DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, April 28, 2014
GOD/BIBLE Never even suggests us to: 1. Hate Anyone but rather Commands us to LOVE, not only our: family, friends and neighbors but even our Enemies! 2. Not to Curse others but commands us to BLESS even them that curse us. 3. Not to Do evil to our Haters but commands us to DO GOOD and to 4. to PRAY for those who USE and PERSECUTE us [Matthew 5.44]. These are few of numerous GOD's Kingdom Principles for Great untold Divine LIFE, Practice them. Devil is EVIL. Devil: Deceives, Lies, Steals, Kills and Destroys. [John 8.44 & 10.10]. GOD is GOOD, GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8]. So, Know JESUS to Know: LIFE, PEACE, JOY, HOPE [Revelation 3.20].
Whenever you are shocked/shaken; when people let you down and Accuse/Betray you for None of your Mistakes [Galatians 1.4]; Remember and be reminded this world is Not your Permanent Home, my friend [Philippians 3.20-21]. As a child of GOD when your intimacy with GOD grows, you will be Hated by others including your family and friends, at times. You will also voluntarily begin to walk away from: Money, Men and Materials to celebrate your personal and regular fellowship with GOD enjoying an awesome: invisible but intimate relationship with GOD. GOD is not respecter of persons [Acts 10.34]. The more You seek HIM the more You will find HIM [Jeremiah 29.13]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
GOD/BIBLE says LIFE and DEATH is in the Power of our Tongue [Proverbs 18.21]; why? because WE are Created in GOD's own Image and Likeness [Genesis 1.26]. So, our Words too are Spirits, they are full of Life; they Never die [John 6.63]. So, saying 'SORRY' after Breaking someone's Heart Deliberately won't make: Dead man Alive, Reverse the Damages WE caused or Make them Forget all the Bad things WE spoke, out of: Ignorance, Impatience, Immaturity, Intention or Foolishness. Words can Make/Break people. So, Choose and Use them. JESUS said; DO unto others what you would have them DO unto you [Luke 6.31]. So, speak things you would love to Hear [Galatians 6.7-8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Beloved, Liberty is not a licence to destroy or to be destroyed. So, keep company only with: people, habits, hobbies and things which can Inspire and Improve you [Deuteronomy 30.15], [Ecclesiastes 7.29]. Life on earth is once and short, so make it as Great as possible. Remember, GOD created LIFE and GOD knows it better. So, Seek GOD/BIBLE to Know/Do what you should. Try to walk with GOD fearing folks, who are full of love, wisdom and revelation. Simultaneously, remove all the negative people from your life. Because the people you spend your time with will influence your: attitude, thoughts and success more than you think, so make sure whom you associate with [Proverbs 4.23]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
What Most folks don’t Know/Understand/Believe is; "GOD is Not in Hurry". So, be PATIENT. We are in time zone whereas GOD is in Eternity [Psalms 41.13]. WE are flesh whereas GOD is Spirit [John 4.24]. WE know our past whereas HE knows the Future too [Isaiah 46.10]. So, WE must wait indefinitely at times, that's how GOD Operates/Deals. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, all Waited for long, before they Got what they always dreamt for. Are they not our Fathers? Are we not sharing the same GOD/FATHER? Is HE not the same FOREVER [John 20.17], [Malachi 3.6]? Had HE ever FAILED them? Then Wait: Patiently, Confidently, Happily! Best is on the way [Revelation 21.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Of all GOD's Creations, WE are the most Celebrated ones, because GOD Created us in HIS own Image and Likeness to have us as HIS own Children, in Heaven forever, provided WE believe, Obey HIM/BIBLE now, when Alive on earth, using our right to CHOOSE to Believe HIM [Hebrews 11.6]. Know this, WE have not even discovered 1% of what GOD created yet. WE are surrounded by Countless MYSTERIES. So, STOP spending too much of your: time, talents, treasures Only on what is Seen/Attractive; Ignoring/Neglecting what is: Important, Imminent, Eternal. Someday life on earth will End but that is not the real end but Beginning, says GOD/BIBLE [Hebrews 9.27], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Wake up. Seek GOD.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Never lose heart for Anything or Anyone; No problem is Bigger than GOD [1 Samuel 2.6-10] GOD has solution for all our problems [Matthew 6.33] ... There's great life in JESUS even after having been: widowed, divorced, separated, failed, forsaken, lost, imprisoned, broke up or whatever worse [Romans 8.28] Just know that GOD is teaching You something NEW... Don't give up. Ask GOD for help [Jeremiah 33.3] GOD can and always GOD will.... Speak to GOD daily and frequently in prayer; listen from HIM through HIS word, the BIBLE, by reading frequently. Never waste your feelings on people who don't value them... Remember GOD LOVES You more than Anyone...

Love is the key for Happiness my friend. Love has no boundaries. Love is Divine [1 John 4.8] That is why JESUS asked us to Love even our enemies [Matthew 5.44]. So love Everyone around. Remember GOD has always given us something to give others. It may be our: kindness, forgiveness, time, knowledge, wisdom or whatever... The sign and Proof of Love is when our passion to give exceeds; our passion to receive... We cannot be in LOVE with someone without GIVING something GOOD and Valuable!!!! JESUS LOVES us, that is why HE gave HIS very Life on the cross of Calvary without even us asking for it my brother, my sister and my dear friend [Matthew 28.5-6]. HE gave HIS Word saying there are many Mansions in HIS FATHER's House, and HE is preparing one for us [John 14.2-3] and HE is Coming back [Acts 1.11] to take us Home [Philippians 3.20-21]. What a Great Joy! That is Divine LOVE beloved.

Wake up CHURCH wake up. Beloved Love and Honor all Servants of GOD who are selflessly ministering to You the Word of GOD/BIBLE directly or indirectly but NEVER make any of them your IDOL or GOD by making them your PRIMARY focus Ignoring and keeping JESUS, The HOLY GHOST and FATHER GOD the SECONDARY focus; in your Church or in your Personal Life by; Fearing and Worshiping Servants of GOD instead of GOD/BIBLE by listening and obeying only them blindly without even knowing and verifying what GOD/BIBLE says concerning you and them [Hosea 4.6]. GOD commanded us Not to Trust men [Jeremiah 17.5] or make Any Image, Idol or whatever for Worship [ Exodus 20.4-5]. Beloved We become our own enemy, when we are happily married to our own wrong mindset and [Psalms 16.4] never even allowing GOD or Godly people to warn, inform and correct us [Romans 12.2]. So listen to GOD/BIBLE [Isaiah 1.17], [Isaiah 1.19] Come out of your darkness [John 8.32].... People enslave us because we make them our GOD [Isaiah 1.20] but when we worship GOD, seeking and remaining in Our Creator's presence [Psalms 16.11] HE makes us wise, free, joyful, great, peaceful and hopeful. GOD is GOD [1 Peter 5.17] HE cares for us.... Beloved if You FEAR and Worship GOD then You won't fear men or the devil but if You Fear men, You Will Fear Everyone and Everything, living a miserable life before GOD, Men and Devil.

Good friendship is wonderful but True friendship is Awesome. True friends are a Great Blessing indeed. They don't hesitate to do anything for fun. Beloved, of all relationships FRIENDSHIP is Wonderful. A true friend is someone who picks us up, when nobody else has even noticed, realized that we have fallen. A true friend often acts proactively; sensing, observing, asking and finding out things which, not even our family or other loved ones know about. There is No fear or shyness between true friends. There is No secrets between them. True friends know they are equal. True friends accepts, appreciates, cautions and corrects everything and never discriminates. There is no boundaries between them like age, sex, religion, color, creed, size, shape, status, etc. True friendship is selfless. True friendship is Real. True friendship is full of LOVE and RESPECT. True friendship is simply Awesome [1 Samuel 18.1]. You know what GOD/BIBLE says about us and all things we: see, hear, touch, feel and perceive?, they were all created by GOD and for HIS own pleasure [Colossians 1.16-18] Wow, how sweet, we were created for GOD's pleasure. So, can we befriend GOD? Enjoy HIS company? of course we can, but how? just by knowing, believing and keeping GOD's Word the Holy BIBLE which is HIS offer for Anyone to become HIS friend [James 2.23], [John 15.13-15] Its very true my brother, my sister and my dear friend. Its amazing, you too can be a friend of GOD Our Creator. Sounds great? Please go for it.... Become and be GOD's friend! What a privilege! Remember GOD is GOOD.

Beloved GOD created us all Unique with different: look, voice, smell, size and mindset; so that no one else can take our place in GOD’s heart here on earth or there in Heaven [Revelation 21.4]. My friend, know and believe this: 1. YOU are Very SPECIAL to GOD that is why HE chose not to create one more person like you in the past or in future [Psalms 139.14]. 2. That is why HE sent HIS only SON JESUS to Calvary to be Killed on our behalf to Reach us HOME safe and sound without Fail [John 3.15-17] to become Joint Heirs with JESUS [Romans 8.17]. So don't Fail GOD by rejecting JESUS, losing your Salvation, ending up in Hell, paining GOD's heart. [Ezekiel 18.23]. Wisdom, Responsibility, Gratitude!

Beloved, STOP: shedding tears, living in pains and sorrows; feeling/saying 'I have NO one, like her/him/them, to LOVE me, to support/guide me'. It is a LIE of the devil/ungodly [John 8.44]. My friend, You are NOT here by yourself, You are NOT your order, but GOD's. Though You Don't: see/hear/feel HIM/BIBLE, GOD sees/hears/knows you 24/7/365. In fact GOD feels sad, saying 'Ox knows its master,.. my people Don't Know me'[Isaiah 1.3]. Know this, You have a: Creator, Master, Father, Friend; who LOVES YOU so Much. GOD says, HE is closer to broken hearted. So, whenever you are dull/down/depressed; GOD is right next to You [Psalms 51.17]. Receive HIM [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved, The Greatest: Priority and Asset on earth is, to: Realize, Develop, Enjoy and Maintain an intimate/special relationship with GOD our Creator, by wholeheartedly accepting HIS priceless offer to Obey HIM/BIBLE in order to become HIS own: Children [John 1.12] and Friends [John 15.13-15]; to Enjoy HIS: protection, provision, presence, wisdom, knowledge, understanding and revelation in all walks of life for Now and to walk into His Heaven, Later [Romans 10.9-10], [Jeremiah 33.3], [Revelation 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. Never LOSE that Permanent Privilege for temporary pleasures and deceptions like running behind only: Money, Materials or Men. Remember, NO Achievement can be Greater than being in GOD's heart and HIS good books [Isaiah 66.2]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

My brother, my sister and my dear friend: You are in charge of your life. You are Responsible for your Future. No one else but you. So, stop blaming GOD/others. Remember, You can't Fail without your Consent and You can't Succeed without your Participation [Matthew 6.33]. That's why GOD made Salvation, Blessings; Individual/Personal/Choice. Giving us Information/BIBLE, Freewill and Freedom to Choose and Decide [Ecclesiastes 7.29], [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. My friend, though men try to control us physically at times, NO man or devil can control our Spirit or Soul from Reaching/Pleasing GOD [Nahum 1.7]. NONE can Monitor/Control what WE Believe/Reason, except GOD [Jeremiah 17.10], [1 Samuel 16.7]. So, seek GOD. Be SAVED.

My friend: Be different, Be Creative, Be innovative, Be always a GIVER to the world... Bring that Best which The LORD GOD has deposited in you, Out...Remember: Successful people always DO what the failures usually Fail to DO, that's all. Every Productive: Thing, Meet, Day; demands little Extra.... So listen to GOD/BIBLE; receive, learn, understand, create and be wanted everywhere...

GOD has Great Plans for you [Jeremiah 29.11] and HE is with you [Hebrews 13.5]. So Take Risks... Try to Experiment things... Dream BIG and make it a reality... Be quick to Learn and Change. Do the Right things [Jeremiah 33.3] though they are not always Easy. Some people will never appreciate whatever good things you do for them; because it is not in them; but still you do the Right Thing; Never expect honey out of common bees... Remember, Even after angels came from Heaven and blinded the eyes of the trouble makers; saved Lot's daughters and warned [Genesis 19.15] repeatedly of imminent destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's wife defied them and got killed [Genesis 19.26] becoming a pillar of salt... Even after JESUS warned us, if we don't listen to HIM now, we too may have to die in Hell... So whoever you are Be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10] Now... Don't take GOD/BIBLE lightly!!!

Walking with GOD is an AMAZING Experience... As your level of maturity and degree of intimacy increase with GOD, you will begin to walk by faith and not by sight [2 Corinthians 5.7] As a believer in GOD, when you believe wholeheartedly in GOD to see things; you begin to see things manifest in natural world, whereas world wants to see first to believe. Remember GOD has no comparison, simply because HE created us all and several billions of people out there in this planet in unique fashion across this planet earth along with this great universe. If you seek HIM wholeheartedly, you can always find HIM [Jeremiah 29.13] while seeking. GOD loves to show up for all those who love to feel HIM, HIS presence, in their spirit, in their hearts... [1 Samuel 3.21].

Beloved be teachable. Be open minded. Welcome wisdom and knowledge. Be quick to: learn, understand, believe, decide and change; so that you can live Better, Sooner and Longer. Life on earth is not forever my friend; get a BIBLE, go through it and discover it yourself. GOD says many things about you to you, Do it before too late!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014
There are folks who Work for themselves. There are folks who work for them and others. And there are some: Sweet, Selfless, Precious folks, who WORK for GOD: diligently, tirelessly, sacrificially with a Smiling Face. Though many may not notice/appreciate/recognize/reward what they DO for GOD, GOD Knows/Records Exactly what they: Did, Do and will ever Do for HIM, HIS saints, so as to Reward them in due time [Hebrews 6.10], [Isaiah 46.10]; to them HE says; Everything: Good/Bad/Ugly happens for their own Good, because they are in LOVE with GOD [Romans 8.28]. Their Captivity won't last long; GOD will Deliver, Honor them. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Until it: Rained/Flooded/Whole world was Destroyed, People: Ate, Drank, Married,. and were Enjoying; though Noah the Righteous Preached for about 120 years [2 Peter 2.5], [Luke 17.26-27]. Beloved, in times of Ignorance GOD Overlooked Mankind but Now, HE Commands the Whole world to REPENT [Acts 17.30], HE Counsels us to be SAVED [John 3.16] whereas Devil, the Enemy knows his time is Short and he is busy DECEIVING the whole world with: Money, Sex, Pleasure, Leisure,. and LIES [Revelation 12.12 & 12.9]. GOD says: to the Unsaved 'REPENT', to the SAVED/CHURCH to be 'RENEWED' in mind/Sanctified [Matthew 3.2], [Romans 12.2]. Wake up: World/Church to Seek GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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