DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
There are ranks in Heaven beloved because GOD is just [Romans 2.11] so it doesn't matter how we all began our life on earth but what all matters is how we finish it, so don't be deceived my friend Live for Jesus now so that you can have rewards and treasures in Heaven [Matthew 5.10-12], [Matthew 6.19-21]. God won't treat everyone alike then, there in eternity because HE is Just [Romans 2.11]. So as to be Great in Heaven 1. Break not GOD's Word, follow and teach them as it is [Matthew 5.19] 2. Humble yourself [Matthew 18.4] 3. Serve others [Matthew 23.11] [Luke 22.26] Even LORD JESUS lived as our model [Matthew 20.26-28] GOD cannot lie [Titus 1.2] GOD cannot change [Malachi 3.6] Take this seriously. Someday we all must leave this world to stand before God of course for: Judgment, Rewards and Eternal Celebration in Heaven with HIM; always remember that and act now!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Beloved we can't change our life until we change our thinking. Because thoughts are powerful. Bible says 'As one believes is he' [Proverbs 23.7] Thoughts are pictures of mind that have constructive or destructive possibilities having power over our emotions or feelings. Thoughts are more than imaginations. Because imaginations are voluntary and can be induced by external inputs forming pictures in mind [Genesis 15.5] whereas thoughts are created by us. They are deliberate [Romans 12.2] They may be holding us in bondage if negative or fill us with excitement, joy, peace and hope if they are positive. So try to choose and discipline your thoughts to remain in high spirits. Read BIBLE and know what Awesome things GOD says about you and Believe them to: dive into and remain in: Joy, Peace and Hope [Genesis 1.26-27], [John 20.17], [Romans 8.17].
GOD says 'Do not worry about tomorrow' [Matthew 6.34] because HE designs it and 'Do not worry about anything' [Philippians 4.6] because HE is able and HE says 'If you are willing and obedient you will eat the BEST of the land [Isaiah 1.19] because HE decides it. So just believe and obey GOD/BIBLE remaining calm and confident in HIM never letting your sadness of the past or uncertainty of your future to ruin your present Happiness because GOD cannot lie [Titus 1.2] GOD cannot change [Malachi 3.6] Beloved Nothing is impossible with GOD [Luke 1.37] just trust HIM and in HIS Word/BIBLE.
Beloved only GOD prepared and GOD promised HEAVEN is perfect and problem-free; where NO MORE: Tears, Pain, Sorrow or Death; but this Temporary devil dominated world is full of Evil [Galatians 1.4]. That is why at times however we remain: Good, Kind, Right, Fair, Grateful, Humble and Helpful to others; minding our own businesses; we are deliberately Pulled and Pushed into various problems every now and then [John 16.33]. This is why WE Need to know JESUS as our personal Savior and need HIS Grace [2 Corinthians 12.9] in order to: face, endure and overcome these unexpected tricks and traps of the devil for Now and to Enter into GOD built permanent Home the Heaven for Eternity once dead and gone [Philippians 3.20-21]. So don’t lose heart, when attacked by the devil but stay Focused on the LORD until the end for an EXCELLENT Life which is waiting for all the Born Again Christians [Romans 10.9-10], [John 3.5], [Revelation 21.4]. who are in CHRIST.
NONE of us is Empty handed in GOD's view. That is why GOD says 'GIVE so that you will RECEIVE' [Luke 6.38] because it is HE who has deposited or gifted everyone of us with something or other to give others in need or out of love and kindness whenever we Choose. We may GIVE not only or not necessarily temporal Money or Materials but also Eternal: forgiveness, an act of kindness or sacrifice, a word of: love, hope, knowledge, wisdom or prayer; directly or indirectly. Remember what we sow what we Reap but in Multifold [Galatians 6.7] So be a blessing to someone today and everyday [Genesis 12.3]

Beloved Never feel: sad, bad or mad for your being: poor, uneducated, unattractive and unaccepted to this world or before men. These things doesn't matter to GOD [1 Samuel 16.7]. These things has nothing to do with our Relationship with GOD and our Eternity in Heaven [Revelation 21.4] because GOD doesn't look at our outside appearance or what we carry or possess physically but HE looks at our hearts for its treasures like our being: honest, humble, grateful, loving, kind, forgiving and believing, honoring and longing for HIM and HIS Will, which alone matters to HIM. So cheer up and know that GOD is pleased with what we carry within than outside. Beloved may your heart be filled with GOOD, RIGHTEOUS, LOVING and KIND: thoughts and imaginations, worshiping GOD in your Spirit [Psalms 11.7], [Jeremiah 17.10] and SERVING men as a servant of GOD. Wisdom.
Beloved know this truth, believe this truth [Hosea 4.6], in order to: disturb, destabilize and destroy our life, devil or agents of devil bring up our past whenever they are intimidated by our present and future. Remember what GOD FORGAVE, No more exists in HIS records which only matters [Isaiah 43.25], [Hebrews 8.12]. At the end of our life it will be between us and GOD so ignore all these false opinions, threats of the devil and focus on increasing your knowing and pleasing GOD/BIBLE [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14],[Isaiah 66.2]. Cheer up and Believe, Speak and Do only what GOD/BIBLE says, rest all doesn't matter indeed. Cheer up! Stop worrying!!
GOD/BIBLE Never even suggests us to: 1. Hate Anyone but rather commands us to LOVE not only our: family, friends and neighbors but even our Enemies! 2. Curse others rather commands us to BLESS even them that curse us. 3. Do evil to our Haters but commands us to DO GOOD and to 4. PRAY for those who USE and PERSECUTE us [Matthew 5.44] These are few of numerous GOD's Kingdom Principles for great untold Divine Rewards so, Never break them. Beloved GOD is GOOD, GOD is LOVE. Devil is EVIL. Devil: deceives, lies, steals, kills and destroys. [1 John 4.8] [John 8.44 & 10.10] Learn to know and love GOD for your own GOOD. Wisdom!
Resurrection is real [John 5.29], Judgment is real [Hebrews 9.27], Eternal Rewards are real [Colossians 3.24], Eternal Treasures are real [Matthew 6.19-20], Lake of Fire is real [Revelation 20.14] and Heaven is also real [Revelation 21.4] but the GOOD NEWS is we all still have the Right to CHOOSE as long as we are in sound mind and living on earth [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. Once Dead we will lose that opportunity/Right to CHOOSE so, take this seriously and be prepared for your LIFE after Death from now on my friend. Whoever has ears let him hear [Matthew 11.15] Whoever reads let him understand [Matthew 24.15] Wisdom!
Beloved like there are Physical laws there are Spiritual laws too [Galatians 6.7-8]. So stop inviting trouble/death in any form. GOD/BIBLE says Sin is the seed for Death [Romans 5.12]. Not only killing, stealing and ... but Every act of Unrighteousness is SIN says GOD [1 John 5.17] and there is a Payday for it which no one can escape that is Judgment/Death [Romans 6.23]. On the other hand every act of Righteousness attracts GOD's Attention/Reward too [Jeremiah 17.10], [Revelation 22.11-12], [Psalms 11.7] adding Life and Blessings to us. So, wake up to Think/Intend, Speak and Do what is Right before GOD, Authorities and Men in order to Enjoy great LIFE from Now on. Remember GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2]

GOD says Not to LOVE this world [James 4.4], [Matthew 19.21] whereas HE commands us to LOVE our neighbors and Enemies too and to DO GOOD to them and to LEND, hoping NOTHING in return [John 13.34], [Luke 6.35] why? because we are supposed to USE this temporary/passing world and LOVE our Most precious fellow MEN/WOMEN around who were also Created in GOD's own Image and Likeness and Not to USE them and Not to LOVE Money/Materials so that we can have Riches and Rewards in Heaven. So beloved take stock of your life and make swift changes if needed in your priorities to become Eternally Rich as per GOD's counsel, promise and standard. Wisdom!

Once DEAD, we will LOSE our Right to CHOOSE forever! GOD says even if a man gains the whole world and loses his own soul, what shall it profit him? [Mark 8.36] in other words GOD suggests us 1. How Precious we are to HIM and warns us 2. How Important it is to be SAVED to inherit the Kingdom of GOD to Enjoy Eternity with HIM forever in Heaven [John 3.5], [Romans 10.9-10] and counsels us 3. How Disastrous it would be to be Deceived and Victimized by the Pleasure traps of devil in forms of Quick, Easy,.. Attractive: Positions, Possessions and Power or Men, Money and Materials to Ignore GOD/BIBLE and HIS principles [Revelation 12.9]. Beloved wake up, be SAVED NOW [Romans 10.9-10] Never take your Salvation for granted, because you never know when you may lose that right to choose/die! Wisdom.
How casually many think, ask is GOD really out there, knowing things and so on and so forth? Not realizing they use the very brain GOD created us with to do so, how sad! Beloved 1.GOD knows us even before we were born [Isaiah 44.2]. 2. HE knows what we Think, Talk, Do [Psalms 94.8-11], [Psalms 139.1-4]. 3. Knows all exact details about us and others [Luke 1.36]. 4.What we need even before we pray [Matthew 6.8]. 5. Bar-coded/numbered every strand of hair on our heads [Matthew 10.30]. 6.Every drop of our tears in HIS account [Psalms 56.8]. 7. HE decided where, when we must be Born, Live, Die [Acts 17.26]. Remember GOD knows End from Beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10]. Better Believe, Obey and Please HIM [Hebrews 11.6] Wisdom!
Cancer is a killer, Carbon monoxide is a killer, this is a killer and that is a killer says the world scaring you but beloved you know all these may kill only our body but not our Soul says GOD. So don't be afraid of that but know what GOD says as Killer stuffs 1. IGNORANCE is the killer [Hosea 4.6], 2. Fear is a killer [Matthew 10.28], 3. Doubt is a killer [Matthew 21.21], 4.Worry is a killer [Philippians 4.6], 5. Disobedience is a killer [Isaiah 1.20], 6. Idolatry is a killer [Psalms 16.4], 7. Wickedness is a killer [Genesis 13.13],.. Beloved Nothing is Impossible with GOD [Luke 1.37] and nothing is too Late for GOD [John 11.40]. GOD can: Reverse, Restore, Renew and Recreate Anyone or Anything. GOD is the key. So, Know HIM, seek HIM, believe HIM, obey HIM and please HIM [1 Corinthians 2.9]. Wisdom!
Beloved never compromise GOD for Anything or Anyone because GOD can replace Everything and Everyone whereas Nothing or No one can replace HIM, why? because 1. GOD loves you [John 3.15-17] 2. GOD has great plans for you [Jeremiah 29.11] 3. GOD can provide you everything [Jeremiah 27.5] 4.GOD can heal you [Exodus 15.26] 5. GOD can protect you [Psalms 34.7] 6. GOD can give you Eternal Life [Romans 10.9-10] 7. GOD can solve your problems [Luke 1.37] And 1. GOD cannot lie to anyone [Titus 1.2] 2. GOD cannot change [Malachi 3.6] 3. GOD cannot be fooled/partial/bribed [2 Chronicles 19.7] 4. GOD is eternal, immortal and only wise [1 Timothy 1.17] 5. GOD knows the end from the beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10] so, just believe and obey HIM /BIBLE. Wisdom!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Beloved reading is a great Hobby, why? because it informs and at times it takes us instantly to different worlds also by inducing our imaginations through the thoughts of its author, who is also a creation of GOD like you and I; whereas reading The BIBLE is not only like that but also it TRANSFORMS anyone and everyone forever who reads it in faith [Hebrews 4.2] and fills them with love, joy, peace and hope [Psalms 119.165] [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18] because; it's Author is GOD our Creator HIMSELF [2 Timothy 3.16] its full of life and power [Hebrews 4.12], [Psalms 19.7] knowledge and wisdom [Hosea 4.6] [Hosea 8.12] truths and promises [Matthew 5.18] Go for it! Whoever you are, it is GOD's personal word for you, while you are on earth. Sooner you: read, believe, obey the better for you.
Beloved GOD created us all Unique so that no one else can take our place here on earth or there in Heaven [Revelation 21.4]. My friend, believe it or not YOU too are Very SPECIAL to GOD that is why HE decided not to Create one more person like you anymore [Psalms 139.14] so no one can take your place in HIS heart as well. That is why HE sent HIS only SON JESUS to Calvary to be Killed on our behalf and Reach us all back HOME safe and sound without Fail [John 3.15-17] to become as Joint Heirs with JESUS [Romans 8.17] So you NEVER Fail GOD by rejecting JESUS, losing your Salvation [Romans 10.9-10], ending up in Hell, breaking GOD's plan for you and paining GOD's heart. [Ezekiel 18.23] Wisdom, Gratitude!
My friend GOD doesn't need Anyone's: prayer, wisdom, blessings or help. On the other hand there is No man on earth who does not need any of those [1 Timothy 2.1-2], [Exodus 31.3], [Genesis 12.2], [1 Chronicles 5.20]. Know this for sure and remember it always that; there is Nothing that GOD cannot DO for us if we just DO what we are supposed to do [Luke 1.37], [Hosea 4.6], [James 1.5]. Beloved GOD's only pleasure is to be believed in HIM [Hebrews 11.6], [John 11.40] and HIS only pain is to doubt HIM [Matthew 21.21]. So, be ye not only hearers of HIS Word/BIBLE but Doers also in order to receive what GOD has promised us [James 1.22]. Beloved Knowledge alone is not power but the application of it; is of course power likewise You do your part then GOD will do HIS part. It is that simple. Believe, Obey and Be BLESSED. Wisdom!
Beloved it is our Responsibility [Parents/Churches] to Teach: [our/others] Children, Teens and Young Adults the BIBLE before they go out into the world. Teach them that Everything begins with GOD and Everything ends with GOD [Isaiah 46.9-10]. Teach them that GOD is the Creator of Everything, GOD is the Sustainer of Everything and GOD is the Ruler of Everything [Genesis 1.1], [Isaiah 33.22]. Teach them what GOD has done [Psalms 78.1-4], [1 Samuel 2.6-10] and teach them what GOD has said [Psalms 78.5-8], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [Revelation 21.4], [Revelation 22.11-12].
Beloved Rewards are for problem solving; not for making one. If we help other people get what they need [Matthew 28.19-20] [Romans 10.9-10] we will always have what we need [Matthew 6.33] Most powerful resource on earth is Information [Hosea 4.6], [John 1.1-14] Greatest good news on earth is SALVATION [Luke 2.10]. Stop keeping it only for You and Yours; pass it on to everyone around as well who are still in Spiritual Darkness and in pain, tears [John 8.32] Be: Blessed, a Blessing as well. You may not have this opportunity forever. Tell someone about JESUS today, everyday which alone is our Best Gift to anyone/everyone around.
Beloved BIBLES are not allowed in schools anymore but are encouraged in prisons. If our kids were allowed to read, hear and taught BIBLE at schools, they will know and understand the importance of RESPECTING and LOVING fellow citizens and may Not end up in prisons but in palaces' as our Great and Exemplary rulers and leaders of the future. Remember they are our only treasured Future. Parents and Churches: LOVE them, CARE them. As parents we have a Unique Responsibility to Care them and as Churches/Christians we have a Shared Responsibility to Care and Love them. Remember Every Child, Teen, Young adult NEED JESUS. That is the Best Gift we can ever give them. Give it please. If not, be it known to you Godlessness is the cause for Excessive Anger, Depression, Hatred, Injustice, Addictions, Crime, Violence and Suicides everywhere! Devil has deceived the whole world [Revelation 12.9]. Devil is a liar and murderer [John 8.44] and he comes to steal, kill and destroy [John 10.10] Beloved this is our Responsibility to teach our Next Generation about GOD [Deuteronomy 6.7], [Ephesians 6.1-18], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Matthew 28.19-20]. So stop ignoring your Responsibility!!!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Beloved reading is a great Hobby, why? because it informs and at times it takes us instantly to different worlds also by inducing our imaginations through the thoughts of its author, who is also a creation of GOD like you and I; whereas reading The BIBLE is not only like that but also it TRANSFORMS anyone and everyone forever who reads it in faith [Hebrews 4.2] and fills them with love, joy, peace and hope [Psalms 119.165] [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18] because; it's Author is GOD our Creator HIMSELF [2 Timothy 3.16] its full of life and power [Hebrews 4.12] knowledge and wisdom [Hosea 4.6] [Hosea 8.12] truths and promises [Matthew 5.18] Go for it!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Beloved Someday Everyone we LOVE and Everything We: own, love, cherish, celebrate and very proud of will leave us; suddenly and forever... Then we must stand before GOD for Final Judgment [Hebrews 9.27] to give an account of what all we did in our thoughts, motives, words and deeds [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. To some GOD will say 'WELL DONE! THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT" walk into my Joy [Matthew 25.21] and to others 'I DO NOT KNOW YOU" My friend, BIBLE tells us very clearly that GOD's plan is to accommodate us all in Heaven for Eternity, provided we believe, obey Bible and accept LORD JESUS [Romans 10.9-10] as our personal SAVIOR and be washed by His Blood, to enter into Heaven...Never miss it! Ignore what men says and Listen to GOD our Creator and what HE/BIBLE says. Remember once dead and gone, it will be only between YOU and GOD, so why wait for others' opinion and assurances? So Know, Believe, Obey and PLEASE GOD/BIBLE before you lose your Right to CHOOSE, once DEAD you won't have your Right to CHOOSE anymore; so Never wait or postpone to be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10]. Beloved to be frank there is no other option left, Act now, PLEASE GOD!!!
YOU are a Princess... YOU are a Prince... [John 1.12-13] My friend Know who you are in JESUS... So that you can very easily migrate from depression to excitement, failure to success, despair to hope, ignorance to knowledge, darkness to light, hatred to love, unrest to peace, natural to supernatural, eternal death to eternal life [Jeremiah 33.3] Change your personal world of wrong: beliefs, attitudes, words and deeds: from all the others to Bible [Hosea 8.12] Many never know, realize, believe that Bible is God [John 1.1] [1 Samuel 2.6-10] in words. Bible is spiritual: energy, food, medicine, vaccination. Moreover wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation. Greatness of God is He can reach us without anyone knowing and live with us in our heart and we can reach Him from our heart the same way. God never forces anyone for anything [Revelation 3.20] He always gives all information possible but leaves the final decision making choice with us. Love, praise and worship Him, His word, the Holy Bible... [John 8.32] Be FREE in JESUS...
Greatness of God,
Personal world,
Romans 12.2,
Spiritual energy,
Spiritual food,
Spiritual Medicine,
Spiritual vaccine
Beloved, above all else, guard your heart, for everything you think, talk and do flows from it, says GOD [Proverbs 4.23]. We cannot change our life until we change our thinking and thought process because our thoughts are very powerful; they steer our life into greatness or fall. 'As one believes is he' says GOD/BIBLE [Proverbs 23.7], [Psalms 109.17]. Thoughts are pictures of mind developed by our imaginations that have constructive or destructive possibilities and have power over our emotions/feelings [Genesis 6.5]. They affect and control our emotions [Genesis 45.26], [Psalms 119.165]. Imaginations may or may not be deliberate whereas thoughts are deliberate. Imaginations can be induced and influenced by external inputs [Genesis 15.5], [Luke 12.17-21] whereas thoughts are created, chosen, believed and stored in our memory which can be re-visited, replayed and renewed as well [Romans 12.2], [2 Corinthians 10.4-5]. Now, these thoughts we carry can hold us in bondage with fear, anxiety, worry and unbelief if they are ungodly or negative OR if Godly or Positive keeps us in freedom with confidence, faith, joy, peace and hope. So, decide to discipline and renew your thoughts in order to control and remain in high spirits almost all the time by learning and believing what amazing things GOD our Creator promises us in HIS Word the BIBLE including our possible never ending Eternity in Heaven with HIM along with Eternal Rewards and Eternal Treasures. So, consider seriously and act immediately to know, believe and obey what GOD/BIBLE says! This is why I present and place these thoughts before your imagination in this blog to be picked up openly, processed positively to eventually produce great results in you and through you, for you and for rest of the world. Beloved be Blessed and Become a BLESSING to the Billions around! Life on earth is temporary and a short one so make LIFE as GREAT as possible by depending on GOD and HIS Word the BIBLE! in short LOVE and RESPECT Everyone, as per GOD's Word!.
KNOWLEDGE Explosion a sign of last days and JESUS' Return [Daniel 12.1-4]... Bible warns those disciples of Jesus, the Born again Christians, to be ready to join Jesus in His second coming to enter into Eternal LIFE, which HE promised them; in heaven with HIM. He said these following signs will precede before His coming. [Please read Matthew 24.3-14, Mark 13.3-13, Luke 21. 8-20, Luke 17.26-30, Luke 21.11, 2 Timothy 3.1-5, 2 Peter 3.9, 2 Timothy 4.1 and 4, Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] Bible says (1) Deceptions (2) Wars and rumors of wars (3) Nation against nation (4) Kingdom against kingdom (5) Famine (6) Pestilences (7) Earthquakes (8) Persecution (9) Fearful sights in heaven, UFOs (10) Men hating truth (11) Increasing presence of deceiving spirits, doctrines of demons (12) Perilous times (13) Scoffers of God (14) Sodomy, swinging, swapping wives [Luke 17.26, Romans 1.18] (15) Blood, smoke, fire [Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] My friends please read those above given Bible verses to know, understand and believe in God. Jesus is coming back soon. Bible says those who have ears, let him hear [Mt.11.15] those who read understand [Mt. 24.15] So, you have both, be wise, action; Be SAVED now [Romans 10.9-10]
Beloved never compromise GOD for anything/anyone because GOD can replace everything/everyone whereas nothing/none can replace HIM, why? 1. GOD loves you [John 3.15-17] 2. GOD has great plans for you [Jeremiah 29.11] 3. GOD can provide everything you ever need [Jeremiah 27.5] 4.GOD can heal you [Exodus 15.26] 5. GOD can protect you from everyone/everything [Psalms 34.7] 6. GOD can give you Eternal Life [Romans 10.9-10] 7. GOD can solve any challenging problem [Luke 1.37] And remember 1. GOD cannot lie [Titus 1.2] 2. GOD cannot change [Malachi 3.6] 3. GOD cannot be evil/partial/bribed [2 Chronicles 19.7] 4. GOD is eternal, immortal, invisible and only wise [1 Timothy 1.17] 5. GOD knows end from beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10] So, just believe and obey HIM/BIBLE. Wisdom!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Cancer is a killer, Carbon monoxide is a killer, this is a killer and that is a killer says the world whereas you know what GOD our Creator says my friend? GOD says 1.IGNORANCE is the killer [Hosea 4.6], 2.Fear is a killer [Matthew 10.28], 3.Doubt is a killer [Matthew 21.21], 4.Worry is a killer [Philippians 4.6], 5.Disobedience is a killer [Isaiah 1.20], 6.Idolatry is a killer [Psalms 16.4], 7.Wickedness is a killer [Genesis 13.13],.. Beloved Nothing is Impossible with GOD [Luke 1.37] and nothing is too Late for GOD [John 11.40]. GOD can: Reverse, Restore, Renew and Recreate Anything/Anyone. GOD is the key. So, Know HIM, seek HIM, believe HIM, obey HIM and please HIM [1 Corinthians 2.9]. Wisdom!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
How casually many think/ask is GOD really out there/knowing things? Not realizing they use the very brain HE created us with to do so, how sad! Beloved 1.GOD knows us even before we were born [Isaiah 44.2]. 2. HE knows what we Think, Talk, Do [Psalms 94.8-11], [Psalms 139.1-4]. 3. Knows all exact details about us and others [Luke 1.36]. 4.What we need even before we pray [Matthew 6.8]. 5. Bar-coded/numbered every strand of hair on our heads [Matthew 10.30]. 6.Every drop of our tears in HIS account [Psalms 56.8]. 7. He decided where, when we must be Born, Live, Die [Acts 17.26] Remember GOD knows End from Beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10]. Better Believe, Obey and Please HIM [Hebrews 11.6] Wisdom!
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Beloved GOD's greatest pleasure is to be believed in HIM [Hebrews 11.6], [John 11.40], [Isaiah 66.2]. Only Faith in HIM can move GOD's heart and hand in your favor my friend. Learn and practice to Believe in GOD/BIBLE. More you believe GOD, more you can see HIM working for You! Your faith in GOD will make your problems to disappear and miracles to appear. My friend a moment of GOD's of Favor for you can Accomplish far much Greater than Your Lifetime of Smart or Hard Labor! So you choose which is better? or which is easy? or which is wisdom? Know this GOD is Not someone's private property, HE is Our Creator and FATHER as well, who LOVES us so much [1 John 4.8]. So Seek, Believe and Obey HIM! Stop Rejecting your Unfailing BEST HELP by simply doubting and not trying!! Turn to BELIEVE GOD/BIBLE so that you can turn your: Pains into PLEASURES, Sorrows into JOY, Tears into TRIUMPH, Weakness into STRENGTH and Hopeless End to ENDLESS HOPE instantly or gradually. This is simply your CHOICE my friend!
Husbands: Love your wives [Ephesians 5.25] and Try to understand them; so that you can bring the best out of them...Remember, they are full of power and pleasure as well... They are weak but wise... Many Great Women out there in many parts of the world are MISUNDERSTOOD and Not given the Right opportunities in the Right time to Demonstrate their Gifts, Talents and Skills... Remember your woman can be your [Invisible] Best friend or worst enemy too... So be: wise, nice, kind and patient with them to Enjoy their BEST in life Better, Sooner and Longer...
Beloved remove negative people from your life as soon as you can. Remember the people you spend your time with influence your attitude, thoughts and success more than you think even without your knowledge. So never give even an extra second to: any negative people in life, who refuse to learn or people who never believe in GOD because eventually they will slow, stop and even spoil you. Beloved; Only thing which cannot be recycled is TIME or LIFE, Never waste it. Do every GOOD thing then and there, Never Postpone [Ecclesiastes 3.1-8]. Never Waste time [Ephesians 5.16]. Be wise in Using or Saving time; Plan ahead and be prepared [Colossians 4.5] Be wise.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Never let money, men or materials to influence your mind like GOD/BIBLE [Matthew 6.24] Beloved GOD is irreplaceable whereas GOD can replace all the rest in our life [Psalms 34.10] GOD without us is still GOD whereas we are not [Psalms 46.10] So know, serve, love and spread JESUS our Savior, the lover of all sinners [John 3.16] who rejects no one who comes to HIM in faith [John 6.37] [Romans 10.9-10] Greatest priority and asset on earth is maintaining a regular and intimate relationship with GOD, our CREATOR [James 2.23] [Jeremiah 33.3] [Psalms 91.1-16] and then with Godly people. Never compromise that for anything anything. Relationships are more important than any of our achievements [1 Samuel 15.26]
BIBLE/GOD says 'Every wise woman builds her house: but the foolish plucks down with her hands' [Proverbs 14.1] Husbands: Love your wives [Ephesians 5.25] and Try to understand them; so that you can bring the best out of them...Remember, they are full of power and pleasure as well... They are weak but wise... Many Great Women out there in many parts of the world are MISUNDERSTOOD and Not given the Right opportunities in the Right time to Demonstrate their Gifts, Talents and Skills... Remember your woman can be your [Invisible] Best friend or worst enemy too... So be: wise, nice, kind and patient with them to Enjoy their BEST in life Better, Sooner and Longer...
Beloved, we cannot change our life until we change our thinking and thought process, because our thoughts are very powerful; they steer our life into greatness or fall. 'As one believes is he' says the Bible [Proverbs 23.7], [Psalms 109.17]. Thoughts are pictures of mind developed by our imaginations that have constructive or destructive possibilities and have power over our Emotions [Genesis 6.5]. They affect and control our emotions [Genesis 45.26], [Psalms 119.165]. Imaginations may or may not be deliberate whereas thoughts are always deliberate. Imaginations can be induced and influenced by external inputs [Genesis 15.5], [Luke 12.17-21] whereas thoughts are created, chosen, believed and stored in our memory which can be re-visited and renewed [Romans 12.2], [2 Corinthians 10.4-5]. Now, these thoughts we carry in us can hold us in bondage if they are negative/ungodly or fill us with excitement, joy, peace and hope if they are positive/Godly. So, choose and discipline your thoughts in order to control and remain in high spirits almost all the time by learning and believing what awesome things GOD our Creator promises us in HIS Word the BIBLE about our possible Eternity in Heaven with HIM along with Rewards and Treasures, if we listen carefully and do exactly what GOD/BIBLE says, now while living before we lose our right to CHOOSE once dead and gone. So, consider seriously!
Monday, September 16, 2013
Learn and Practice to DEPEND on GOD; GOD is Not only Our CREATOR but our FATHER too. BIBLE/GOD Says: FEAR NOT to us mankind, especially to those who Fear Him [Psalms 34.7] [Isaiah 41.10-13] GOD says FEAR NOT for about 365 times in His word, the Bible, from cover to cover; because He knows the only weapon devil has and uses against us is our Ignorance about GOD's LOVE [1 John 4.8] for us and His Awesomeness! Know Bible well and be Encouraged and Excited...
JESUS is My Only HERO and HE can be yours too once you Understand who HE is... I fell in Love with HIM just because of HIS outstanding LOVE, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS for us MANKIND... HE not only taught and commanded us to LOVE others, but also Demonstrated it even on the Cross of Calvary by FORGIVING and DYING for us, to make sure WE all join HIM in Eternity in Heaven, provided WE Accept, Believe, Obey and follow HIM/BIBLE until the End. You know, GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8] if we are truly His children in Spirit, we would be loving others without even realizing... LOVE and FORGIVE others... and Know for sure JESUS LOVES YOU too...
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal [1 Corinthians 4.17-18] Beloved, keep trusting in GOD it won't be too long, before GOD saves us!!!
Walking with GOD is an Awesome Experience... As your level of maturity and degree of intimacy increase with God, you will begin to walk by faith and not by sight [2 Corinthians 5.7] As a believer in God, when you believe wholeheartedly in God to see things; you begin to see things manifest in natural world, whereas world wants to see first to believe. Remember God has no comparison, simply because He created us all and several billions of people out there in this planet in unique fashion across this planet earth along with this great universe. If you seek Him wholeheartedly, you can always find Him [Jeremiah 29.13] while seeking. God loves to show up for all those who love to feel Him, His presence, in their spirit, in their hearts... [1 Samuel 3.21]
GOD doesn't call the qualified, HE qualifies the CALLED... GOD is looking only for our Availability and Not at our Ability [Matthew 6.33] [Jeremiah 29.13]... HE will make us able [Luke 1.37] [Psalms 147.5] to handle anyone/anything and everyone/everything He wants us to, in order to fulfill His will in our life ... So if you like to Serve the LORD and be used extensively for His Kingdom, just be Available to HIM, HE will use you, in ways and means you have not thought or dreamed before... GOD is GOD [1 Samuel 2.6-10] ....
Never lose your Salvation for Anything or Anyone [Mark 8.36] Money, men, materials or whatever are NOTHING when compared GOD Promised Eternal Life in HEAVEN, Wake up!!! ... Eternal Life is priceless... LORD JESUS has paid all the price for all our SINS, which we were supposed to pay; simply by accepting HIM as our Personal SAVIOR, we can Enjoy HIS Salvation, my friend...Go for it!!!! Accept JESUS today, now and Be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10]!!!!
It was the Love of FATHER GOD, which sent Jesus for us [John 3.15-17] it was the LOVE of Jesus, who took our place, Paid the price for all our SINS, by HIMSELF given to be: beaten up, whipped, spit upon, almost made naked, mocked, humiliated and crucified... [Matthew 28.5-6] HE took our place, my friend..Now by simply Accepting this JESUS as Our LORD and GOD [Romans 10.9-10] [Revelation 3.20] we can become Righteous [Romans 3.22] and Heaven bound for Eternity...Go for it....Be Wise!!!
Truth is like a spirit which cannot be killed by Anyone; but lying just postpones the truth, for a while from appearing and bothering us. Remember, the day will come, truth will show up again... My friend know this TRUTH; GOD/BIBLE Says GOD is our everything Good, the day we realize and say YES to HIM, to HIS care and to do HIS will [Zechariah 2.8] [Psalms 34.7] [1 John 4.4] [Hebrews 13.5] [John 14.2-3] [Philippians 3.20-21] Cheer up my friend, Discover the Real GOD intended YOU!!!
Do Not worry about Tomorrow [Matthew 6.34] or about ANYTHING [Philippians 4.6] says GOD. Beloved GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8] GOD is Ever-living. GOD is Able. Jesus said: I won't cast Anyone away [John 6.37] I will give you Rest [Matthew 11.28] So Accept JESUS as your personal SAVIOR Now and keep following Bible until the end, my friend..GOD is what we all need. Know JESUS know LIFE [Romans 10.9-10]
Be the Model... Be an Encourager... Tell and Teach others with Love and Respect... You too can do it, as long as you are in CHRIST [Philippians 4.13] ... Nothing is impossible for a willing GODLY mind, my friend [John 14.12] ... What you believe, what you become [Proverbs 23.7] Don't let anyone or anything slow you or stop you from doing GOOD to others ... Big trees out there came out of small seeds... Even the greatest among us, was also a beginner once... Don't be afraid to take the first step... Always remember as long as you be with GOD [2 Corinthians 5.17] you too can do it....
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Resurrection is real [John 5.29], Judgment is real [Hebrews 9.27], Eternal Rewards are real [Colossians 3.24], Eternal Treasures are real [Matthew 6.19-20], Lake of Fire is real [Revelation 20.14] and Heaven is also real [Revelation 21.4] but the GOOD NEWS is we all still have the Right to CHOOSE as long as we are in sound mind and living on earth [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. Once Dead we will lose that opportunity/Right to CHOOSE so, take this seriously and be prepared for your LIFE after Death from now on my friend. Whoever has ears let him hear [Matthew 11.15] Whoever reads let him understand [Matthew 24.15] Wisdom!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Beloved Greatest priority and Asset on earth is to: realize, develop, celebrate and maintain a great and intimate relationship with Creator GOD our Heavenly FATHER, accepting HIS own offer to follow HIS Word/BIBLE in order to become HIS friends; enjoying GOD's: company, favor, mercy and grace in all walks of life to the brim until the end, here on earth for now and there in Heaven to continue later [John 15.13-15], [James 2.23], [Jeremiah 33.3], [Psalms 91.1-16] along with Godly people around. Never compromise and lose that permanent privilege for distractions and deceptions like: money, materials, pleasures, name or fame which are just earthly and Temporary. Remember NO achievement can be greater than being in GOD's good books [1 Samuel 15.26] and being a friend of HIM. Beloved GOD has no other company other than You and I or us mankind; enjoying our praise and worship; our dreaming and longing for HIM [Jeremiah 17.10]. GOD's heart is for us and full of us [Ezekiel 18.23]. You know by simply knowing, believing, obeying GOD's Word the BIBLE we can become friends with GOD?. Go for it, my friend. Make even life on here also Interesting and Exciting, by walking hand in hand with GOD Our Heavenly FATHER as your friend as well. Remember GOD cannot lie [Titus 1.2]. My friend become and be a friend of GOD.
Love, care, respect and accept: the orphans, fatherless, widows, destitute, poor and needy... There is no diversion, distraction, roadblocks or traffic jams; when we run the extra miles; moreover there is where presence of God abounds. Helping and caring the orphans, fatherless, widows, destitute and poor is nothing running those extra miles; no restriction, no competition, no not there. Bible says giving to them is lending to God. You never know which are angels among them.
JESUS, the Greatest Burden Bearer for us, mankind... Beloved try to master BIBLE, as soon as you can, so that you will know, what you should know before it is too late! GOD/BIBLE says to caste all our burdens upon GOD [1 Peter 5.7]. GOD said Do not fear [Isaiah 41.10-13]. GOD said Do not worry about anything [Philippians 4.6-7]. GOD said Do not worry about tomorrow [Matthew 6.34]. Beloved GOD is Not RESPONSIBLE if we CHOOSE NOT to Believe and Obey HIM but to suffer in pain, tears and sorrows, believing our own impulses and others mere opinions. Beloved Ask yourself Who created who?, Who is in charge here? GOD who created us all or HIS creations? Be wise, Believe and Obey what GOD/BIBLE says, to enjoy Life to its Best, sooner and longer! Wisdom!!
Patience is priceless.... It is not just the ability to wait but more than that. It is the ability to keep a good attitude, while waiting. Remember, God has been patient with us since our birth. Thank God for His goodness, kindness, love, mercy, grace and favor for us.
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