DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Noah's Failure before world was indeed his Success before GOD [Hebrews 11.7]. Lot's Failure before Sodom was indeed his Success before GOD [2 Peter 2.7]. Own brothers Betrayal of Joseph was indeed his Success before GOD [Genesis 37.28]. Moses' Failure before Pharaoh was indeed his Success before GOD [Hebrews 11.24]. King Saul's success before world was his Failure before GOD [1 Samuel 15.11]. King Solomon's success before world was his Failure before GOD [1 Kings 11.11]. King Belshazzar's success before world was his Failure before GOD [Daniel 5.2-30]. Know this, Your Failure before World in Righteousness is indeed your Success before GOD because NO one can Serve two masters [Matthew 6.24]; What is highly Esteemed in world is Abomination to GOD [Luke 16.15]; Friendship with world is Enmity with GOD [James 4.4]. So, though you are in Tears, Pains, Sorrows NOW Cheer up because as long as You are in CHRIST your Failure before this world is your SUCCESS before GOD [Psalms 34.19], [John 16.33], [Matthew 5.10], [1 Peter 3.14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, June 29, 2015
JESUS commanded us to Follow HIM/BIBLE, which is GOD set Standard for Life and not our so called men and women of GOD, that is why very often many of us get: Dull, Down, Disappointed and Deceived looking at their personal lives. Though many Preach and Teach BIBLE very well, at the end of the day they are also mere men and women like us with their own flaws and shortcomings. So, take their Good teachings and Ignore the bad; like though we pay for the whole egg we don't eat its shell as well, thinking we paid for it, we throw it off! similarly take their right teachings ignoring the rest. Beloved, YOU are in charge of your life! Not your: father, mother, siblings, friends,. or anyone else. Know this, On Judgment day WE all must give an account of our life Personally/Individually before GOD [Hebrews 9.27]. There's NO Blanket Salvation or Rewards in Heaven [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Daniel 12.3-4], [Revelation 22.11-12]. So, STOP following your favorite men and women of GOD but JESUS/BIBLE. May JESUS/BIBLE be your Standard; so that YOU will never ever be Disappointed or Deceived. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Its Your IGNORANCE which makes You: Think/Believe/Confess that You alone have Pains/Problems while others don't. Beloved, its a LIE of the devil, no man alive is Problem-free [Job 7.1 & 14.1]. Adam had Problem, Eve had Problem,.. Abraham, Moses, Joshua had Problems,.. John the Baptist had Problems, even JESUS had Problems,.. Peter, Paul had Problems. And of course EVERYONE has Problems. GOD Created us all UNIQUE and Very Special which automatically made us Interdependent, in order to have access to our Skills, Gifts and Talents. Remember, JESUS commanded us to 'Love one another' why? because WE possess Solutions to each other's Problems, unawares. LOVE is Life's Glue, it is GOD in action because GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8]. So, STOP focusing only on your Pains/Problems instead increase your Interactions with Others by: Knowing, Loving, Forgiving, Accepting, Respecting OTHERS thereby Obeying GOD/BIBLE and being Blessed. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
May the Mockers be mocking, Jokers be joking, Unjust be unjust, Unholy be unholy,. and May the Righteous be Righteous, Just be Just, Holy be Holy, Believers be Believing,. JESUS is coming soon with REWARDS for Every man, according to his/her work [Revelation 22.11-12]. People went on Drinking, Dancing, Partying, Swapping, Switching and Sinning until it Rained, Flooded and Destroyed them all [Genesis 6-7]. People went on Sinning; men went behind men until it rained Sulfur and Fire, Destroying SODOM[y] [Genesis 19.1-28]. JESUS said 'It was in the days of Noah and Lot, so shall it be in the days of Son of man or JESUS' Return' [Luke 17.26-30]. My friend, what You see is temporary, what you don't see is Permanent [2 Corinthians 4.18]. So, Seek GOD/BIBLE to be Saved, Sanctified, Fruit bearing and get Ready for Eternity in Heaven. Tomorrow may be too late. So, Wake up. Repent, Reconciled and Restored. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Make sure Everyday you Learn something New and Do something GOOD without fail. Improve and Invest in your Future. There is an Invisible and Permanent LIFE too waiting for us all [1 Corinthians 13.12], [Daniel 12.2-3]. Remember, our IGNORANCE about: GOD, devil, HEAVEN, hell, BLESSINGS, curses, RIGHT, wrong, GOOD, bad, JUST, unjust.. doesn't Nullify the Current and Upcoming REALITIES. So, be open and quick to LEARN/CHANGE. Sooner the Better. WE are not going to be here on earth Forever [James 4.14]. Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is not guaranteed, Today is that we have; make the best Use of it. Always keep in mind that every new day we wake up to, puts us one day closer to our Departure/Death. GOD and HEAVEN are more Real than WE Think, my friend. BIBLE is GOD's Word and it is for all mankind, so Learn and DO what exactly it says NOW, before you lose this wonderful Onetime opportunity forever [James 1.22]. So be: Saved, Baptized, Sanctified, Fruit bearing and Prepared to meet GOD your CREATOR from now on. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
EVERYONE has their own Flaws and Shortcomings with their own Battles and Pains to fight and endure. Though all don't openly share or confide everything with others; many are in: Sorrows, Tears, Fears and in Pain from within. Beloved, NONE of us are Perfect [Ecclesiastes 7.20], [Romans 3.4]. So, STOP being Judgmental, Harsh, Unkind and Quick to find fault with others to label them; Breaking their Hearts and Hopes, even for petty little things [Matthew 7.1-2], [Luke 6.31]. Please try to: LOVE, Accept, Respect and Encourage one another; as JESUS did, in order for You to be: Loved, Accepted, Respected and Encouraged. Remember, We all must Reap what we Sow but in Multi-fold; NO Escape!. So, be very cautious about what goes out from you [Galatians 6.7-8], [2 Timothy 3.12-15]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Stop discussing your problems with people who are incapable of contributing to its solution; rather pour your heart before GOD in prayer, in faith. Beloved, GOD alone Knows our needs even before WE could pray and Capable of handling it [Matthew 6.8]. So, Trust in GOD [Psalms 118.8] Who: Created us [Genesis 1.26-27], Cares for us [1 Peter 5.7] Loves us [John 3.15-17] and has Great Future Plans for us [Jeremiah 29.11]. GOD is in charge of us, not men, who acts like they are everything. WE are GOD's Order, GOD will pay for us. GOD commands us to seek HIS kingdom first, Why? so that our needs will be met [Matthew 6.33]. So, Obey GOD [Isaiah 1.19]. Stop running behind men or world but GOD; so that GOD will personally Intervene and get Involved in your Life for its Best, today and forever. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Beloved, be willing to LEARN; so that You can Change, Improve, Grow and be more PRODUCTIVE. What schools teach us may be helpful only until our stay here on earth whereas what GOD/BIBLE teaches us will help us not only here on earth but also there in Heaven [Jeremiah 33.3], [Isaiah 1.19]. Be Hungry for TRUTH [John 14.6]. Know this, GOD is LIFE and GOD created LIFE, removing GOD/BIBLE from Anyone/Anything/Anywhere is simply removing LIFE from Them/That/There. My friend, No natural man is strong before devil. Our Flesh is weak but our Spirit is STRONG [Matthew 26.41], [Ezekiel 3.14]. That's why we need the power of GOD to stand against the wiles of the devil on these days of evil, in this evil world [Ephesians 6.10-18], [Galatians 1.4]. So, Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor GOD/BIBLE and be SAFE now and FOREVER [Matthew 6.33], [Psalms 34.10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Bad things get more attention/support/followers, Bad stuffs sell faster, Bad news spreads faster,... because we are living in an Evil World dominated by the devil and his agents [Galatians 1.4]. Nowadays, sadly even the Godly people are also increasingly becoming Selfish and Shy Not to welcome or spread Good News, Good things, Good/GOD ideas and concepts... to Enjoy their Privacy and Comforts not realizing that GOD kept them/us here to make a Difference in this Dark world as LIGHT and SALT to: Deliver, Save, Guide those UNSAVED folks towards JESUS/Eternal LIFE [Matthew 5.13-16], [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10]. Beloved, WE may not have this Opportunity Forever; so STOP being like a Dead fish, floating and flowing wherever the water takes you or following the majority without CHRIST to continue in darkness and in slow death. So, Wake up. Stand for Good. Stand for GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
GIVING is the sign and proof of LOVE, when no strings attached. GIVING is better than Receiving. GIVING births a Rare sense of Accomplishment and great Joy when Recipient becomes our own Father or Mother. It is only when we ourselves become Parents we get to know a fraction of what our Parents might have gone through to see us what we are now. Know this, like our Physical Bodily Fathers WE have a FATHER of our Spirits too [Hebrews 12.9]. Now is the only Chance WE can GIVE to GOD, from what HE has given us. It begins with a Grateful Heart and Ends up in Praise and Worship. Once DEAD we will lose our right to Choose forever. Be quick to LIVE a GOD pleasing LIFE [Isaiah 66.2]. So, never Waste even a single opportunity to: Seek GOD, Know GOD, THANK GOD, Believe GOD, Obey GOD, Honor GOD, Please GOD. Because GOD/BIBLE is Our LIFE, now and forever [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Hebrews 13.5]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Many out there keep: Ignoring, Neglecting, Rejecting and even Ridiculing GOD/BIBLE, not Realizing that they are Sincerely WRONG and Wasting away their priceless opportunities to Know GOD personally; to be Victorious here on earth and there in Heaven too [John 15.1-5]. Beloved, they didn't Know what GOD has spoken about them and the rest of the world. BIBLE says that GOD Knew us all even before Creation of Universe [Ephesians 1.4]; GOD Knew us in from the mother's womb [Jeremiah 1.5]; GOD has Named us even before we were Born [Ecclesiastes 6.10]; GOD has Appointed: When and Where, WE all should be Born, Living and DIE [Acts 17.26]; GOD Knows our Thoughts [Jeremiah 17.10]; GOD Knows our Intentions, Words and Deeds [Psalms 94.8-11]; GOD Knows A-Z about us Individually and Personally because GOD Knows the End from the beginning [Isaiah 46.10]. So, STOP Fooling Yourself. OBEY GOD/BIBLE [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 21.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Life becomes Brighter and Brighter, as we walk away from World and its Vanities, to get closer to GOD and HIS TRUTH [Proverbs 4.18]. Word of GOD or BIBLE is the Wealth, Wisdom and Voice of GOD; it is full of Life and Power [ Psalms 19.7]. GOD gave BIBLE for us. It's our Individual and Personal Responsibility to Know and Research what GOD says about us and to us. It is the Real Treasure Hunt [Psalms 119.18]. Sooner you: Find, Learn, Apply the Better, Brighter, Greater your life will be. Old age becomes sweeter and sweeter, when we Stood, Stand for GOD, knowing that we become closer and closer to See GOD face to face [2 Timothy 4.7-8], [1 Corinthians 13.12]. GOD is very keen about us Knowing HIM more than our Offerings and Sacrifices [Hosea 6.6]. So, Grow in the Knowledge of GOD/BIBLE first [Matthew 6.33]. So be quick and keen to: Know, Obey, Honor, Please GOD/BIBLE, so that You can Come out of your Ignorance/Imprisonment all by yourself [Hosea 4.6]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
We believe our parents, we believe our teachers, we believe our friends; We believe our neighbors, we believe our colleagues, we even believe Strangers.. We prepare for cyclones, floods, plagues, earthquakes,. listening to News and Weather Forecasts, which may or may not be true but when it comes to GOD who Created us all, keeping us all Alive and Happy, and HIS Word the BIBLE how careless and cool most of us are. GOD said it would RAIN and it Rained on Earth [ Genesis 6-7]. GOD said it would be DESTROYED and Sodom, Gomorrah got Destroyed [Genesis 19.1-28]. GOD said HE would send us a SAVIOR and HE sent JESUS [ Isaiah 53.1-12], [Luke 2.10]. GOD said JESUS is coming back to take all Home who Believed in HIM [Acts 1.11], [John 14.2-3]. So, you better take GOD seriously before it is too late [John 3.16], [Numbers 23.19], [ Proverbs 29.1]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
GOD Never Ignore, Forget ANYONE who Stood/Stand for HIM rather HE Remembers, Rewards them EVERYONE. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, David, Daniel,.. Rehab, Ruth, Esther, Mary, Mary Magdalene,.. were all Dead and Gone but even today GOD/BIBLE speaks highly about them [John 8.56], [Jeremiah 17.10], [Hebrews 6.10]. GOD Loves to be Believed and Hates to be Doubted [Hebrews 11.6]. Dear friends, Many of us, we keep running only behind: money, men, materials Not realizing that, they and that are nothing but distractions and deceptions [James 4.4], [Matthew 6.24], [Luke 16.15]. My friend, every minute spent with GOD/BIBLE is, Time Never Wasted but Invested against our Present, Future [Jeremiah 33.3]. So, try to: Seek, Know, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE so that You can Build and BEAUTIFY your Eternal Future. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Moses had to Struggle, Joshua had to Struggle, John the Baptist had to Struggle, JESUS Himself had to Struggle; so also Peter and Paul and all the rest. Beloved, if they all Struggled and Stood for GOD and finished their course successfully, how are WE different from them? Are WE all not sharing the Same FATHER, same HOLY SPIRIT, same FAITH, same GOAL and same DESTINATION? So, Don't get Distracted looking at, what you are going through now, these pains and problems are just temporary and it shall all be very well soon [Hebrews 6.10], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. Beloved, Our BEST is yet to come [John 16.20]. Know this, when what we SEE Disappears, then what we have not SEEN yet will Appear [2 Corinthians 5.8]. My friend, DEATH is not the end of our Existence but just the continuation of it but either in HEAVEN or in HELL, based on our Response to GOD/BIBLE Now [Matthew 25.14-46]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, June 15, 2015
GOD/BIBLE says in this world WE shall have Tribulations but Not in Heaven [John 16.33], [Revelation 21.4]. Everyone has got Problems here. Some are Visible but some are Not; Some are temporary but some are Not. So STOP Crying! focusing only on your Problems, instead Seek GOD, for: Help, Strength, Comfort and Deliverance [Psalms 34.4-7]. People without Problems Doesn't EXIST indeed; Everyone Alive has something or other, which we might not know, always. Beloved, it is Lack of 'Money' for the poor, Lack of 'Health' for the Sick, Lack of 'Approval' for the Unqualified, Lack of 'Time' for the Busy and the Old. GOD Controls and Rules over all the Mankind by either Giving or Removing: Wealth, Health, Approval and Time [1 Samuel 2.6-10], [Jeremiah 27.5]. You know, even the Devil has a problem, that his Time is short [Revelation 12.12]. So, Cheer up and Believe, Obey, Please GOD/BIBLE now, so that you can Celebrate Eternity forever and ever in Heaven. Never miss that [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
how much Flattering and Lying, Pain, Time, Money, Efforts,.. we put or we take at times, just as to Impress and Please Someone, in order to get their Recognition and Approval to Enjoy some temporary Favors and Gains; Whereas how Foolish and Ignorant we are, by being: Reluctant and Negligent to: Seek, Know, Honor and Please GOD who is the Greatest GIVER, who gave us LIFE with countless Blessings, along with numerous Promises, which are waiting to be Obeyed and Received [1 Samuel 2.30], [Isaiah 1.19]. Beloved, GOD can Change Yours and Anyone's LIFE forever in a fraction of a second [Esther 7.10]. Know this, GOD Owns Everyone and Everything; HE gives them to whomever HE is pleased with [Jeremiah 27.5]. It is our FAITH in HIM, that pleases HIM [Hebrews 11.6]. So, Believe in GOD and begin to Please HIM for your own Eternal: Rewards, Treasures and Inheritance. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Thank GOD and Enjoy when people Celebrate YOU and at the same time Don't get Shocked when People IGNORE, Ill-treat or Insult YOU. Because GOD Cannot LIE [Titus 1.2]. GOD/BIBLE says 'DO unto Others, the way you want them to DO unto You; the way You Judge others and Mete others will be Done unto You, What one Sow's what one Reaps' [Luke 6.21], [Matthew 7.2], [Galatians 6.7-8]. So, basically BIBLE/GOD gives us the Knowledge and Choice, to CHOOSE how WE want to be Treated. Therefore AVOID and STOP: Ignoring, Ill treating, Insulting People for NO reason. Remember, its all coming back Sooner or Later. So Love and Respect Others. Care and Share with Others. Be quick to Help and Guide Others for Your own Good. So, Treat Others Exactly how YOU want to be Treated. Moreover, GOD Commands us to DO GOOD even for Evil, to Kill Evil, Sow GOOD, You becoming a Transition Person [1 Thessalonians 5.15].Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, June 12, 2015
It doesn't matter how WE Entered into this world but how WE EXIT [2 Timothy 4.7-8]. If YOU are Not willing to Learn, No one can Help you but if YOU are Determined to Learn No one can STOP YOU [Isaiah 1.17-20]. Knowledge and Wisdom are Priceless [Proverbs 8.10-21], [1 John 2.27]. GOD Created, Sustains and Rules over Everything. GOD is the Greatest GIVER, Teacher, Mentor,. and Lover [Psalms 32.8], [Jeremiah 33.3], [Proverbs 3.5-6]. Animals move by Instinct and Training whereas WE Mankind by Learning [James 3.7]. Knowledge, Power and Skills come by Learning [2 Timothy 3.14-16]. GOD's Word is for Learning [Romans 15.4]. Smartest EXIT from here is to Learn quick to LIVE a Godly LIFE, SAVE Souls, Bless Others and Leave Everything behind in GOD's Hands before DEATH, in order to Collect them back and Enjoy in Heaven Forever [Matthew 6.19-20], [Mark 10.29-30]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
GOD can't LIE [Titus 1.2]. GOD can't DIE [John 5.26]. GOD can't CHANGE [Malachi 3.6]. GOD can't be FOOLED [Galatians 6.7-8]. GOD can't be BRIBED [Deuteronomy 10.17]. GOD Knows Everything [Psalms 94.8-11]. GOD Knows the FUTURE and END of Everything, Everyone [Isaiah 46.10]. GOD is not Respecter of Persons but FAITH [Acts 10.34]. GOD Loves to be BELIEVED and HATED to be Doubted [Hebrews 11.6]. GOD has NOT Failed ANYONE, ANYONE who TRUSTED in HIM since the Creation [Isaiah 54.17]. Many of us Continue to: Ignore, Neglect and Reject GOD/BIBLE simply because WE do not Know or Believe that, at the End of our Worldly Life or on the other side of this Worldly Life is Waiting an: Unseen, Unheard, Untasted, Amazing GLORIOUS ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN for YOU, me and EVERYONE who takes GOD/BIBLE Seriously NOW, while alive on Earth [Revelation 21.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
GOD Never RUSH for Anything, because HE is in Eternity and HE Knows the End from the Beginning Whereas Devil Rushes for Everything, because the only thing he knows about the future is, that his time is limited. That is why he is busy recruiting people for his company in Hell [Psalms 46.10], [Isaiah 46.10], [Luke 8.28], [Revelation 12.12], [Matthew 25.41]. Beloved, the more you Believe in GOD, the more you will become Patient and Confident; the more you Doubt GOD, the more you will become Impatient and Scared [Daniel 6.10], [1 Samuel 13.11-13]. My friend, in order to walk on water WE must jump out of the boat. Know this for sure; Faith won't make any Sense, Sense won't make any Faith. Without FAITH it is Impossible to Please GOD [Hebrews 11.6]. So my friend, Wake up, Believe in GOD/BIBLE for your own Good, before it is too late. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Life would be BORING and Without EXCITEMENT, if WE all: Looked, Thought, Behaved, Spoke,.. the SAME, Appearing and Acting like Robots. GOD is Not only Our CREATOR and MASTER but also our FATHER and FRIEND [Isaiah 1.3], [Malachi 1.6], [John 15.13-15]. That's why GOD Created us in HIS Own Likeness and Image; to Talk like HIM and Walk like HIM; remaining GOOD and CREATIVE, giving us the Right to CHOOSE until WE live upon on Earth with a Neutral MIND and Revealing HIM and HIS Will for us, through HIS Word the Holy BIBLE [Genesis 1.26], [Genesis 2.7], [Ecclesiastes 7.29], [Hosea 8.12]. That's why, only Mankind is Creative, Innovative and Productive. GOD Created Everything by HIS Word except Adam and Eve. BIBLE says Life and Death is in the Power of our Tongue, why? Because WORDS are basically for CREATION. WE are what we SPOKE in the Past and what we are SPEAKING now; then WORDS are of course for COMMUNICATION as well; for: Relationship, Fellowship, Business,.. Fun and Joy [Proverbs 18.21]. So Celebrate Your UNIQUENESS by Making GOD Proud; through your GOOD: Thoughts, Words and Deeds [Matthew 5.16]. Meanwhile be Informed; in HELL there are NO Ranks [Matthew 13.50], Whereas in HEAVEN there are! Beloved, Only Opportunity WE have to be GREAT in HEAVEN is to Believe, Obey and Please GOD/BIBLE now, by Responding to GOD's Word, the Holy BIBLE. Know this, Never: 1.TWIST/BREAK GOD's Word, 2. Be BELIEVING in GOD and HUMBLE before HIM like a Child and 3. SERVE others, Spread the Gospel, SAVING Souls for GOD [Matthew 5.19], [Matthew 18.4 ], [Matthew 23.11]. Wake up, my friend, STOP Wasting away your limited but Priceless Opportunities by being USED only by People and Not by GOD Our CREATOR. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, June 8, 2015
like Expecting a: Blind to Appreciate a great Painting, Deaf to Appreciate a great Music or Dumb to Deliver a great Speech; Many are Eagerly: Trying, Waiting and Expecting GOD to Partner with their: Wrongdoing, Injustice, Greed,. and Evil out of their IGNORANCE. GOD is a Lover of Justice and Righteousness [Psalms 89.14]. GOD is a Lover of Mercy and us Gaining Knowledge of HIM than our Offerings and Sacrifices for HIM [Hosea 6.6]. My friend, GOD Cannot be Fooled, GOD cannot be Bribed [Galatians 6.7], [Deuteronomy 10.17]. GOD Cannot LIE and GOD Hates LIARS [Titus 1.2], [Proverbs 12.17]. GOD Cannot CHANGE [Malachi 3.6]; and GOD goes by HIS Word [Psalms 89.34]. So, WE must CHANGE; and GOD Hates: Proud looks, Lying tongues, Innocent blood shedding hands, Hearts that devises wicked imaginations, Feet that are swift to mischief, False witnesses that speaks lies, and people that sow Discord among brethren [Proverbs 6.16-19]. Beloved, So WAKE UP, Learn to DO GOOD begin to Please GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Don't be a Successful FAILURE, my friend [Luke 16.20-31]. Be Open Minded. Stop being: Rejective, Negligent, Adamant DECEIVING Yourself by not: Seeking, Listening, Believing, Obeying GOD/BIBLE, now; when your priceless but limited Opportunities are around [Hosea 4.6]. We are all just Passing through this World only once, NO ONE is Permanent here. Remember, it will all be over Soon. Our: Position, Possession, Power; Name, Fame, Health, Strength, Beauty or Whatever; Everything will LEAVE us one day, Forever but Whatever WE: Did, Do, Will ever DO for GOD, now; will remain Remembered, Rewarded, even in Eternity [Isaiah 66.2], [Mark 10.29-30], [Matthew 6.19-20], [John 6.27-29]. So, CHANGE before it is too late. Now, Gently Ask yourself: Who you are? Where were you before your Birth?, Why you are here? Where will you be once Dead? Curious to Know? Then turn to GOD/BIBLE now, which Answers them all [Jeremiah 33.3]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, June 5, 2015
GOD Defends Destitute, Orphans, Widows, Fatherless, Fathers, Mothers, Children, Poor, Needy, Families, Marriages and what not? [Psalms 82.3], [Isaiah 1.17], [Ephesians 6.1-4], [Matthew 19.6]. GOD Commands us to LOVE each other [John 13.34], FORGIVE each other [Matthew 6.14-15], RESPECT each other [1 Peter 2.17], ACCEPT each other [Romans 12.18], CARE for each other [Galatians 6.2], But still Many out there: Curse GOD, Grumble at GOD and talk Ill about GOD, Refuse to: Seek GOD, Listen to GOD's Word/BIBLE, Pray to GOD, Learn BIBLE and Refrain from attending Church and being a part and member of it. Beloved, Ignorance is our Killer [Hosea 4.6]. Bypassing, Neglecting, Rebelling against GOD leaves us HELPLESS, Opening the Door for Devil [1 Peter 5.8]. Blessings have NO shortcuts but are the Result of our Obedience to GOD/BIBLE [Isaiah 1.19]. Remember, GOD doesn't owe us Anything but WE Owe HIM Everything. So, REPENT and SEEK GOD/BIBLE to be Delivered, Healed, Saved, Blessed and Protected [Deuteronomy 28.1-14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
When we are Truly in LOVE with someone, We try to Do our Best to her or him; giving our: Heart, Attention, Time, Talents, Treasures and What not? [1 Corinthians 13.7]. We try to: Know A-Z about them, Try to Find their: Likes and Dislikes, Weakness and Strength, Future plans and Goals. We Celebrate our Similarities, Respect our Differences, Ignore our Shortcomings and try to Narrow down our Gaps. That's exactly the case with GOD, my friend. GOD Loves our Relationship [John 1.12; 1 John 3.1]. GOD Loves our Friendship/Fellowship [John 15.13-15]. GOD is LOVE, and HE is the Mother of all Good Emotions. GOD Sings [Zephaniah 3.17], GOD Laughs [Psalms 2.4], GOD Cries [Jeremiah 9.1-11, John 11.35], GOD Longs [Isaiah 30.18], GOD Loves [1 John 4.19], GOD Cares [1 Peter 5.7], GOD has Great and Awesome plans for us [Jeremiah 29.11], GOD is waiting for us [Revelation 3.20], GOD watches over us [Psalms 121.4], GOD Confides in us [Psalms 25.14], GOD wants us to have the Best of Everything [Deuteronomy 28.1-14], [Isaiah 1.19]; when WE are in LOVE with HIM [John 14.23]. Know this, GOD IS GOOD. Devil is EVIL [John 8.44]. So, Try to Fall in LOVE with GOD/BIBLE. Become and be HIS. Its an Awesome Experience [Psalms 34.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Like climbing the WRONG Ladder Sincerely and Quickly only to be: Disappointed, Deceived and Destroyed in the End; Many out there are running devotedly, only behind: Position, Possession and Power to Please themselves and Impress men instead of GOD our CREATOR, Deceiving themselves. Beloved, JESUS/BIBLE says, 'My Kingdom is not of this world' [John 18.36]; 'You are in the world but not of the world' [John 15.19]; 'In My Father's House there are Many Mansions, I will Prepare one for You' [John 14.2-3]; 'Our Conversation is in Heaven' [Philippians 3.20], 'Heap your Treasures in Heaven' [Matthew 6.19-20]. So, my friend Wake up. LOVE and SAVE Others, Live and Work for GOD, spread the GOOD NEWS/JESUS. You will be AMAZED when GOD Pays You in Heaven, someday [Proverbs 11.30], [Daniel 12.3]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
While FEELING Glad and Excited about Ever Increasing Knowledge Explosion around, resulting in Easy, Comfortable, Luxurious LIFE and, Or while FEELING: Sad, Bad, Scared, looking and hearing about the Ever Increasing: Deceptions, Wars, and Rumors of Wars, Nation against Nation, Kingdom against Kingdom; Famines, Plagues, Earthquakes, Violence,. and Injustice; be Reminded or be Informed that WE are in the Last Days or Any Time now JESUS may Return to take HIS Church or True Christians to Heaven in RAPTURE/TRANSFIGURATION [Daniel 12.4], [Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. Beloved, so DEATH is not the End of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell based on our Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we are Alive here with our Right to CHOOSE [Deuteronomy 30.15 & 19]. So Wake up my friend, get SAVED and be Ready for Departure [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
SELFISHNESS is Demonic, Ungodly and sheer IGNORANCE [Matthew 26.15]. Selfishness may: feel, look, sound Safe and Sweet to Selfish people but it is nothing but they Eat their Fruits along with its SEEDS Deliberately or Ignorantly which are supposed to be SOWN or Given to Poor and Needy around [Matthew 25.15-45]. I, MY, ME, MINE,. is a Slow, Invisible KILLER. GOD/BIBLE Never say Receive so that you can Give but 'GIVE so that You can RECEIVE' [Luke 6.38]. So, GOD has given us stuffs to GIVE and RECEIVE. Beloved, so STOP Burying/Wasting your Precious: Time, Talents and Treasures by Using them Only on YOU and YOURS without Sharing with Others, Poor and Needy; bringing Glory to GOD [Matthew 5.16]. Remember, NO One becomes Poor by GIVING, rather GIVERS are the Real RICH folks even in GOD'S Eyes [Matthew 6.19-20]. So, Wake up, my friend, STOP being Barren but FRUITFUL. Love, Give, Forgive. Be a BLESSING and be the Transition Person or the True CHRISTIAN. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, June 1, 2015
People who: Lie, Steal, Cheat, Loot, Fraud, Evil.. are doing Pretty Good; Whereas the people who are: Just, Honest, Good, Loving, Kind, Caring,. are often BROKE and are in Tears, Pain and in Shame; You know why? Because of the Period/Time in between Our Sowing and Reaping [Genesis 8.22], [Galatians 6.7-8], [Psalms 94.8-11], [Jeremiah 17.10]. The day will come, Everyone will Reap exactly what They Did/Do Sow but in multi-fold; 30, 60 or 100. GOOD as GOOD and Evil as Evil; what one Sows one must Reap, so No Escape. Beloved, so Don't lose heart, because someone took you for a ride or paid you Evil for your Good, that day will they will pay the Price; until then you Keep Trusting in GOD/BIBLE, DOING GOOD, Glorifying GOD [Matthew 5.16], [Galatians 6.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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