DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Beloved, GOD LOVES: YOU, me, us, the Mankind [1 John 4,19] that's why HE Created us in HIS own Image and Likeness [1.26] and gave us permission to call HIM 'ABBA FATHER' [John 1.12], [Romans 8.15] and GOD has Great Plans for us [Jeremiah 29.11] as long as WE Obey HIM/BIBLE. Do you know, GOD longs to find, if Anyone on Earth, Understand and Seek HIM [Psalms 53.2]? Do you know Heaven Registers Every time You just Think of GOD or Talk about GOD [Malachi 3.16]? My friend, Ignorance is a Killer [Hosea 4.6]. Never even Think, You are here by Yourself/Accident; You have a: Creator, Master, FATHER and Friend, who is Watching over You 24/7/365. SEEK GOD [Matthew 6.33]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

KNOWLEDGE Explosion a sign of last days and JESUS' Return [Daniel 12.1-4]... Bible warns those disciples of JESUS, the Born again Christians, to be ready to join JESUS in HIS second coming to enter into Eternal LIFE, which HE promised them; in heaven with HIM. He said these following signs will precede before His coming. [Please read Matthew 24.3-14, Mark 13.3-13, Luke 21. 8-20, Luke 17.26-30, Luke 21.11, 2 Timothy 3.1-5, 2 Peter 3.9, 2 Timothy 4.1 and 4, Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] BIBLE says (1) Deceptions (2) Wars and rumors of wars (3) Nation against nation (4) Kingdom against kingdom (5) Famine (6) Pestilences (7) Earthquakes (8) Persecution (9) Fearful sights in heaven, UFOs (10) Men hating truth (11) Increasing presence of deceiving spirits, doctrines of demons (12) Perilous times (13) Scoffers of GOD (14) Sodomy, swinging, swapping wives [Luke 17.26, Romans 1.18] (15) Blood, smoke, fire [Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] My friends please read those above given BIBLE verses to know, understand and believe in GOD. JESUS is coming back soon. BIBLE says those who have ears, let him hear [Mt.11.15] those who read understand [Mt. 24.15] So, you have both, be wise, action; Be SAVED now [Romans 10.9-10].
Meditate upon BIBLE / GOD'S Promises my friend; so that you too can be Equipped for all good works [2 Timothy 3.16-17] and remain Excited... Remember, Someday people will say 'Thanks for everything' saying 'Good bye' in: their Sudden: separation, transfer, relocation, promotion, retirement and even in Death but God never does that. God never leaves us [Hebrews 13.5] ... It is true We all go through problems, every now and then; which is natural. But if You are standing for GOD building HIS kingdom, at the cost of compromising, sacrificing your Quality: Time, Talents and Treasures for JESUS, spreading the GOOD NEWS of SALVATION, setting people FREE from Bondage, Pain, Tears and devil's Darkness; know this for Sure your AWESOME DAYS are coming [John 6.27] [Matthew 6.19-21] [Mark 10.29-30] GOD NEVER Forgets Anyone, Anyone [Romans 2.6-7]... who stood, stand and will ever stand... Like Joseph's life; you too will be Remembered and REWARDED someday by GOD HIMSELF!!!!

Husbands: Love your wives [Ephesians 5.25] and Try to understand them; so that you can bring the best out of them...Remember, they are full of power and pleasure as well... They are weak but wise... Many Great Women out there in many parts of the world are MISUNDERSTOOD and Not given the Right opportunities in the Right time to Demonstrate their Gifts, Talents and Skills... Remember your woman can be your [Invisible] Best friend or worst enemy too... So be: wise, nice, kind and patient with them to Enjoy their BEST in life Better, Sooner and Longer...

Thursday, February 27, 2014
Beloved, WE get: Annoyed, Frustrated, Broken inside; whenever Our Children: Disobey, Disrespect, Disown us; Which is Fair and Right. But on the other hand; how often, how many of us, openly Express that we/they have NO problem to: Disobey, Disrespect, Disown: GOD, Our: Heavenly FATHER, Creator and HIS Word, The BIBLE to run behind sheer Deceptions to please HIS Creations, only to be: Lied, Deceived, Stolen, Killed and Destroyed [John 8.44 & 10.10]. What WE Sow, what we Reap [Galatians 6.7-8]. Know this, GOD Warns, 'If You FORGET Me, My Word; I will FORGET Your Children' [Hosea 4.6], and GOD says, 'I will Honor those who Honor ME,..' [1 Samuel 2.30]. Wake up World. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Beloved, GOD's greatest pleasure is to be believed in HIM [Hebrews 11.6], [John 11.40], [Isaiah 66.2]. Only Faith in HIM can move GOD's heart and hand in your favor my friend. Learn and practice to Believe in GOD/BIBLE. More you believe GOD, more you can see HIM working for You! Your faith in GOD will make your problems to disappear and miracles to appear. My friend a moment of GOD's of Favor for you can Accomplish far much Greater than Your Lifetime of Smart or Hard Labor! So you choose which is better? or which is easy? or which is wisdom? Know this GOD is Not someone's private property, HE is Our Creator and FATHER as well, who LOVES us so much [1 John 4.8]. So Seek, Believe and Obey HIM! Stop Rejecting your Unfailing BEST HELP by simply doubting and not trying!! Turn to BELIEVE GOD/BIBLE so that you can turn your: Pains into PLEASURES, Sorrows into JOY, Tears into TRIUMPH, Weakness into STRENGTH and Hopeless End to ENDLESS HOPE instantly or gradually. This is simply your CHOICE my friend!

Devil is a Liar, Murderer, Steal-er, Killer, Destroyer, Accuser and a Deceiver from the beginning my friend [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.10], [Revelation 12.9] and his angels or agents do the same things as well. Remember what JESUS said 'You will know the truth and the truth will set you FREE' [John 8.32] and the truth is GOD's Word the BIBLE [John 17.17]. My friend Devil's greatest weapon against us is nothing but our Own IGNORANCE about GOD and HIS Amazing plans for us and HIS simple expectations from us, which HE has documented in HIS Word, the HOLY BIBLE [Hosea 4.6], [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. If you try to learn BIBLE well [Hosea 8.12] and believe, obey it wholeheartedly [Deuteronomy 28.1-14] no devil can slow you or stop you from being Happy, Healthy, Protected, Peaceful, Prosperous, Joyful and Hopeful [Isaiah 54.17], [Zechariah 2.8], [Psalms 121.4] ... Remember there is No wisdom No understanding No counsel against the LORD [Proverbs 21.30]. Just Trust in the LORD [Psalms 118.8] do HIS will, remain safe forever and IGNORE the devil, who is desperately trying to fool and kill you.

Beloved, be QUICK to: Give, Help and Release others. Never Hesitate or Delay in doing GOOD, rather be Keen and Proactive. Try to GO out and HELP others, Set the Poor and Just FREE: Whenever, Wherever and However possible. You know why, You never know, when you may have to say 'GOODBYE' to this World. We all are living a Most Uncertain Life, not knowing when it may come to an End. Even the Next Moment is Not Guaranteed, my friend [Ecclesiastes 9.12]. Remember, GOD/BIBLE says 'Give' so that you will Receive [Luke 6.38], The way you 'Mete' to others, will be Measured back to you [Matthew 7.2], and What you 'Sow' what you Reap [Galatians 6.7-8]. So, Act now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Beloved, GOD says, even an ox knows its master and an ass knows its crib.. but not my people, HE means, the Mankind; You and I [Isaiah 1.3]. Indeed, How sad it is. My friend, GOD shares HIS sorrow here. Like many mischievous kids, back answering and arguing with their loving parents and fooling themselves; Not Realizing they are Deceiving themselves [Ephesians 6.1-3]. Many of us today, with our limited worldly wisdom and some income generating capacity, Forget ourselves to Despise GOD our Heavenly Father/Creator and HIS Word the BIBLE, not realizing, that our time on earth is very limited to live a Godly life, in order to be qualified for Eternal LIFE in Heaven with GOD. My friend, those are just Fooling themselves [Deuteronomy 8.18]. Wake up. SEEK GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Sunday, February 23, 2014
Beloved your ministry starts at home, with your spouse and children: Beloved Brothers, Sisters and my dear Friends... Love your wives [Ephesians 5.25], Children, Respect your husbands [Ephesians 5.33] and Try to understand them; so that you can bring the best out of them...Remember, they are full of power and pleasure as well... They are weak but wise... Many Great Women out there in many parts of the world are MISUNDERSTOOD and Not given the Right opportunities in the Right time to Demonstrate their Gifts, Talents and Skills... Remember your woman can be your [Invisible] Best friend or worst enemy too... So be: wise, nice, kind and patient with them to Enjoy their BEST in life Better, Sooner and Longer...

Single ladies Know your real worth in CHRIST and enhance it by increasing your walk with GOD on a regular basis. Enrich and BEAUTIFY yourselves with GODLINESS, make Great GODLY Men to: look at you, like you, love you, long for you and MARRY you by your Real and Priceless Godly Appearance and Attitude. Become and be that Virtuous Woman the BIBLE boasts about [Proverbs 31.10] and make even great men to run behind you instead of you waiting for anybody out there... So, Don't lose heart instead seek GOD. For those who love GOD...everything good or bad, happens for their own good says GOD [Romans 8.28]. Keep on trusting and loving GOD, rejecting all the lies of the devil and his followers... Sometimes, what looks like a sudden disappointment, failure, loss or setback outside; is nothing but GOD positioning You to receive what HE has been preparing for your next level... BIBLE/GOD says HE has great plans for us for now and for later too [Jeremiah 29.11], [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20-21]. So Cheer up, praise and thank GOD for this wonderful blessing in GOD... Remember you are a princess in CHRIST and you deserve a Prince in CHRIST. So Trust GOD and HE will make it happen in the right time, as long as you walk with GOD/BIBLE.

Cheer up,
Jeremiah 29.11,
John 14.2-3,
Loving God,
Next level,
Philippians 3.20-21,
Romans 8.28,
Single ladies,
Thank God
'Even if a man gains the Whole WORLD and loses his own SOUL, what shall it profit him?' Beloved, GOD Warns you and I, the Mankind [Mark 8.36] in other words GOD says 'Wake up' How Precious You are to ME and Warns us How Important it is to be SAVED and to LIVE for HIM in order to Inherit and Enjoy Our NEVER ENDING Eternity with HIM in HEAVEN with optional [John 6.27], [Matthew 6.20] Rewards and Treasures [John 3.15-17], [John 3.5], [Romans 10.9-10] and Cautioning us How Disastrous it would be to be Deceived FOREVER to end up in HELL for want of Deceiving Temporary Pleasures of the DEVIL like Sudden, Easy and Attractive: Positions, Possessions and Power or Money, Men and Materials to Ignore, Bypass and Disobey GOD/BIBLE which is Immortal and Never Changing [Revelation 12.9]. My friend, whoever you may be, NEVER LOSE your FREE gift of GOD's SALVATION, through JESUS [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Romans 6.23]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved We can always increase our joy instantly; at anytime we choose, by taking some extra pain to help someone who is less fortunate. Beloved Kindness is also a seed for joy. Joy cannot be bought from a super market but can only be received in spirit from GOD; when we try to put GOD's word into practice by releasing that act of kindness in fulfilling GOD's command saying; love your neighbor [Matthew 19.19] as yourself. So be: kind, nice and good; someday we Must have to leave everyone and everything we love and cherish behind for someone. So try to put a smile on someone's face every now and then thereby making GOD feel proud of you and increasing your joy within you.

My brother, my sister and my dear friend, Birth of JESUS into the world is Good news for us all Mankind [Luke 2.10] you know why because 1. for JESUS, re established our relationship with Father GOD which Adam lost to the tricks of the devil in the garden of Eden. 2. HIS birth revealed GOD’s plan for, one great enormous eternal heavenly family comprising of You and I when WE believe in JESUS with Father GOD. 3. JESUS brought and taught: Grace, love, compassion, forgiveness, patience, peace, hope we all needed. 4. for JESUS: brought love, compassion, hope to this evil world; full of greed, hatred, injustice,.. 5. for JESUS taught us to call GOD in heaven as Father, to love each other, pursue peace and to hate: evil, injustice. 6. for JESUS promised, in His Father's house there are many mansions and; He will prepare one for us. 6. for JESUS; taught, demonstrated and became the way for us to Heaven, through faith in HIM. 7. for JESUS loved, transformed even the: prostitutes, drunkards, sick, sinners, poor; So for sure there is hope for us beloved. 8. for JESUS destroyed: all the powers of the devil and gave power and authority to men against evil. 9. for JESUS destroyed: hatred, injustice, wickedness, selfishness, unforgiving, greed, fear and death. 10. for GOD became man in the form of JESUS to reconcile with HIM. So Celebrate JESUS, HE is for us all mankind and be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10].

Beloved, STOP DECEIVING Yourself by Fooling others by being FAKE [Galatians 6.7-8]. Become and be Real. Fake folks accomplish Nothing but SHAME whereas Real people HONOR. They Please GOD/BIBLE and they don't care about others' False opinions about them. They have Quality time for: GOD, family and friends whereas PEOPLE PLEASERS; care only about what others' think, talk about them; Wasting all their time, treasures maintaining their Unreal image for NOTHING. Beloved let your life be pleasing to GOD and GOD alone and Remember GOD Hates all forms of Hypocrisy, Double standards but LOVES Honesty. [Matthew 23.13], [Proverbs 11.1], [Numbers 12.7-8], [Psalms 94.8-11]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved Lend to GOD [Proverbs 19.17] by Helping the Poor for GOD will Repay you. This Moment, Today will Never Ever come again in my life, your life or Anyone's life my friend... TIME is Priceless. TIME is LIFE. Never Waste TIME. We measure our LIFE by TIME. That date to this date. Everyday we pass-by remember a slice of our Time or Life is gone forever and we are a step closer to GOD than before. TIME won't wait for Anyone or won't come again for Anyone. Our Time on this planet Earth is very Limited. So think more seriously about your LIFE after DEATH now, which is a waiting Reality [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [1 Corinthians 15.51-54]. GOD/BIBLE says there is a time for Everything under the sun, to Live for GOD and to earn Eternal Rewards [John 6.27] and heap Eternal Treasures [Matthew 6.20] ... it includes even our LIFE on earth, my brother, my sister and my dear friend; I don't know who you are but I know very well that JESUS LOVES YOU too,.. Remember Except "TIME" almost everything can be repaired, replaced or recycled, so Never play with your LIFE or your TIME... Live Good, Live a Godly Life [Matthew 28.19-20] touching and transforming your world based on what GOD/BIBLE says... becoming qualified for [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [John 14.2-3] Eternity in HEAVEN [Philippians 3.20-21].

FAMILY is GOD founded [Genesis 1.28], [Genesis 6.9], it is GOD's own idea. That is why GOD commanded PARENTS to teach, train, correct and discipline their children in the Knowledge of GOD and HIS Values [Hosea 4.6], [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Proverbs 22.6 ], [Proverbs 22.15], [Ephesians 6.4] and CHILDREN to Honor and Obey their parents in order to enjoy a long and happy life [Exodus 20.12], [Ephesians 6.1]; HUSBANDS to love their wives in order to have a great home [Ephesians 5.25] and WIVES to submit themselves unto their husbands in order to be protected, provided, preached and enjoy peaceful home [Ephesians 5.22] saying Husband is the HEAD of the family [Ephesians 5.23]. So the more we keep GOD in our Families the more we can Enjoy GOD's Protection, Provision, Peace and Perfection [John 2.5], [Deuteronomy 23.14], the moment YOU remove GOD/BIBLE from your family by Ignoring, Bypassing or willfully Disobeying GOD; Remember YOU have removed LIFE from you, because GOD alone is LIFE, Strength, Joy, Peace and Hope; and thereby You have opened the door for the enemy or devil [Isaiah 1.19-20], [1 Peter 5.8]. Beloved GOD is the only LIFE giver and perfecter of it; by giving us Rest, Peace, Love, Joy, Fun and Hope as much as we Seek HIM wholeheartedly [Psalms 34.10]. GOD is not only our Creator but also our FATHER [Matthew 6.9] and Friend [James 2.23], [John 15.13-15] full of Love and Compassion; Forgiveness and Acceptance; Allow HIM to Love and Comfort You... Beloved Accept JESUS now if you are yet to be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10], so that GOD may open the Flood gates of LOVE, JOY, PEACE and HOPE in your life too!

In the Last days, People become increasingly lovers of Money, Sex and Leisure times [2 Timothy 3.1-5]. Bible warns us of LORD JESUS's Return saying, also these: Military, Economical, Scientific, Social and Natural signs will precede before that; especially warning the Disciples of JESUS or Born again Christians, to be ready to join JESUS in HIS second coming to enter into Eternal Life, which HE promised to them; in Heaven with HIM. [Please read Matthew 24.3-14, Mark 13.3-13, Luke 21. 8-20, Luke 17.26-30, Luke 21.11, 2 Timothy 3.1-5, Daniel 12.1-4, 2 Peter 3.9, 2 Timothy 4.1 and 4, Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] BIBLE says (1) Deceptions (2) Wars and rumors of wars (3) Nation against nation (4) Kingdom against kingdom (5) Famine (6) Pestilences (7) Earthquakes (8) Persecution (9) Fearful sights in heaven, Unidentified Flying Objects (10) Men hating truth (11) Increasing presence of deceiving spirits, doctrines of demons (12) Perilous times (13) Scoffers of God (14) Sodomy, swinging, swapping wives [Luke 17.26, Romans 1.18] (15) Blood, smoke, fire [Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] My friends please read those above given BIBLE verses to know, understand and believe in GOD. JESUS is coming back soon. BIBLE says those who have ears, let him hear [Mt.11.15] those who read understand [Mt. 24.15] So, you have both, be wise and action Now!!!

JESUS is my Only HERO and HE will be yours too; once you Understand who HE is and what HE did for us all... I fell in Love with HIM since long just because of HIS outstanding LOVE, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS for us MANKIND... Beloved JESUS not only taught us and commanded us to LOVE our neighbors but our enemies too [Matthew 19.19], [Matthew 5.44]. JESUS not only commanded us to LOVE ALL but also Demonstrated it on the Cross of Calvary by FORGIVING even those who insulted, ill-treated and crucified HIM unjustly and DYING for us all, to make sure WE all join HIM in Eternity in Heaven, if WE choose to Accept, Believe, Obey and follow HIM/BIBLE until the End. My friend you know, GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8], if we are truly HIS children in Spirit, we would be loving everyone spontaneously without even realizing... So be quick to LOVE and FORGIVE others... and Know for sure JESUS LOVES YOU too... Remember without us asking voluntarily HE paid the whole price for our SINS by HIS precious BLOOD which we were supposed to pay; and now by simply accepting HIM as our personal Savior we can Enjoy the never ending Eternal LIFE in Heaven with GOD HIMSELF, think about it! Never miss this Amazing FREE GIFT of GOD's SALVATION. Please be SAVED today, now. So that you can turn the ever shocking natural DEATH of mankind into an eagerly awaited pleasant surprise [Philippians 1.21-23]. Act now!

Moment you: Know, Believe and Accept JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR [Romans 10.9-10] your life will begin to change in and out gradually towards perfection beloved. When you believe and confess wholeheartedly that you belong to JESUS and continue to live so, you have birthed an intimate relationship with GOD and have become GOD's own Property instantly; and from then on NO DEVIL can TOUCH YOU or TROUBLE YOU my friend [Psalms 34.7], [1 John 4.4], [Isaiah 54.17] ... GOD's angels are around guarding you 24/7. Remember, Someday people may say 'Thanks for everything' saying 'Good bye' in: their Sudden: separation, relocation, promotion, retirement or in Death but GOD never does that. GOD never leaves us [Hebrews 13.5]. My friend if you choose to follow JESUS your AWESOME DAYS are just coming [John 14.1-3], [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4]. So be quick to receive JESUS [Revelation 3.20] and be protected, provided and prospered by HIM physically, emotionally and spiritually; now and for evermore... Know JESUS know PEACE...

Saturday, February 22, 2014
Single ladies Know your real worth in CHRIST and enhance it by increasing your walk with GOD on a regular basis. Enrich and BEAUTIFY yourselves with GODLINESS, make Great GODLY Men to: look at you, like you, love you, long for you and MARRY you by your Real and Priceless Godly Appearance and Attitude. Become and be that Virtuous Woman the BIBLE boasts about [Proverbs 31.10] and make even great men to run behind you instead of you waiting for anybody out there... So, Don't lose heart instead seek GOD. For those who love GOD...everything good or bad, happens for their own good says GOD [Romans 8.28]. Keep on trusting and loving GOD, rejecting all the lies of the devil and his followers... Sometimes, what looks like a sudden disappointment, failure, loss or setback outside; is nothing but GOD positioning You to receive what HE has been preparing for your next level... BIBLE/GOD says HE has great plans for us for now and for later too [Jeremiah 29.11], [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20-21]. So Cheer up, praise and thank GOD for this wonderful blessing in GOD... Remember you are a princess in CHRIST and you deserve a Prince in CHRIST. So Trust GOD and HE will make it happen in the right time, as long as you walk with GOD/BIBLE.

Cheer up,
Jeremiah 29.11,
John 14.2-3,
Loving God,
Next level,
Philippians 3.20-21,
Romans 8.28,
Single ladies,
Thank God
The more anyone learns, listens and loves BIBLE, the GOD’s Word; the more: bold, confident, wise and calm they become... They will be engulfed by GOD's Grace [Psalms 32.10] favor and mercy.... First thing what GOD gives anyone; who believe and obey HIM/BIBLE [Fear Him] is wisdom [Proverbs 1.7]. Wisdom changes all things that need change in our life. Wisdom is simply awesome.... Seeking GOD and receiving GRACE is what we must focus on whenever we sign off to our daily worldly duties... [Matthew 6.33]

Because WE don't see any other way possible, to move ahead in life, doesn't mean there is no other way ahead at all, it simply means we haven't Discovered it yet! Beloved, GOD has Millions of ways, that WE do not know about yet, HE is the Miracle Maker and Wonder Worker! That' s why HE says 'Call unto ME', to know them [Jeremiah 33.3] and HE says, 'MY thoughts are not your thoughts and MY ways are not yours' why? HIS thoughts and ways are simply Miracles and Wonders [Isaiah 55.8-9]. What a Joy and Hope to know about GOD and HIS Awesome Abilities and HIS LOVE for us [1 John 4.8], [John 3.16]. Remember, WE are not here by Ourselves, GOD Created us and kept us here! WE are not our own orders but GOD's. So, GOD will pay for HIS order, as long as WE realize this truth and let GOD do it, by just listening, believing and obeying HIM/BIBLE. My brother, my sister and my dear friend: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death are Earthly, that's why GOD says, Earth is Not our permanent Home but HEAVEN is [Revelation 21.4], [Philippians 3.20-21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Beloved; Advising GOD, Counselling GOD, Suggesting GOD, Ordering GOD and Cursing GOD, Defaming GOD and Making fun of GOD,.. these are signs and proof of one's Ignorance about GOD's Grace and Mercy, Love and Judgment, Kindness and Forgiveness; but it won't be the same forever [Hosea 4.6]. It is true, GOD is Patient and Silent which doesn't mean HE is Absent and Ignorant [Psalms 94.8-11]. GOD is not a toy to play with, my friend [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. Listen to HIM/BIBLE, as Attentively as possible, to make the Right and Wise Choices Now, when you are in sound mind or when you have the Right to Choose and Decide for yourself, Now, or YOU Must Listen to HIM and HIM alone someday but without your Right to Choose [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], [Daniel 12.2], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. Truth. Choice. Wisdom.

The more anyone learns, listens and loves BIBLE, the GOD’s Word; the more: bold, confident, wise and calm they become... They will be engulfed by GOD's Grace [Psalms 32.10] favor and mercy.... First thing what GOD gives anyone; who believe and obey HIM/BIBLE [Fear Him] is wisdom [Proverbs 1.7]. Wisdom changes all things that need change in our life. Wisdom is simply awesome.... Seeking GOD and receiving GRACE is what we must focus on whenever we sign off to our daily worldly duties... [Matthew 6.33]

Prayer is a GOD given great privilege. Use it as frequently as possible... Never underestimate the power of prayer... When God answers your prayer; thank Him and increase your walk with God. Never leave or forget Him. Be grateful. God loves gratitude. More gratitude you show, more blessings... As our level of faith in God increases, we begin to ignore what we see, touch, hear, smell and feel but begin to believe what we don't. God loves and celebrates those who speak faith... Keep on Praying...

Beloved, Though GOD created us, keeping us; Revealed HIM/BIBLE, Informs us; HE Never Bullies ANYONE or GOD Never Forces ANYONE to Choose or DO what HE wants. Beloved, that is GOD, HE is Awesome and Gentle, Fire and Kind, Judgment and Love,.. Beloved, GOD given 'FREEWILL' for us, is making You and I, Equal to HIM, until we live on earth [Ecclesiastes 7.29], which is the sign, proof of HIS Love, Plans for us with HIM in Heaven, if WE choose to: Believe, Obey HIS heart/BIBLE, now; Here HE makes HIS plan known to us, leaving the CHOICE with us. Remember, I or None can please You or Others by: Doubting, Disobeying, Disrespecting you or them respectively; if that is the case with us, human beings, how about with GOD, Our Creator. Wake up my friend. Freewill is for our Construction, and Not for Self-destruction. Truth. Choice. Wisdom.

Thursday, February 20, 2014
Devil is a Liar, Murderer, Steal-er, Killer, Destroyer, Accuser and a Deceiver from the beginning my friend [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.10], [Revelation 12.9] and his angels or agents do the same things as well. Remember what JESUS said 'You will know the truth and the truth will set you FREE' [John 8.32] and the truth is GOD's Word the BIBLE [John 17.17]. My friend Devil's greatest weapon against us is nothing but our Own IGNORANCE about GOD and HIS Amazing plans for us and HIS simple expectations from us, which HE has documented in HIS Word, the HOLY BIBLE [Hosea 4.6], [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. If you try to learn BIBLE well [Hosea 8.12] and believe, obey it wholeheartedly [Deuteronomy 28.1-14] no devil can slow you or stop you from being Happy, Healthy, Protected, Peaceful, Prosperous, Joyful and Hopeful [Isaiah 54.17], [Zechariah 2.8], [Psalms 121.4] ... Remember there is No wisdom No understanding No counsel against the LORD [Proverbs 21.30]. Just Trust in the LORD [Psalms 118.8] do HIS will, remain safe forever and IGNORE the devil, who is desperately trying to fool and kill you.

KNOWLEDGE Explosion a sign of last days and JESUS' Return [Daniel 12.1-4]... Bible warns those disciples of JESUS, the Born again Christians, to be ready to join JESUS in HIS second coming to enter into Eternal LIFE, which HE promised them; in heaven with HIM. He said these following signs will precede before His coming. [Please read Matthew 24.3-14, Mark 13.3-13, Luke 21. 8-20, Luke 17.26-30, Luke 21.11, 2 Timothy 3.1-5, 2 Peter 3.9, 2 Timothy 4.1 and 4, Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] BIBLE says (1) Deceptions (2) Wars and rumors of wars (3) Nation against nation (4) Kingdom against kingdom (5) Famine (6) Pestilences (7) Earthquakes (8) Persecution (9) Fearful sights in heaven, UFOs (10) Men hating truth (11) Increasing presence of deceiving spirits, doctrines of demons (12) Perilous times (13) Scoffers of GOD (14) Sodomy, swinging, swapping wives [Luke 17.26, Romans 1.18] (15) Blood, smoke, fire [Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] My friends please read those above given BIBLE verses to know, understand and believe in GOD. JESUS is coming back soon. BIBLE says those who have ears, let him hear [Mt.11.15] those who read understand [Mt. 24.15] So, you have both, be wise, action; Be SAVED now [Romans 10.9-10].

My friend, You are in charge of your life, no one else [Ecclesiastes 7.29]. Check your associations very carefully, every now and then to, keep what is Godly and get rid of the Ungodly, if it is damaging your walk with GOD/JESUS. Kill or get killed, it is that simple. Remember, No one is forcing you to what to Think, what to talk, what to do; So, it is YOU who choose to React to whatever people throw at you, Never forget that [Proverbs 18.21]. Now, If You don't kill those evil, wrong relationships now or soon, they will eventually kill your relationship with GOD! So walk away from the Ungodly: evil, unjust, selfish, greedy, wicked people [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.9], if they constantly refuse to Change for Good, Just, love, forgiveness and peace for all. Stop playing with fire! Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved This Worldly LIFE is Not Everything that GOD has prepared for us. It is temporary and passing by. Our Citizenship is in Heaven [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4] and WE need to Live for GOD and be Qualified for it [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [John 6.27], [Matthew 6.20]. So Stop Fooling yourself and being DECEIVED [Hosea 4.6]; by falsely Equating and Wrongly Believing: 1. Serving Money/World to serving GOD [Matthew 6.24] 2. Worldly Success to Godly Success [Luke 16.15] 3. Friendship with the world to friendship with GOD [James 4.4] and 4. Worldly End to Finishing in CHRIST [2 Timothy 4.7-8] because GOD says HIS Kingdom is not of this world [John 18.36] as well as HIS Thoughts and Ways are not as ours [Isaiah 55.8]. So please be reminded: to Deny yourself, Take up your cross every day and follow JESUS; moreover if you Save your Life for world you will Lose it; if you lose it for JESUS you will Save it [Matthew 16.24-26]. Be informed. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved, How much: research, preparation, planning, precaution WE/Many folks Seriously take, when it comes for a Trip out of station for: Treatment, Business, Studies, Holiday or whatever, why? because WE/they don't want to be: stopped, shocked, unproductive or victimized. If that is the case with earthly things, how about Eternal things; GOD, Judgment, HEAVEN, Eternal Rewards, Eternal Treasures... like facing GOD after Death?, which no one escape [Hebrews 9.27], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], [Hosea 4.6], [Revelation 22.11-12]. Like it or not, someday WE all must Depart/DIE but the question is, Are you really prepared for your 'Happy Landing?' Think about it now, to Set right things with GOD/BIBLE. Everyone and Everything we Cherish and Celebrate will Leave someday. Wake up. Truth. Choice. Wisdom.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Beloved, Moms and Dads: Never Forget, Our Children are Our Future. Decide today to Invest in them. Turn them into your Great Dream Assets by introducing them to GOD/BIBLE from day one [Psalms 127.4] before the world introduces them to the Devil and they become your Liabilities. Take some pain to Truly LOVE them by being their Role Model to: Teach LOVE. Teach Respect. Teach PEACE. Teach GOD. Teach BIBLE. Remember Every Child, Every Teen, Every Youth NEED JESUS! GOD says if we Parents Forget GOD, HE will Forget our Children [Hosea 4.6]. Fathers, Mothers LOVE and CARE your Children, teach them about GOD [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Ephesians 6.4] its your Unique Responsibility. They Need JESUS before the world gives them the devil. My friend, as a Born Again Christian or CHURCH its our Shared Responsibility to Teach Every Child out there about GOD [Matthew 28.19-20], [1 Corinthians 9.16], [Acts 20.28] and the importance of them Knowing, Loving, Spreading JESUS. So be the role Model to them, our Next Generation. This is our Responsibility. Top Prioritize this. Please share JESUS with them as much as possible and as long as possible. Become and be the Transition Man/Woman.

My brother, my sister and my dear friends: Things on earth are Not PERMANENT; so if things go well, THANK GOD and Enjoy them; If not also, THANK GOD and Stop Worrying a lot, because your PAINS won't last forever either! Problems we face today are not simply problems which need solutions but Reminders/Pointers guiding us to: Seek, Know, Believe, Obey, Honor and Depend on GOD, our Heavenly FATHER who Created us; and to get ready for GOD made Problem-Free Permanent HOME called HEAVEN without Tears, Pains, Sorrows and DEATH, for ALL who Believes, Obeys HIM/BIBLE until the End [Revelation 21.4], [Philippians 3.20-21]. Remember, GOD who created Heavens, Universe, Earth, Angels, Animals and us; Never called anyone as HIS Children except You and I, So, CHEER UP and Increase your walk with GOD, JESUS, BIBLE [1 Corinthians 2.9]. Because GOD cannot lie [Titus 1.2] and GOD has a lot of Pleasant surprises to all, those who LOVE HIM [1 Corinthians 2.9]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Beloved, When WE depend only on our strength, our ability, our skill and our wisdom; we are limiting us; our limit will be just us, Nothing more nothing less Whereas if and when we cut GOD in or choose to depend on GOD's strength, GOD's ability, GOD's skill and GOD's wisdom; GOD becomes our limit [Jeremiah 33.3]. Remember, GOD is our Heavenly Father [John 8.17]. GOD loves us [John 3.16]. GOD knows the end from the beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10]. GOD cannot be fooled [Proverbs 21.30]. GOD never fails ANYONE who believes in HIM 100% [Matthew 14.29]. GOD is never busy [Psalms 21.4]. GOD never reject anyone [John 6.37]. Beloved, GOD can resurrect the dead and GOD can call into existence which were never before [Romans 4.17]. Beloved, Choose to Depend on GOD and HIS Word The HOLY BIBLE. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.

Monday, February 17, 2014
'Even if a man gains the Whole WORLD and loses his own SOUL, what shall it profit him?' Beloved, GOD Warns you and I, the Mankind [Mark 8.36] in other words GOD says 'Wake up' How Precious You are to ME and Warns us How Important it is to be SAVED and to LIVE for HIM in order to Inherit and Enjoy Our NEVER ENDING Eternity with HIM in HEAVEN with optional [John 6.27], [Matthew 6.20] Rewards and Treasures [John 3.15-17], [John 3.5], [Romans 10.9-10] and Cautioning us How Disastrous it would be to be Deceived FOREVER to end up in HELL for want of Deceiving Temporary Pleasures of the DEVIL like Sudden, Easy and Attractive: Positions, Possessions and Power or Money, Men and Materials to Ignore, Bypass and Disobey GOD/BIBLE which is Immortal and Never Changing [Revelation 12.9]. My friend, whoever you may be, NEVER LOSE your FREE gift of GOD's SALVATION, through JESUS [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Romans 6.23]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Sunday, February 16, 2014
Beloved, Moms and Dads: Never Forget, Our Children are Our Future. Decide today to Invest in them. Turn them into your Great Dream Assets by introducing them to GOD/BIBLE from day one [Psalms 127.4] before the world introduces them to the Devil and they become your Liabilities. Take some pain to Truly LOVE them by being their Role Model to: Teach LOVE. Teach Respect. Teach PEACE. Teach GOD. Teach BIBLE. Remember Every Child, Every Teen, Every Youth NEED JESUS! GOD says if we Parents Forget GOD, HE will Forget our Children [Hosea 4.6]. Fathers, Mothers LOVE and CARE your Children, teach them about GOD [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Ephesians 6.4] its your Unique Responsibility. They Need JESUS before the world gives them the devil. My friend, as a Born Again Christian or CHURCH its our Shared Responsibility to Teach Every Child out there about GOD [Matthew 28.19-20], [1 Corinthians 9.16], [Acts 20.28] and the importance of them Knowing, Loving, Spreading JESUS. So be the role Model to them, our Next Generation. This is our Responsibility. Top Prioritize this. Please share JESUS with them as much as possible and as long as possible. Become and be the Transition Man/Woman.

The more anyone learns, listens and loves BIBLE, the GOD’s Word; the more: bold, confident, wise and calm they become... They will be engulfed by GOD's Grace [Psalms 32.10] favor and mercy.... First thing what GOD gives anyone; who believe and obey HIM/BIBLE [Fear Him] is wisdom [Proverbs 1.7]. Wisdom changes all things that need change in our life. Wisdom is simply awesome.... Seeking GOD and receiving GRACE is what we must focus on whenever we sign off to our daily worldly duties... [Matthew 6.33]

Beloved, Someday Everyone we LOVE and Everything We: have, own, love, cherish, celebrate and very proud of will leave us; suddenly and forever... Then we must stand before GOD for Final Judgment [Hebrews 9.27] to give an account of what all we did in our thoughts, motives, words and deeds when we were allowed to LIVE on this earth [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. To some GOD will say 'WELL DONE! THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT" walk into my Joy [Matthew 25.21] and to others 'I DO NOT KNOW YOU" My friend, BIBLE tells us very clearly that GOD's plan is to accommodate us all in Heaven for Eternity, provided we believe, obey Bible and accept LORD JESUS [Romans 10.9-10], [Ezekiel 18.23], [John 3.16] as our personal SAVIOR and be washed by His Blood, to enter into Heaven...Never miss it! Ignore what men says and Listen to GOD our Creator and what HE/BIBLE says. Remember once dead and gone, it will be only between YOU and GOD, so why wait for others' opinions and arguments [Psalms 14.1]? So Know, Believe, Obey and PLEASE GOD/BIBLE before you lose your Right to CHOOSE, once DEAD you won't have your Right to CHOOSE anymore; so Never wait or postpone your SALVATION. Beloved to be frank there is no other option left, Act now, SEEK and PLEASE GOD!!!

My friend, You are in charge of your life, no one else! Check your associations very carefully, every now and then to, keep what is Godly and get rid of the Ungodly, if it is damaging your walk with GOD/JESUS. Kill or get killed, it is that simple. Remember If You don't kill those evil, wrong relationships now or soon, they will eventually kill your relationship with GOD! So walk away from the Ungodly: evil, unjust, selfish, greedy, wicked people, if they constantly refuse to Change for Good, Just, love, forgiveness and peace for all. Stop playing with fire!

Beloved Someone shared JESUS with me, when I believed HIM and obeyed BIBLE my life began to change. There began a gradual change in my Thoughts, Intents, Words and Deeds as days passed by making me into a brand new person in CHRIST. Now that I am SAVED, I strongly feel how indebted I am to all my brothers and sisters around the world who are yet to be SAVED, as a result of that I humbly took this blogging, Facebook postings, tweets and my books as a GOD given opportunity and tool to reach you and others who are Saved and yet to be SAVED with this immortal message of SALVATION. Be Blessed and become a Blessing too. JESUS is real. JESUS saves. JESUS heals. JESUS delivers. JESUS does miracle. JESUS does wonders. Above all JESUS LOVES YOU my dear friend. Know, believe, obey and please HIM before it is too late so that you can release yourself from the powers of darkness... Remember No man or No devil can stop you or challenge you from accepting JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR; as long as you REALLY want HIM to be, it is absolutely between you and HIM; when done; you will be more than a Conqueror in CHRIST... Go for it my friend!!!

Beloved don't wait until your Prosperity or Retirement to lend something to GOD or to Extend a helping hand for the poor and needy around [Proverbs 19.17]. Similaly Don't wait Indefinitely until Disability or Death shuts you down before You Know, Accept and Serve LORD JESUS in order to Earn Eternal Rewards [John 6.27] and Heap Eternal Treasures [Matthew 6.20] and to be Great Spending your Eternity in Heaven [ John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 21.4]. So be open Minded, welcome Knowledge and Validate it [1 Thessalonians 5.21]. Try to know what you should know [BIBLE] before it is too late or you lose your Right to Choose. My friend Peak of Ignorance is Rejecting Something not even knowing what it is. Imagine yourself on deathbed, regretting things you have not done; now when things are well and good with you, Wisdom. Now stand up and do them immediately one by one on a priority basis beginning with your Salvation to Eternal Rewards and Eternal Savings. Beloved Day will come we may not be able to move even a finger but before that make GOD your Creator Proud by living an Exemplary, Extraordinary True CHRISTIAN life full of Love, Kindness, Compassion for your fellow Neighbor [Matthew 19.19] in HIM [Romans 13.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

GOD warns and counsels us that 'Life and death is in the power of our tongue' [Proverbs 18.21], [Ephesians 4.29] in other words, Our Life and Death in our very choice. So make sure what you taste and talk produces: healing and life and NOT harm and death... Beloved be wise... Speak things that produce: good, love, forgiveness, peace, healing and hope; leading to LIFE but not bitterness, curse, evil, greed, hatred and injustice; leading to death. Life or death, Right or wrong, Good or bad, Blessings or curse; Future or present, GOD or devil, HEAVEN or hell; are all simply a choice. Know this very well; What you sow, what you reap [Galatians 6.7-8]; but in many folds. Prevention is better than cure my friend. So be patient, wise, determined and focused until the end. So Speak LIFE, Wisdom, Knowledge, Love, Respect, Peace and Hope.

Patience is priceless.... It is not just the ability to wait but more than that. It is the ability to keep a good attitude, while waiting. Remember, God has been patient with us since our birth. Thank God for His goodness, kindness, love, mercy, grace and favor for us.

Be patient,
God's favor,
God's goodness,
God's grace,
God's kindness,
Good attitude,
Hebrews 10.36,
Luke 21.19,
Romans 5.3,
Since birth,
While waiting
Beloved, please Stop Complaining all the time! At times, sit down, take time to think about what all good and great things GOD has done and doing for you, since birth. Like; born as a precious child to caring parents, studied or studying in good schools and having become a great human being like you, and living a wonderful, modern life when compared to billions out there to whom its still s distant dream my brother, my sister and my dear friend, THANK GOD for that. Now please pause for a moment to take stock of your known and dominant Blessings at least; it will give you some new energy to feel good, proud and to THANK GOD increasingly and frequently. Its an awesome feeling altogether. So be grateful and try to put a smile on those poor and needy around. Respect them, Love them, Help them in your capacity whenever possible. Remember Life is just once, they also have Feelings, Desires and Dreams like us! JESUS said [Matthew 22.39] 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself' and they are these helpless folks my friend. So be Kind to them. Make GOD Proud today and everyday.

Beloved, Fear of the LORD is beginning of Wisdom [Proverbs 1.7], [James 1.5]. My friend, you know the First thing what GOD gave man was Knowledge [Genesis 2.17], why? because KNOWLEDGE is life, Knowledge is time, knowledge is power, knowledge is freedom, Knowledge is wealth, Knowledge is fun, Knowledge is simply Awesome; [Proverbs 17.27] and GOD gives Knowledge [Jeremiah 33.3]. GOD/BIBLE gives us A-Z including Eternal Life [1 Samuel 2.6-10], [John 3.15-17]. GOD Removes ALL Fears including the Fear of DEATH [Psalms 34.4], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4]. My brother, my sister, my friend Whoever you may be it doesn't matter, please get a copy of The Holy BIBLE in your favorite language [you can get your FREE copy online as well], read it with reverence, believe it wholeheartedly, obey it immediately, receive it with gratitude to ENJOY REAL AWESOME LIFE beginning within you and flowing out touching and transforming your world [Jeremiah 29.11-13]. Beloved IGNORANCE is the worst KILLER ever known [Hosea 4.6]. So please STOP being Ignorant. Receive LORD JESUS Receive: Life, Wisdom, Power, Peace, Joy and Hope [John 10.10] for now & forever [Romans 10.9-10].

Moms are Great, so are Dads... Trust and Obey them in the LORD [Ephesians 6.1-3] Be Grateful... Remember to: respect, honor, love, care, provide, protect, reward your: parents, guardians, teachers... Remember JESUS died for us, even though we never lived for HIM, that is love... Always Never Forget who was there for you when no one else was... Remember anyone who took care of you, when you were helpless... Gratitude is a Godly virtue: learn, practice, and promote it.... At times take a break to think about and talk about the love of your parents... Make them feel, believe, say that they are LOVED by you... Never Forget GOD who gave you LIFE, Live for HIM too... by Believing and Obeying HIS Word, The BIBLE...

Learn to Ignore Others' useless mere Opinions. Stop living only to Please men, rather learn to Know and Please GOD and GOD alone [John 3.15-17], [Romans 10.9-10] that only matters at the End of our Life here on earth... Take time, pain and make sure, everyday you learn something new, personally. Do whatever it takes, to build yourself on a daily basis. Make it a hobby, habit, so that that may become business with pleasure. Learning is imperative until we breathe our last. Self development is pivotal to leadership success. So, while focusing on others, don't ignore yourself. The more you equip yourself, the more you can be fruitful to self and many others.

BELOVED above all else, guard your heart, for everything you think, talk and do flows from it, says GOD [Proverbs 4.23]. We cannot change our life until we change our thinking and thought process because our thoughts are very powerful; they steer our life into greatness or fall. 'As one believes is he' says GOD/BIBLE [Proverbs 23.7], [Psalms 109.17]. Thoughts are pictures of mind developed by our imaginations that have constructive or destructive possibilities and have power over our emotions/feelings [Genesis 6.5]. Thoughts are like things you can take it or leave it; they are like Seeds which can Grow in your Heart [Matthew 6.25]. They affect and control our emotions [Genesis 45.26], [Psalms 119.165]. Imaginations may or may not be deliberate whereas thoughts are deliberate. Imaginations can be induced and influenced by external inputs [Genesis 15.5], [Luke 12.17-21] whereas thoughts are created, chosen, believed and stored in our memory which can be re-visited, replayed and renewed as well [Romans 12.2], [2 Corinthians 10.4-5]. Know this, GOD is very much aware of our thoughts, even as we begin to think [Matthew 1.20]. Now, these thoughts we carry can hold us in bondage with fear, anxiety, worry and unbelief if they are Ungodly or Negative OR if Godly or Positive keeps us in freedom with confidence, faith, joy, peace and hope. So, decide to: Discipline, Receive and Renew your thoughts from Knowing and Believing BIBLE in order to control and remain in high spirits almost all the time by learning and believing what amazing things GOD our Creator promises us in HIS Word the BIBLE including our possible never ending Eternity in Heaven with HIM along with Eternal Rewards and Eternal Treasures. So, consider seriously and act immediately to know, believe and obey what GOD/BIBLE says! This is why I present and place these thoughts before your imagination in this blog to be picked up openly, processed positively to eventually produce great results in you and through you, for you and for rest of the world. Beloved be Blessed and Become a BLESSING to the Billions around! Life on earth is temporary and a short one so make LIFE as GREAT as possible by depending on GOD and HIS Word the BIBLE! in short LOVE and RESPECT Everyone, as per GOD's Word!.

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