the price for all our SINS by HIS Precious SINLESS BLOOD [Romans 6.23] on the cross of Calvary on our behalf; its all for FREE, PROVIDED you receive HIM before it is too late. Consider Accepting JESUS today, if possible NOW [Revelation 3.20]. It is nothing but you choosing to say a simple yes for a Priceless Eternal Treasure, which is to LIVE in HEAVEN with GOD HIMSELF without Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death [Revelation 21.4] for ever and ever in the place of DYING in LAKE of FIRE for ever and ever [Revelation 19.20]. Wake up and be wise. Beloved GOD is GOOD. Devil is EVIL. Listen to GOD.
GOD/BIBLE says that GOD is our Healer [Exodus 15.26] And By the stripes of JESUS we are healed [1 Peter 2.24] My friend, GOD is Our Creator...He knows very well, what is wrong with us, and He is the same yesterday, today and forever [Hebrews 13.8] So seek, believe and obey HIM/BIBLE and be Healed, Delivered, Saved and Blessed [Jeremiah 33.3]
Beloved: Our life improves at the speed of us asking quality questions with an open mind from the Right source. Feel free to consult GOD/BIBLE, The Creator and Maker of us, Mankind...Always Remember that Nothing is more important like God/Jesus. Don’t let something that doesn't matter cause you lose something which only matters...Know and Keep GOD first...
Beloved: Know LORD Jesus personally. Everyone has different experience with God. Your experience with God becomes your message to your world. Our biggest problem is not the devil but NOT knowing JESUS/BIBLE personally the way we should. Remember, Ignorance is also a Killer. GOD's Angel, protects Anyone who fears GOD, says GOD/BIBLE [Psalms 34.7] So... Fear GOD, my friend...
JESUS is my Only HERO and HE will be yours too; once you Understand who HE is and what HE did for us all... I fell in Love with HIM since long just because of HIS outstanding LOVE, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS for us MANKIND... Beloved JESUS not only taught us and commanded us to LOVE our neighbors but our enemies too [Matthew 19.19], [Matthew 5.44]. JESUS not only commanded us to LOVE ALL but also Demonstrated it on the Cross of Calvary by FORGIVING even those who insulted, ill-treated and crucified HIM unjustly and DYING for us all, to make sure WE all join HIM in Eternity in Heaven, if WE choose to Accept, Believe, Obey and follow HIM/BIBLE until the End. My friend you know, GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8], if we are truly HIS children in Spirit, we would be loving everyone spontaneously without even realizing... So be quick to LOVE and FORGIVE others... and Know for sure JESUS LOVES YOU too... Remember without us asking voluntarily HE paid the whole price for our SINS by HIS precious BLOOD which we were supposed to pay; and now by simply accepting HIM as our personal Savior we can Enjoy the never ending Eternal LIFE in Heaven with GOD HIMSELF, think about it! Never miss this Amazing FREE GIFT of GOD's SALVATION. Please be SAVED today, now. So that you can turn the ever shocking natural DEATH of mankind into an eagerly awaited pleasant surprise [Philippians 1.21-23]. Act now!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Beloved, Our Freewill is for accomplishments, not for self destruction; though we are free to choose actions, we are not free to control its consequences. My friend try to keep company with people, habits, hobbies and things which can Improve you. Know GOD personally; Seek JESUS/BIBLE, walk with truly GOD fearing folks...Be Delivered, Saved and Blessed...
Friday, April 26, 2013
Someday Everyone and Everything We: own, love, cherish, celebrate and very proud of will leave us; suddenly and forever. But only one thing will never leave us forever, that is, what we did for the kingdom of GOD/JESUS, the relationship we developed and maintained with GOD/JESUS, that's all...My friend, Bible tells us very clearly that GOD's plan is to accommodate us in Heaven for Eternity, provided we believe, obey Bible and accept LORD Jesus as our personal SAVIOR and be washed by His Blood, to enter into Heaven...Never miss it!!!
Beloved: Only BIBLE/JESUS can Transform us..The sign and proof of one being in Christ Jesus or True Christian is the Visible Change in their Life. Their: thoughts, Intents, Words and Deeds keep on changing from Evil to GOOD, on an increasing manner until they live, Touching and Transforming their World...That's what JESUS/BIBLE does to anyone who Believes and Obeys Bible. So Become and be a True CHRISTIAN, my friend. Life is just once, Be BLESSED and Try to be a BLESSING to all OTHERS around!!!
Wise folks walk in LOVE, they evangelize, they save souls [Proverbs 11.30] from Eternal Death, Save souls for CHRIST [Matthew 28.19-20] because they have a clear idea of future [John 6.27] [Matthew 6.19-20] They fear GOD, Love and Respect men; They believe in: Life after Death/Resurrection [Daniel 12.2] Final Judgment of GOD [Hebrews 9.27] Eternal Rewards for us Mankind for all our Thoughts, Intents, Words and Deeds; and the Awesome Eternal Retirement [John 14.2-3] [Philippians 3.20-21] in Heaven for all those who are in CHRIST. My friend, please accept JESUS as your Personal SAVIOR [Romans 10.9-10] and tell others too!!! Be Eternally SAFE, SECURE and SOUND!!!!
GOD/BIBLE says: Ask, and it shall be given you; Seek, and ye shall find; Knock. and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone who asks receives; and he that seeks finds and to him who knocks it shall be opened [Matthew 7.7-8] My friend be: updated, upgraded, restored and renewed: daily, in God in Jesus and in man. Greatest room in our life is always the room for self improvement. Keep enlarging it until you live!!!
Beloved...We all MUST: 1.Repent [Matthew 3.2] 2.Believe in the Gospel/JESUS [Mark 1.15] Baptized [John 3.5] 4.Receive The HOLY SPIRIT [John 7.39] and 5.Live a Holy Life [Matthew 10.22] as per GOD's Word/BIBLE, so that we can enter into the Kingdom of HEAVEN!!! My friend, so be very serious about your choice of Eternity; either in Heaven or Hell, Now!!!
Being a Female is a matter of birth, being a woman is a matter of age but being a LADY is a matter of choice; my sister, my friend...When WE LADIES and GENTLEMEN remain Unique as GOD intended and GOD created us to be. We will always Give others something, they can't find somewhere else. Be a Lady, be a Gentleman, be Unique; fill yourself with JESUS, so that you can be full of LOVE and COMPASSION, touch and transform your world...
Don’t wait until retirement to learn, decide and act upon things that can change our life. Don't always take things lightly. You never know when, our most uncertain life, may come to an End...Remember, the Less we associate with some people in our world, the More our life Improves. Same way seek GOD/JESUS early; for Godly touch and transformation so that you can be Transformed and Ready for Heaven in Eternity, as well!!! LOVE, RESPECT and CARE others... Do GOOD to Others around though they are Not good to you...
Learn some wisdom from Noah's Ark.. Though Noah built the Ark, its architect was GOD... GOD is full of Life, Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Power...And GOD loves to be Believed and Obeyed [Hebrews 11.6]
Jesus looked at His disciples and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with GOD all things are possible [Matthew 19.26] Jesus said unto them, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you [Matthew 17.20] My friend, so just Believe in GOD...
BIBLE/GOD says: But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which heavens shall pass away with the great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up [2 Peter 3.10] Be warned of that day of Jesus's return and be prepared to meet Him Joyfully, my friend!!! Be informed, be prepared... So Accept Jesus now, before too late!!!
Great Tribulation is coming upon the world, it will hit those who are not in Christ, unawares [ Revelation 2.22] So be in Christ and be transformed when He returns [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18] Behold I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep/dead, but we shall be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed [1 Corinthians 15.51-54] So Receive Jesus my friend and Escape all these Pains forever!!!
JESUS / BIBLE says Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I [JESUS/GOD] will give you rest [Matthew 11.28] I will never reject Anyone who comes to me [ John 6.37] Do not worry about tomorrow [Matthew 6.34] Do not worry about anything [Philippians 4.6] Do not fear [Isaiah 41.10] Do not worry about your future [Jeremiah 29.11] [ John 14.2-3] My friend please consider Receiving JESUS as your personal SAVIOR so that these promises can be yours too...Wisdom...Act Now!!!
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