DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Never Quit. Trying to: avoid, run, escape and hide from facing your problems will NEVER solve ANY of them. They may postpone but magnify your problems. Learn and practice to face your problems through the Grace of LORD JESUS and solve problems then and there. Never postpone... Learn to Depend on GOD [1 Peter 5.7] [Matthew 6.31-34] GOD loves us when we Depend on HIM [Psalms 147.11] GOD's Wisdom is Infinite [Psalms 147.5], [Proverbs 21.30], [Isaiah 54.17]

Single ladies Know your real worth in CHRIST and enhance it by increasing your walk with GOD on a regular basis. Enrich and BEAUTIFY yourselves with GODLINESS, make Great GODLY Men to: look at you, like you, love you, long for you and MARRY you by your Real and Priceless Godly Appearance and Attitude. Become and be that Virtuous Woman the BIBLE boasts about [Proverbs 31.10] and make even great men to run behind you instead of you waiting for anybody out there... So, Don't lose heart instead seek GOD. For those who love GOD...everything good or bad, happens for their own good says GOD [Romans 8.28]. Keep on trusting and loving GOD, rejecting all the lies of the devil and his followers... Sometimes, what looks like a sudden disappointment, failure, loss or setback outside; is nothing but GOD positioning You to receive what HE has been preparing for your next level... BIBLE/GOD says HE has great plans for us for now and for later too [Jeremiah 29.11], [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20-21]. So Cheer up, praise and thank GOD for this wonderful blessing in GOD... Remember you are a princess in CHRIST and you deserve a Prince in CHRIST. So Trust GOD and HE will make it happen in the right time, as long as you walk with GOD/BIBLE.

FAMILY is GOD founded [Genesis 1.28], [Genesis 6.9], it is GOD's own idea. That is why GOD commanded PARENTS to teach, train, correct and discipline their children in the Knowledge of GOD and HIS Values [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Proverbs 22.6 ], [Proverbs 22.15], [Ephesians 6.4] and CHILDREN to Honor and Obey their parents in order to enjoy a long and happy life [Exodus 20.12], [Ephesians 6.1]; HUSBANDS to love their wives in order to have a great home [Ephesians 5.25] and WIVES to submit themselves unto their husbands in order to be protected, provided, preached and enjoy peaceful home [Ephesians 5.22] saying Husband is the HEAD of the family [Ephesians 5.23]. So the more we keep GOD in our Families the more we can Enjoy GOD's Protection, Provision, Peace and Perfection [John 2.5], [Deuteronomy 23.14], the moment YOU remove GOD/BIBLE from your family by Ignoring, Bypassing or willfully Disobeying GOD; Remember YOU have removed LIFE from you, because GOD alone is LIFE, Strength, Joy, Peace and Hope; and thereby You have opened the door for the enemy or devil [Isaiah 1.19-20], [1 Peter 5.8]. Beloved GOD is the only LIFE giver and perfecter of it; by giving us Rest, Peace, Love, Joy, Fun and Hope as much as we Seek HIM wholeheartedly [Psalms 34.10]. GOD is not only our Creator but also our FATHER [Matthew 6.9] and Friend [James 2.23], [John 15.13-15] full of Love and Compassion; Forgiveness and Acceptance; Allow HIM to Love and Comfort You... Beloved Accept JESUS now if you are yet to be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10], so that GOD may open the Flood gates of LOVE, JOY, PEACE and HOPE in your life too!

Beloved Marriage is GOD founded [Genesis 2.18], it is GOD's idea. It is only between one Man and one Woman [Adam & Eve]. Marriage is a covenant and it is holy [Hebrews 13.4], the more we keep GOD in our Marriage, Family and all walks of our daily Life, the more we can Enjoy GOD's Provision, Protection, Peace and Perfection [John 2.5], [Deuteronomy 23.14]. Whenever we remove GOD by Ignoring, Bypassing or willfully Disobeying HIM/BIBLE from any walk of our life [Proverbs 14.12], [Isaiah 1.19-20] we open the door for the enemy or devil, knowingly or unknowingly; which will result in loss of our: Peace, Joy, Strength, Health and even LIFE [1 Peter 5.8]. Divorce is from Devil. Fornication, Adultery, Sex outside Marriage, Swinging, Swapping and Sodomy is Not GOD's Will [Matthew 19.3-9]. Wake up beloved, welcome and Worship GOD and keep these garbage out. My friend [Genesis 1.26-28] WE are created in GOD'S own Image and Likeness for an exclusive reason; to be called as GOD's own Children and to reflect HIS Character and Heart in our lives [Matthew 5.16]; in this Evil and Temporary passing world full of Darkness and Vanities, LOVING ALL and Living a Holy LIFE like HIM here on earth for now and Enjoy Eternal LIFE with HIM in HEAVEN [Revelation 21.4]. So become and be serious with GOD, seek HIM wholeheartedly, in order to be: Restored, Rebuilt and Recreated. Beloved GOD is not only our Creator but also our FATHER, who is full of Love and Compassion; Forgiveness and Acceptance; Allow HIM to Love and Comfort You. Accept JESUS Now and please HIM until the end [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]; so that GOD will open the Flood gates of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, HAPPINESS and HOPE!

WE are the CHILDREN of GOD. Beloved YOU are a Princess. YOU are a Prince. [John 1.12-13] We are Children of the King of KINGS [Isaiah 33.22]. My friend Know who you are in JESUS [John 20.17] and you can be in HIM [Romans 8.17]... So that you can very easily migrate from depression to Excitement, failure to Success, despair to Hope, ignorance to Knowledge, darkness to Light, hatred to Love, unrest to Peace, natural to Supernatural, eternal death to Eternal Life [Jeremiah 33.3]. Beloved CHANGE your present Mindset of wrong: beliefs, thoughts, words and deeds: to be renewed in mind [Romans 12.2] to wear the GOD intended New Mindset based on BIBLE standards [Hosea 8.12]. Many never know, realize, believe that Word of GOD/BIBLE is GOD in Word [John 1.1], [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. BIBLE is spiritual: energy, food, medicine, vaccination, protection and much more. Moreover wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation flows from GOD/BIBLE. Greatness of GOD is HE can reach us without anyone knowing and live with us in our heart and we can reach HIM from our heart the same way [Jeremiah 29.13], [i John 4.4]. GOD never forces anyone for anything [Revelation 3.20]. HE always gives all information possible but leaves the final decision making choice with us [Ecclesiastes 7.29]. So Love, Praise and Worship HIM, HIS word, the Holy BIBLE... [John 8.32] Be FREE and Ever SAFE in LORD JESUS...

Greatness of God,
Personal world,
Romans 12.2,
Spiritual energy,
Spiritual food,
Spiritual Medicine,
Spiritual vaccine
We are all eternal spirit being residing in flesh for sometime. Your body is just your domicile / home, the real you is the hidden inner spirit man in it; from where your emotions flow. Don't ignore him; busy caring, cherishing only your body. Like our body need food and care; even our spirit has needs, that is what we get from Bible verses which are spirit in nature on which our spirit can feed on [John 6.63] nurture and receive universal care, as it is God's word, because God is also a spirit. Remember we are all eternal spirit beings residing in flesh for sometime. Waiting to be liberated for eternity in heaven or hell based on our response to God's word, the Bible.

1 Thessalonians 5.23,
Eternal spirit being,
God is spirit,
Hidden man,
Ignore not,
Inner man,
John 6.63,
Spirit man
Beloved remove negative people from your life as soon as you can. Remember the people you spend your time with influence your attitude, thoughts and success more than you think even without your knowledge. So never give even an extra second to: any negative people in life, who refuse to learn or people who never believe in GOD because eventually they will slow, stop and even spoil you. Beloved; Only thing which cannot be recycled is TIME or LIFE, Never waste it. Do every GOOD thing then and there, Never Postpone [Ecclesiastes 3.1-8]. Never Waste time [Ephesians 5.16]. Be wise in Using or Saving time; Plan ahead and be prepared [Colossians 4.5] Be wise.

May this be Your Prayer too; my brother, my sister and my dear friend! May GOD help us to Do HIS Will, Encourage each other and Accomplish great things for HIM, while Enjoying our short stay here on earth... Remember removing God from anything results in death sooner or later; because God alone is life. Devil is evil and evil is death, which is why there is no life in death. Be wise, never leave God... Life becomes: wonderful and awesome; when we give God our throne in us and life becomes horrible and miserable: when we give it to devil, materials or men. Just a choice.... Stay with GOD, and may GOD BLESS YOU, your family and your interests...

Husbands: Love your wives [Ephesians 5.25] and Try to understand them; so that you can bring the best out of them...Remember, they are full of power and pleasure as well... They are weak but wise... Many Great Women out there in many parts of the world are MISUNDERSTOOD and Not given the Right opportunities in the Right time to Demonstrate their Gifts, Talents and Skills... Remember your woman can be your [Invisible] Best friend or worst enemy too... So be: wise, nice, kind and patient with them to Enjoy their BEST in life Better, Sooner and Longer...

Beloved, above all else, guard your heart, for everything you think, talk and do flows from it, says GOD [Proverbs 4.23]. We cannot change our life until we change our thinking and thought process because our thoughts are very powerful; they steer our life into greatness or fall. 'As one believes is he' says GOD/BIBLE [Proverbs 23.7], [Psalms 109.17]. Thoughts are pictures of mind developed by our imaginations that have constructive or destructive possibilities and have power over our emotions/feelings [Genesis 6.5]. They affect and control our emotions [Genesis 45.26], [Psalms 119.165]. Imaginations may or may not be deliberate whereas thoughts are deliberate. Imaginations can be induced and influenced by external inputs [Genesis 15.5], [Luke 12.17-21] whereas thoughts are created, chosen, believed and stored in our memory which can be re-visited, replayed and renewed as well [Romans 12.2], [2 Corinthians 10.4-5]. Now, these thoughts we carry can hold us in bondage with fear, anxiety, worry and unbelief if they are ungodly or negative OR if Godly or Positive keeps us in freedom with confidence, faith, joy, peace and hope. So, decide to discipline and renew your thoughts in order to control and remain in high spirits almost all the time by learning and believing what amazing things GOD our Creator promises us in HIS Word the BIBLE including our possible never ending Eternity in Heaven with HIM along with Eternal Rewards and Eternal Treasures. So, consider seriously and act immediately to know, believe and obey what GOD/BIBLE says! This is why I present and place these thoughts before your imagination in this blog to be picked up openly, processed positively to eventually produce great results in you and through you, for you and for rest of the world. Beloved be Blessed and Become a BLESSING to the Billions around! Life on earth is temporary and a short one so make LIFE as GREAT as possible by depending on GOD and HIS Word the BIBLE! in short LOVE and RESPECT Everyone, as per GOD's Word!.

'Cancer is a killer, Carbon monoxide is a killer, this is a killer and that is a killer' says the world SCARING us whereas GOD says IGNORANCE is the Real KILLER [Hosea 4.6]. 1.DEFYING GOD is a killer [Isaiah 1.20], 2.IDOLATRY is a killer [Psalms 16.4], 3.WICKEDNESS is a killer [Genesis 13.13], 4.Injustice is a killer [1 Kings 18.4] 5.FEAR is a killer [Matthew 10.28], 6.DOUBTING GOD is a killer [Matthew 21.21], 7.WORRYING is a killer [Philippians 4.6]. 1.Nothing is Impossible with GOD [Luke 1.37]. 2.Nothing is too Late for GOD [John 11.40]. GOD can: Reverse, Restore, Renew or Recreate Anything/Anyone. GOD is the key. So, Know HIM, seek HIM, believe HIM, obey HIM and please HIM [1 Corinthians 2.9].
'Cancer is a killer, Carbon monoxide is a killer, this is a killer and that is a killer' says the world SCARING us whereas GOD says IGNORANCE is the Real KILLER [Hosea 4.6]. 1.DEFYING GOD is a killer [Isaiah 1.20], 2.IDOLATRY is a killer [Psalms 16.4], 3.WICKEDNESS is a killer [Genesis 13.13], 4.Injustice is a killer [1 Kings 18.4] 5.FEAR is a killer [Matthew 10.28], 6.DOUBTING GOD is a killer [Matthew 21.21], 7.WORRYING is a killer [Philippians 4.6]. 1.Nothing is Impossible with GOD [Luke 1.37]. 2.Nothing is too Late for GOD [John 11.40]. GOD can: Reverse, Restore, Renew or Recreate Anything/Anyone. GOD is the key. So, Know HIM, seek HIM, believe HIM, obey HIM and please HIM [1 Corinthians 2.9].
PERSECUTION is also an End time sign. Bible warns us of LORD JESUS's Return saying these: Military, Economical, Scientific, Social and Natural signs will precede before that; especially warning the Born again Christians, to be ready to join Jesus in His second coming to enter into eternal life, which He promised them; in heaven with Him. [Please read Matthew 24.3-14, Mark 13.3-13, Luke 21. 8-20, Luke 17.26-30, Luke 21.11, 2 Timothy 3.1-5, Daniel 12.1-4, 2 Peter 3.9, 2 Timothy 4.1 and 4, Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] Bible says (1) Deceptions (2) Wars and rumors of wars (3) Nation against nation (4) Kingdom against kingdom (5) Famine (6) Pestilences (7) Earthquakes (8) Persecution (9) Fearful sights in heaven, Unidentified Flying Objects (10) Men hating truth (11) Increasing presence of deceiving spirits, doctrines of demons (12) Perilous times (13) Scoffers of God (14) Sodomy, swinging, swapping wives [Luke 17.26, Romans 1.18] (15) Blood, smoke, fire [Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] My friends please read those above given Bible verses to know, understand and believe in God. Jesus is coming back soon. Bible says those who have ears, let him hear [Mt.11.15] those who read understand [Mt. 24.15] So, you have both, be wise and action Now!!!

Christianity is LOVE and RESPECT for ALL. GOD/BIBLE Never even suggests to: 1. Hate Anyone but rather commands us to LOVE; not only our: family, friends, neighbors but also our Enemies! 2. Not to Curse others but commands us to BLESS even them that curse us. 3. Not to Do evil to our Haters but commands us to DO GOOD 4. And to PRAY for those who USE us selfishly and PERSECUTE us [Matthew 5.44]. These are few of numerous GOD's Kingdom Principles for great untold Eternal Rewards which will show up once we are DEAD and gone. So never break them. GOD is GOOD, GOD is LOVE whereas Devil is EVIL. It is Devil who: deceives, lies, steals, kills and destroys but not GOD. [1 John 4.8], [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.9]. My friend Know JESUS personally as your Savior in order to know Real Love, Joy, Peace and Hope! Beloved know this it is JESUS who SAVES us but Not Religion ... JESUS DIED for our SINS, Forgave us and Loves us and Commands us to copy HIM to LOVE, RESPECT, FORGIVE others and Heal our world... Christianity is not a religion my friend as Misunderstood by Billions but a Relationship with GOD our Heavenly FATHER [John 1.12-13] walking in the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD [Romans 12.2]... By being Dead to our old dark self and quickened to CHRIST in our spirit [2 Corinthians 5.17] ...loving, forgiving, respecting and accepting everyone [Matthew 19.19]... Winning them [Matthew 28.19-20] for CHRIST, saving souls [Proverbs 11.30]... Go for it, become and be a CHRISTIAN, be BLESSED and be a BLESSING to others as well...

Beloved What is Not possible by man [Mark 10.27] is possible by GOD... Make Prayer your first priority... Get hooked on to GOD's Power today... Now... What Money, Men and Materials cannot Do, GOD can do for you, for your family, for your friends... When we work, we work; when we Pray, GOD works... GOD works on our behalf...

FEAR NOT, says GOD to us mankind, especially to those who Fear Him; about 365 times in HIS word, the BIBLE, from cover to cover; because GOD knows the only weapon devil has against us is our own Ignorance about GOD's love for us and His Awesomeness! My brother, my sister and my dear friends Know BIBLE/GOD very well and be Encouraged, Empowered and Excited!!!

If BIBLE is taught in all Schools right from beginning till end, Prison population and Crime rate across the globe will fall and reduce drastically... Beloved BIBLE or God's Word tops the Most read books in the world because it is the Only Book written in 1.HIGHEST Standard ever, though it is the oldest as well. 2. It is only Book which not only talks about the past but also about the FUTURE of Mankind. 3. Only Book which TRANSFORMS any human being when Read with faith. 4. It is the only Book which fills its reader with Divine Peace when read with reverence... Beloved give BIBLE a try...I am sure You also Would fall in Love with it!!!!

Beloved Moms and Dads: Never Forget, Our Children are Our Future. Decide today to Invest in them. Turn them into your Great Dream Assets by introducing them to GOD/BIBLE from day one [Psalms 127.4] before the world introduces them to the Devil and they become Liabilities. Take some pain to Truly LOVE them by being their Role Model to Teach LOVE. Teach Respect. Teach PEACE. Teach GOD. Teach BIBLE. Remember Every Child, Every Teen, Every Youth NEED JESUS! GOD says if we Parents Forget GOD, HE will Forget our Children [Hosea 4.6]. Fathers, Mothers LOVE and CARE your Children, teach them about GOD [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Ephesians 6.4] its your Unique Responsibility. They Need JESUS before the world gives them the devil. My friend, as a Born Again Christian or CHURCH its our Shared Responsibility to Teach Every Child out there about GOD [Matthew 28.19-20], [1 Corinthians 9.16], [Acts 20.28] and the importance of them Knowing, Loving, Spreading JESUS. So be the role Model to them, our Next Generation. This is our Responsibility. Top Prioritize this. Please share JESUS with them as much as possible and as long as possible. Become and be the Transition Man/Woman.

DEATH is: Scary, Shocking, Saddening and Hopeless END only to those who are yet to: Know, believe, accept, follow and please LORD JESUS because it is this JESUS who put that Death, which Adam brought by sinning to DEATH on the Cross of Calvary and by HIS Resurrection [Matthew 28.6], HE proved and demonstrated what would happen to HIS followers someday, which is You and I, thereby HE Opened the WAY to HEAVEN through HIM, for GOD intended ETERNAL LIFE with HIM [Revelation 21.4] that's why JESUS or Gospel is GOOD NEWS for All Mankind [Luke 2.10]. Beloved JESUS is The SAVIOR of us all, without HIM there is NO SALVATION, NO HEAVEN, NO Eternal LIFE [John 3.15-17], [1 Corinthians 15.22],[Revelation 1.18], [2 Corinthians 5.8]. So Know JESUS personally, so that YOU can Know Who You are and Whose You are and Wait Eagerly and Excitingly for your natural death or Union with The LORD with: Smile, Joy and Pleasure. Beloved the Real KILLER is our IGNORANCE not death [Hosea 4.6]. Death from GOD becomes increasingly sweet and exciting to Anyone and Everyone whose walk with JESUS becomes increasingly personal and intimate, beloved be informed. Start walking with JESUS and Stop WORRYING about DEATH.

Put your hope in GOD... GOD never fails [Joel 2.26]. Always remember, as a child of GOD; this World is not our long home, our home is in Heaven [Hebrews 13.14,] [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4] being built and prepared by GOD. We are like tourists now, supposed to be living in tents, spreading the Good news about JESUS and saving the unsaved around for JESUS...

Meditate upon BIBLE / GOD'S Promises my friend; so that you too can be Equipped for all good works [2 Timothy 3.16-17] and remain Excited... Remember, Someday people will say 'Thanks for everything' saying 'Good bye' in: their Sudden: separation, transfer, relocation, promotion, retirement and even in Death but God never does that. God never leaves us [Hebrews 13.5] ... It is true We all go through problems, every now and then; which is natural. But if You are standing for GOD building HIS kingdom, at the cost of compromising, sacrificing your Quality: Time, Talents and Treasures for JESUS, spreading the GOOD NEWS of SALVATION, setting people FREE from Bondage, Pain, Tears and devil's Darkness; know this for Sure your AWESOME DAYS are coming [John 6.27] [Matthew 6.19-21] [Mark 10.29-30] GOD NEVER Forgets Anyone, Anyone [Romans 2.6-7]... who stood, stand and will ever stand... Like Joseph's life; you too will be Remembered and REWARDED someday by GOD HIMSELF!!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
GOD commands us 1.Not to worry about 'Tomorrow' [Matthew 6.34] why? because HE created LIFE. HE created Mankind. HE created TIME. Again GOD commands us 2. Not to worry about 'Anything' why? because [Philippians 4.6] LIFE begins and Ends with HIM. Based on our Response to GOD's Word/BIBLE WE can Excel or Fail in life. GOD says 'If you are willing and obedient you will eat the BEST of the land [Isaiah 1.19] because HE decides it. So just believe, obey GOD/BIBLE remaining calm and confident in HIM and never letting your sadness of past or uncertainty of your future to ruin your present Happiness and HOPE in HIM because GOD cannot lie [Titus 1.2]. GOD cannot change [Malachi 3.6].
Beloved if You are trusting only in GOD [Nahum 1.7] never lose heart for Anything or Anyone [Philippians 4.6-7], [Isaiah 54.17]. If you are alive and willing, you can still become everything GOD has created you to be [Ruth 1.16-18], [Philippians 4.13] because with GOD nothing is impossible [Luke 1.37] So just trust GOD and keep on believing and obeying HIM/BIBLE [Isaiah 1.19] You will receive whatever you believe in HIM [Mark 11.23-24]

Beloved know the BIBLE well and keep the devil out of your world, family and interests [Matthew 17.21], [Ephesians 6.10-18]. BIBLE/GOD Says: The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light [Romans 13.12]. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying [Romans 13.13] But put ye on the LORD JESUS CHRIST [BIBLE] and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof [Romans 13.14].

We are all eternal spirit being residing in flesh for sometime. Your body is just your domicile / home, the real you is the hidden inner spirit man in it; from where your emotions flow. Don't ignore him; busy caring, cherishing only your body. Like our body need food and care; even our spirit has needs, that is what we get from Bible verses which are spirit in nature on which our spirit can feed on [John 6.63] nurture and receive universal care, as it is God's word, because God is also a spirit. Remember we are all eternal spirit beings residing in flesh for sometime. Waiting to be liberated for eternity in heaven or hell based on our response to God's word, the Bible.

1 Thessalonians 5.23,
Eternal spirit being,
God is spirit,
Hidden man,
Ignore not,
Inner man,
John 6.63,
Spirit man
BIBLE has all the answers we are looking for. BIBLE is GOD in WORD [John 1.1] GOD has written to us the Great things of HIS Law [BIBLE] but that was counted as strange thing by many of us [Hosea 8.12] All scripture in BIBLE is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for 1.doctrine, 2.for reproof, 3.for correction, 4.for instruction in righteousness [2 Timothy 3.16] BIBLE is Awesome; because 1. It talks about Our Past, Present and FUTURE 2. Transforms Everyone 3. Written in The Highest Standard Ever known to Mankind 4. Divine PEACE flows into one's spirit when read in faith [Hebrews 4.2] Go for it, Read it with Reverence to Discover the Real GOD intended You!!!

BIBLE is the only GOD given navigation system for us to reach heaven without anyone's assistance. So read, study, meditate, believe, obey it and share with others too, beginning from your loved ones to the strangers out there in the other side of the world...

Things that are seen in our life came into being from things that are unseen; from minds; Even Universe, mankind and all creations GOD saw in HIS mind before even creating them. Believe in GOD... Beloved you are loaded with great untold potential in you because WE are created in GOD's own image and likeness [Genesis 1.26-27]. Unleash your Creativity... Unleash your creative Imagination... Pursue your passion with GOD's help [Jeremiah 33.3]. Be different, Be Unique, Be GOOD... Benefit yourself without Harming Others... Enjoy LIFE!!!!

Say YES to JESUS, accept HIM as your personal SAVIOR my brother, my sister and my friend. Your Life won't be the same again. Immediately your status changes FOREVER from that of: lost to be SAVED, death to LIFE, sin to RIGHTEOUSNESS, law to GRACE, condemnation to JUSTIFICATION, bondage to FREEDOM, slavery to SON-SHIP / DAUGHTER-SHIP, hell to HEAVEN!!! Go for it, Now!!!, Remember, You are in charge of your life, no one else; ACT NOW!!!!

FEAR NOT, says GOD to us mankind, especially to those who Fear Him; about 365 times in HIS word, the BIBLE, from cover to cover; because GOD knows the only weapon devil has against us is our own Ignorance about GOD's love for us and His Awesomeness! My brother, my sister and my dear friends Know BIBLE/GOD very well and be Encouraged, Empowered and Excited!!!

Beloved GOD's greatest pleasure is to be believed in HIM [Hebrews 11.6], [John 11.40], [Isaiah 66.2]. Only Faith in HIM can move GOD's heart and hand in your favor my friend. Learn and practice to Believe in GOD/BIBLE. More you believe GOD, more you can see HIM working for You! Your faith in GOD will make your problems to disappear and miracles to appear. My friend a moment of GOD's of Favor for you can Accomplish far much Greater than Your Lifetime of Smart or Hard Labor! So you choose which is better? or which is easy? or which is wisdom? Know this GOD is Not someone's private property, HE is Our Creator and FATHER as well, who LOVES us so much [1 John 4.8]. So Seek, Believe and Obey HIM! Stop Rejecting your Unfailing BEST HELP by simply doubting and not trying!! Turn to BELIEVE GOD/BIBLE so that you can turn your: Pains into PLEASURES, Sorrows into JOY, Tears into TRIUMPH, Weakness into STRENGTH and Hopeless End to ENDLESS HOPE instantly or gradually. This is simply your CHOICE my friend!

Talk to GOD in prayer, instead of men... My friend; very often many of us think and talk; saying is GOD real, does any one care, does anyone know what's happening in my life and so on... Beloved God knows EXACTLY what's going on in our life [Psalms 94.8-11] and is watching us all 24/7, not only what we talk and do but also what we intend and think deep within us... That is why GOD asks us to listen to HIM [Isaiah 1.17 & 19] [Deuteronomy 28.1-14] ... GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8] and HE LOVES us ALL, Stop ignoring HIM [Revelation 3.20] Receive HIM today, Now [Romans 10.9-10] Be transformed in and out [Romans 12.2]

Authorities take action when received complaints same way our prayers especially with fasting gives GOD a freehand to shock, storm and destroy the power of darkness. Devil is not scared of AK 47 or nuclear weapons but our fasting combined prayers. So do something, pray for the well being of us and others around....

AK 47,
Good men,
John 14.13,
Matthew 17.20-21,
Nuclear weapons,
Beloved GOD is Impartial [Romans 2.11]. GOD shows up to every wholehearted truth seeker [Jeremiah 29.13]. GOD counsels us to call unto HIM/BIBLE to learn great things [Jeremiah 33.3]. GOD gives HIS Best to all those who leave their choices to HIM [Deuteronomy 28.1-14]. Beloved Ignoring GOD and looking for alternatives in order to solve your Problems is like, deliberately killing your lifeline in hand and hopelessly trying to revive some dead ones [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. Remember No creation is greater than its Creator [Isaiah 46.9-10]. So deny your self before it destroys you fully! Humble yourself, turn to GOD to be: Revived, Restored and Renewed [2 Chronicles 7.14], [Romans 12.2].

May this be your Confession too; my brother, my sister and my dear friend! May GOD help us to Do HIS Will and Accomplish great things for HIM, while Enjoying our short stay here on earth... Remember removing God from anything results in death sooner or later; because God alone is life. Devil is evil and evil is death, which is why there is no life in death. Be wise, never leave God... Life becomes: wonderful and awesome; when we give God our throne in us and life becomes horrible and miserable: when we give it to devil, materials or men. Just a choice.... Stay with GOD, and may GOD BLESS YOU, your family and your interests...

Bible/God guarantees eternal life in heaven for anyone who accepts, believes and confesses Lord Jesus as their Lord and God, getting baptized in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and continue to live a Godly life in Christ. Personally I sincerely believe that. But some folks argue, that Bible may not be God's word or what all it says may not be true; even in that case, here is some wisdom. What if Bible is true and you were wrong, will you ever get one more chance to repent, accept, believe, obey God and be baptized and live a Godly life and be qualified for eternal life? once dead and gone? Consider. Bible simply counsels us to live a God centered good life but not to commit any immoral, illegal, indecent things/sins. Be wise. Be prepared. Be saved and safe. When compared to eternal life in heaven forever and ever; the pains, problems we may have to face, take to please God, during our short life on earth: is less than negligible.

Believing God,
Born Again,
Eternal Life,
Holy Spirit,
John 3.16,
John 3.5,
Obeying God,
Romans 10.9-10,
Beloved if You are trusting only in GOD [Nahum 1.7] never lose heart for Anything or Anyone; what you see, hear and know doesn't matter because GOD is above and beyond these realities [Philippians 4.6-7], [Isaiah 54.17]. Nothing is too late for GOD [Genesis 18.14]. Deadlines are for us not for GOD. GOD is not Limited like us [Isaiah 46.9-10]. If you are alive and willing, you can still become everything GOD had created you to be [Ruth 1.16-18], [Philippians 4.13] because with GOD nothing is impossible [Luke 1.37]. So just trust GOD and keep on believing and obeying HIM/BIBLE [Isaiah 1.19]. You will receive whatever you believe in HIM [Mark 11.23-24]. Remember GOD cannot Lie [Titus 1.2].

Removing GOD from anything, is nothing but removing life from it, removing joy from it, removing peace from it, removing hope from it, which in turn results in death; because GOD is LIFE, GOD is HOLY, GOD is LOVE, GOD is GOOD, there is no sin in HIM. People die either when their spirit leaves them or forcefully removed, when they get killed. GOD/BIBLE says, wages of sin is death, that is why GOD is not there in sin [Romans 6.23]. Devil is an agent of death, which is why there is only sin, evil, injustice and no holiness in him [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.9]. So be wise, listen and learn from GOD/BIBLE Please and stay with GOD, for in HIS presence there is fullness of life, joy, peace, hope and in His right hand there are treasures untold [Psalms 16.11]. Try to be good, be holy and refrain from willful sinning.

Be holy,
Be Wise,
God is Holy,
Inner man,
John 3.15-17,
Please God,
Romans 10.9-10,
Romans 6.23,
Wages of sin
Beloved Marriage is GOD founded [Genesis 2.18], it is GOD's idea. It is only between one Man and one Woman [Adam & Eve]. Marriage is a covenant and it is holy [Hebrews 13.4], the more we keep GOD in our Marriage, Family and all walks of our daily Life, the more we can Enjoy GOD's Provision, Protection, Peace and Perfection [John 2.5], [Deuteronomy 23.14]. Whenever we remove GOD by Ignoring, Bypassing or willfully Disobeying HIM/BIBLE from any walk of our life [Proverbs 14.12], [Isaiah 1.19-20] we open the door for the enemy or devil, knowingly or unknowingly; which will result in loss of our: Peace, Joy, Strength, Health and even LIFE [1 Peter 5.8]. Divorce is from Devil. Fornication, Adultery, Sex outside Marriage, Swinging, Swapping and Sodomy is Not GOD's Will [Matthew 19.3-9]. Wake up beloved, welcome and Worship GOD and keep these garbage out. My friend [Genesis 1.26-28] WE are created in GOD'S own Image and Likeness for an exclusive reason; to be called as GOD's own Children and to reflect HIS Character and Heart in our lives [Matthew 5.16]; in this Evil and Temporary passing world full of Darkness and Vanities, LOVING ALL and Living a Holy LIFE like HIM here on earth for now and Enjoy Eternal LIFE with HIM in HEAVEN [Revelation 21.4]. So become and be serious with GOD, seek HIM wholeheartedly, in order to be: Restored, Rebuilt and Recreated. Beloved GOD is not only our Creator but also our FATHER, who is full of Love and Compassion; Forgiveness and Acceptance; Allow HIM to Love and Comfort You. Accept JESUS Now and please HIM until the end [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]; so that GOD will open the Flood gates of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, HAPPINESS and HOPE!

My friend GOD is our: Creator, Maker, Teacher, Comforter, Helper, Healer, Deliverer, Friend, ...and FATHER; Seek HIM for help; He can and He will. Keep GOD your first priority; not as your last option. Remember GOD is far BIGGER than anyone/anything possibly mankind could ever imagine!!! And GOD is full of LOVE and COMPASSION; Seek HIM now and always!!!

Walking with GOD is an AMAZING Experience... As your level of maturity and degree of intimacy increase with GOD, you will begin to walk by faith and not by sight [2 Corinthians 5.7] As a believer in GOD, when you believe wholeheartedly in GOD to see things; you begin to see things manifest in natural world, whereas world wants to see first to believe. Remember GOD has no comparison, simply because HE created us all and several billions of people out there in this planet in unique fashion across this planet earth along with this great universe. If you seek HIM wholeheartedly, you can always find HIM [Jeremiah 29.13] while seeking. GOD loves to show up for all those who love to feel HIM, HIS presence, in their spirit, in their hearts... [1 Samuel 3.21].

Beloved Learn and Practice to DEPEND on GOD. GOD is Not only Our CREATOR, Protector, Provider, Healer,.. but our FATHER too. BIBLE/GOD Says: FEAR NOT to us mankind, especially to those who Fear Him [Psalms 34.7] [Isaiah 41.10-13] GOD says FEAR NOT for about 365 times in His word, the Bible, from cover to cover; because He knows the only weapon devil has and uses against us is our Ignorance about GOD's LOVE [1 John 4.8] for us and His Awesomeness! Know Bible well and be Encouraged and Excited...

Beloved If anyone in CHRIST, he/she is a new Creation. Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new... Friendship with world is enmity with GOD [James. 4.4] What is highly esteemed by world is abomination to GOD [Luke. 16.15] They that follow Jesus as per BIBLE standards have denied themselves of their worldly pleasures, carrying their cross daily; losing their lives on earth, living for the sake of JESUS and Gospel [Mk. 8.34-35] They are the JESUS said, Salt and Light of the world; preserving and adding taste to and in the social life and leading them to GOD, by their life of love, forgiveness and peace. [Mt 5.13-14] New creations can have what all BIBLE promised, in eternity in heaven [Revelation 21.4] These are the New Creations BIBLE talks about... Become and be one; to enjoy great peace, love, joy and hope; now and later, throughout eternity.

GOD anoints everyone who accepts JESUS, as their LORD and GOD wholeheartedly and be baptized [Matthew 3.11] with The HOLY SPIRIT... BIBLE says it is the Anointing which breaks all the Evil yokes we suffer from generations unknown [Isaiah 10.27] ... Moreover the BIBLE says; the anointing which we have received [when baptized accepting JESUS] of GOD, who abides in us, and we need not, that any man teach us: but as the same anointing teaches us, of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even it has taught us, we shall abide in CHRIST [1 John 2.27]. BIBLE says, it shall come to pass in that day [when you receive JESUS as your LORD and GOD wholeheartedly] that his/her burden will be taken away off their shoulder, and their yoke from off their neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing [Isaiah 10.27]. My friend, receive JESUS, be Baptized and receive your anointing [HOLY SPIRIT] from GOD, in order to, break all the power of darkness or Generational curses in your life, to become truly free and blessed in your body, soul and spirit in CHRIST [2 Corinthians 5.17].

GOD is never busy... GOD is just a thought away... GOD taught and asked us to pray, why? When we work we work. When we PRAY, GOD WORKS my friend GOD WORKS on our behalf... Make use of that wonderful privilege you have... When our prayer goes up power comes down...

JESUS had: time, love and compassion: even for: beggars, lepers, prostitutes, drunkards and many others: Remember, God is love... Know this for sure; without your consent God cannot help you or bless you. Likewise without your consent devil cannot harm you or destroy you. Your decisions decide your destiny. You know, Lord Jesus loves you, whoever and whatever you may be. Jesus had: time, love and compassion for all: even for: beggars, lepers, prostitutes, drunkards and many others: It hurts Him so much when we ignore Him. Remember we are not safe until we are saved. Once saved, we become God's property and He will take care of us, touching and transforming us until the end. Welcome Jesus today, in order to put a full stop to all your: tears, pains, helplessness and hopelessness....

There is power in oneness... Power in unity... Power in coming in agreement in JESUS's NAME [Matthew 18.19-20] ... GOD becomes happy when we HIS Children come together in HIS Name, believing in HIM and pray together in agreement, in oneness of mind... GOD Grants our petitions ... So accept each other [Matthew 19.19] love each other, live in harmony, bearing one another's burden [Galatians 6.2] and pray together for each other ... That is the secret of Great Deliverance for Individual [Job 42.10] as well as Collective...

If BIBLE is taught in all Schools right from beginning till end, Prison population and Crime rate across the globe will fall and reduce drastically... Beloved BIBLE or God's Word tops the Most read books in the world because it is the Only Book written in 1.HIGHEST Standard ever, though it is the oldest as well. 2. It is only Book which not only talks about the past but also about the FUTURE of Mankind. 3. Only Book which TRANSFORMS any human being when Read with faith. 4. It is the only Book which fills its reader with Divine Peace when read with reverence... Beloved give BIBLE a try...I am sure You also Would fall in Love with it!!!!

Prayer is a GOD given great privilege. Use it as frequently as possible... Never underestimate the power of prayer... When God answers your prayer; thank Him and increase your walk with God. Never leave or forget Him. Be grateful. God loves gratitude. More gratitude you show, more blessings... As our level of faith in God increases, we begin to ignore what we see, touch, hear, smell and feel but begin to believe what we don't. God loves and celebrates those who speak faith... Keep on Praying...

Beloved Turn your TEARS of: pain, sorrow, hopelessness and irreversible changes into tears of JOY! by turning to GOD/BIBLE my brother, my sister and my dear friend [Jeremiah 33.3], in GOD's presence there is fullness of JOY and in GOD's right hand there are untold riches [Psalms 16.11]. Beloved Most powerful resource on earth is Information. Knowledge is Priceless. It gives Life and makes it Wonderful, Joyful and Enjoyable. GOD said my people are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge [Hosea 4.6] why, because Ignorance is a killer. Billions of people around the world are worried and afraid of only their physical death and not even aware of their Spiritual or Eternal Death by not being SAVED now, while living on earth [Romans 10.9-10]. Beloved First thing what GOD gave Adam was INFORMATION or KNOWLEDGE [Genesis 2.7] because GOD knows the END from beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10] and GOD is Love [1 John 4.8]. Thank GOD for your Salvation and Never Ignore / Forget GOD's command for you to Evangelize others around [Matthew 28.19-20], [1 Kings 7.9]. Love your neighbor [Romans 13.8] share JESUS and Save them from Eternal Death.

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