DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
LIFE doesn't End on earth, as Falsely Believed by most of us [Matthew 16.26]. Death is Not the end of human Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell based purely on our Response to GOD/BIBLE now [John 3.16], [Hebrews 9.27], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Only Opportunity WE have, to Enter and to be GREAT in HEAVEN is to Believe and Obey GOD/BIBLE now, while we are on earth [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9]. So Never 1.TWIST or BREAK GOD's Word [Matthew 5.19]. 2 BELIEVE in GOD and be HUMBLE before HIM like a Child [Matthew 18.4], 3. SERVE others [Matthew 23.11], Spread the Gospel, SAVE Souls [Mathew 28.19-20], [Proverbs 11.30]. STOP Wasting away your Limited Time and Priceless Opportunities by being USED by People and Not by GOD [Galatians 1.10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
JESUS didn't request us but COMMANDED us to: Love and Forgive Others [John 13.34], [Matthew 6.14-15]; Believe and Hope in HIM [John 11.40], [John 14.2-3]. Love means: Loving the Unlovable, Forgive means: Forgiving the Unforgivable, Believe means: Believing the Unbelievable, Hope means: Hoping when Everything seems Hopeless [Hebrews 11.6], [Hebrews 13.5]. Those who Know GOD, LOVE others because LOVE is an Indicator of GOD in a person [1 John 4.16]. JESUS Never said, those who don't minister to HIM don't Know GOD or those who can't caste out demons don't Know GOD,. or those who don't carry the power of GOD don't Know GOD but those who don't LOVE OTHERS [1 John 4.8]. So, LOVE OTHERS! FYI, GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8]. JESUS is LOVE [John 11.35]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Parents: Never Forget, Our Children are Our Future. Decide today to Invest in them. Turn them into your Great Dream Assets by introducing them to GOD/BIBLE from day one [Psalms 127.4] before this world introduces them to the Devil and they become your Liabilities [John 8.44]. Take some pain to Truly LOVE them by being their Role Model to: Teach: LOVE, Respect, PEACE, GOD, BIBLE. Every Child, Teen, Youth NEED JESUS! GOD says if we, Parents Forget GOD, HE will Forget our Children [Hosea 4.6]. Fathers, Mothers LOVE and CARE your Children, teach them about GOD [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Ephesians 6.4] its your Unique Responsibility. As a Born Again Christian or CHURCH its our Shared Responsibility to Teach Every Child out there about GOD [Matthew 28.19-20], [1 Corinthians 9.16], [Acts 20.28]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, August 28, 2017
WE are made by GOD and for GOD [Colossians 1.16-17]. GOD Loves us so much and HE is waiting to be welcomed [Jeremiah 31.3], [Revelation 3.20]. So, Seek GOD/BIBLE now. Every passing second puts us closer to GOD. What a Joy it would be, to be Received by GOD HIMSELF when DEAD here on Earth? by simply choosing to live for GOD, now [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-20], [Mark 10.29-30], [Revelation 22.11-12]. GOD Never said there won't be Pains, Problems on Earth [John 16.33] but that's the Price we pay for our Eternal LIFE in Heaven by Believing, Obeying and Serving GOD/BIBLE, now [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9], [Philippians 3.20]. DEATH can threaten, shock only those who are still in Darkness under the clutches of devil but for those in CHRIST it's just the Beginning of GOD promised Glorious LIFE [2 Corinthians 5.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Greater is in you than in the world [1 John 4.4] and GOD has Great plans for our future [Jeremiah 29.11]. When GOD wants us to grow, HE makes us uncomfortable [2 Corinthians 4.9]. Sometimes: GOD doesn't change our situation because HE is trying to change us; HE is taking us through water because our enemies can't swim [Isaiah 43.2]. What seems like a disappointment, could be GOD setting up for our rescue [Genesis 50.20]. Devil wants us to worry about our future so that we can't enjoy our present, he is a liar [John 8.44], he Hates what GOD Loves, he curses what GOD has Blessed [Numbers 22.6]; devil has nothing to do with our life because Life is a Gift of GOD [Romans 6.23]; so be grateful to GOD [1 Thessalonians 5.18] and Enjoy every moment of your Life. So, keep moving forward in Confidence because GOD has got our backs [Isaiah 59.19-21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
We speak to GOD when we pray [Psalms 50.15]. GOD speaks to us when we read BIBLE [1 Samuel 3.21]. BIBLE is the only Book which talks about Our: FUTURE [Revelation - Chapters 21 & 22], present and past [Genesis - Chapters 1 & 2]. BIBLE is Not just for Priests,.. but for all Mankind [Luke 2.10], [Hosea 8.12]. Read it like your Treasure hunt [Psalms 119.18]. Pray to GOD like you speak to your own Father [Matthew 6.9]. So, Read BIBLE now and DO Exactly what it says, because BIBLE Prepares us for our LIFE after DEATH or Eternity in Heaven [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38], [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. In the beginning was the WORD, the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD, and that is JESUS [John 1.1-3]. BIBLE is GOD in Words. Bible is Priceless because it Transforms and Connects us to GOD. Try it to Taste it [Psalms 34.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, August 25, 2017
GOD HIMSELF becomes our FATHER, the moment we truly receive LORD JESUS as our personal SAVIOR, says GOD/BIBLE [John 1.12 - 13], [Hebrews 12.9]. Then we are born of Spirit, born of GOD becoming HIS Children [John 3.1-16]. That is why GOD employs HIS angels to Protect us [Psalms 34.7] and fills us with HIS HOLY SPIRIT [Acts 2.38], [John 16.7-11] to: Communicate, Comfort, Warn, Teach, Guide, Guard and Lead us and to fill us with: Life, Love, Light, Wisdom, Knowledge, Revelation, Joy, Peace,. Hope. FYI, Angels protect us from outside whereas The HOLY SPIRIT protects us from Inside. GOD our Heavenly FATHER is Awesome and HE is far beyond our Understanding and Imagination. So welcome JESUS as your Savior [Romans 10.9] to welcome GOD as your FATHER [2 Corinthians 6.16-18]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
I, MY, ME, MINE,. is a Slow, Invisible KILLER. GOD/BIBLE Never say Receive so that you can Give but 'GIVE so that You can RECEIVE' [Luke 6.38]. SELFISHNESS is Demonic, Ungodly and sheer IGNORANCE [Matthew 26.15]. Selfishness may: feel, look, sound Safe and Sweet to Selfish people but it is nothing but they Eat their Fruits along with its SEEDS Deliberately, Ignorantly which are supposed to be SOWN or Given to Poor and Needy around [Matthew 25.15-45]. GOD has given us stuffs to GIVE and RECEIVE. So STOP Burying, Wasting your Precious: Time, Talents and Treasures by Using them Only on YOU and YOURS without Sharing with Others, Poor and Needy; bringing Glory to GOD [Matthew 5.16]. NO One becomes Poor by GIVING, rather GIVERS are the Real RICH folks even in GOD'S Eyes [Matthew 6.19-20]. So, GIVE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Many question about BIBLE, its: Content, Claims and Promises. GOD/BIBLE says Heaven declares GOD's Glory [Psalms 19.1]. Current discoveries confirm that, there are MORE number of STARS in the sky than DUST on the Earth. Our Milky-way Galaxy alone consists approximately 400 Billion Stars and there are Billions of Galaxies out there. BIBLE says GOD created these stars just by HIS Word [Psalms 33.6], HE knows its number, HE calls them by name [Psalms 147.4] and those Stars Worship GOD [Nehemiah 9.6]. JESUS said 'in my FATHER's House there are many Mansions, I am going to prepare one for YOU' [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20]. So, my friend; FEAR GOD. Seek, Believe, Obey HIM/BIBLE. Be SAVED, get Ready for Eternity in Heaven [Romans 10.9], [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.20], [Mark 10.29-30]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Because You don't see any other way Forward, doesn't mean there is no other way ahead at all; which only means You are still Trying on you own. Call GOD in, Seek HIM Wholeheartedly, Humble yourself, Fast and Pray, Heaven will open, GOD will Intervene, Things will CHANGE in your favor in no time [2 Chronicles 7.14]. GOD will make you See things, You have not Seen before, make you Hear things you have not Heard before, make you Think things you have not Thought before because GOD's Wisdom, Knowledge, Power, Resources,.. have NO Limits [Psalms 32.8], [Psalms 147.5], [Jeremiah 27.5]. My friend, GOD has Millions of ways, which WE do not know about, That' s why HE says 'Call unto ME, I will teach you things you do not know and things you cannot know' [Jeremiah 33.3]. So: Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Discover your Ministry, Develop and Deploy it [Jeremiah 33.3]. For GOD has kept five fold Ministry for us. Apostles to Govern, Prophets to Guide, Evangelists to Gather, Pastors to Guard, Teachers to Garner [Ephesians 4.11]. So, YOU are Not Empty handed or No body in Church. You are the Executive branch of: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers in the body of CHRIST or Government of GOD. So: remain Faithful to GOD, bringing Glory to HIM, Earning your Rewards, Heaping your Treasures, readying for your Inheritance in Heaven [John 6.27], [Matthew 6.20], [1 Peter 1.4]. Wise folks Save Souls [Proverbs 11.30], [Matthew 28.19-20] because they know the Future [Daniel 12.2-3], [Hebrews 9.27], [Philippians 3.20-21]. So, be ACTIVE in your Call to be Blessed and to be a Blessing to others [Revelation 22.11-22]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Incredible! The Moment you: Accept [Revelation 3.20], Believe [Hebrews 11.6] and Confess [Romans 10.9-10] that LORD JESUS is your Personal SAVIOR and get Baptized [Acts 2.38], The HOLY SPIRIT will be poured into your Heart and your life will begin to CHANGE gradually from inside out, from Darkness to Great LIGHT, developing a Personal Relationship with GOD ALMIGHTY, day by day. Then you become GOD's own Property; from then on NO DEVIL can TOUCH You or HARM You [Psalms 34.7], [1 John 4.4], [Isaiah 54.17], [Zechariah 2.8]. If you keep following JESUS and Sharing this GOOD NEWS to others as well; your AWESOME DAYS are just coming [Daniel 12.2-3], [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4]. So, be quick to receive LORD JESUS as your Saviour to be: Saved, Delivered and Blessed [Matthew 6.33]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Worldly Accomplishments will Neither End, Nor Win us any Heavenly Rewards [Matthew 6.24]. Worldly Accomplishments are a Never Ending Deception because Friendship with the world is Enmity with GOD [James 4.4]. It will keep us occupied until all our: Wealth, Health, Approval and Time is spent, then you may feel SORRY on your last days and moments for Not having spent due TIME with: GOD, Family, Friends and Neighbors [Luke 16.15]. So, be Balanced in Life, from now on [Ecclesiastes 7.16-17]. Give unto GOD what belongs to GOD and men what belongs to men [Matthew 22.21]. Celebrate Similarities and Respect Differences in your Relationships because RELATIONSHIPS are more important than Worldly Accomplishments. Someday WE must answer GOD [Matthew 25.14-46], [Hebrews 9.27]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Someday people will say 'Thanks for everything' saying 'Good bye' silently by their: Separation, Relocation, Promotion, Retirement,.. and finally in their Death but GOD Never does that or leaves us [Hebrews 13.5]. Its true We all go through pains, problems; which is natural [John 16.33]. But if You stand for GOD, building HIS kingdom; Compromising, Sacrificing your: Time, Talents, Treasures for JESUS, spreading the GOSPEL now, setting people FREE from their: Bondage, Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Eternal Death; Know for Sure your Never ending AWESOME DAYS are coming soon [John 6.27], [Matthew 6.20], [Mark 10.29-30], [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. Remember, GOD NEVER Forgets Anyone Anyone who Stood, Stand, will ever Stand for HIM/BIBLE [Romans 2.6-7], [Hebrews 6.10]. So, Live for JESUS, who DIED for us [Romans 5.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
LIFE is fast running away from us, so Make time to take stock of your life, my friend [James 4.14], [Psalms 90.12]. Sign off to the world and gently ask yourself, Who am I? Who created me? Who owns me and Why? What am I supposed to do here? Where am I going, when DEAD? What awaits me after my Death? [Hebrews 9.27], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Beloved, STOP living an: Aimless, Goalless, GODless life, Wasting away your Priceless LIFE; GOD has Gifted you with; Not knowing GOD your Master and Maker; Personally and Intimately [Psalms 34.8]. GOD/BIBLE Says, 'My people are Destroyed for lack of Knowledge' [Hosea 4.6] and GOD says 'Call unto ME, I will teach you things which you: Do not and Cannot know' [Jeremiah 33.3]. So, Know BIBLE to Know GOD and to become who you can be in CHRIST [2 Corinthians 5.17], [Philippians 4.13]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
GOD is ABLE, AVAILABLE and HE is just a Prayer away [Matthew 6.5-8]. So, Think of GOD, Thank HIM, Seek HIM, get Introduced to taking HELP from HIM [Psalms 121]. STOP treating GOD as a Stranger, keeping HIM as your last option, while HE kept us as HIS Top Priority [Isaiah 1.3], [Malachi 1.6], [John 3.16]. WE are not here by ourselves but GOD Created us, Kept us here, Sustaining us with Awesome Future Plans, when Believed, Obeyed HIM/BIBLE [Matthew 6.31-34], [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. FYI, WE are GOD's order, HE will pay the bill, if we just Acknowledge and Believe HIM/BIBLE [2 Kings 3.17]. So, instead of remaining: Dissatisfied, Grumbling about Life and Complaining men about your Difficulties and Sufferings, Pray unto GOD, Seek HIS Face, Ask for HIS Help [Matthew 7.8]; GOD will Intervene [Psalms 34.10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Others Can't: Eat, Drink or Rest for you. Others Can't Replace Your: Love, Care for Your: Family, Spouse, Children. Others Can't: Seek GOD, Read, Learn, Love GOD's Word/BIBLE for you. Others Can't: Believe, Obey GOD for you. Others Can't: Serve, Worship, Glorify GOD for you. Others Can't be: Baptized, Saved, Sanctified, Fruit bearing for YOU. So, PLEASE STOP Deputing and Depending on Others for Each and Everything. FYI, MONEY is NOT Everything [Matthew 16.26]. MONEY can be Earned or Received at Anytime but your LIFE Cannot be: Re Lived or Reversed later. So, Wake up. Know what You must KNOW and DO it, before too late [James 1.22]. There is NO substitution for many things in Life, Especially for Your SALVATION; So, ACT Now [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9], [Acts.2.38], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, August 14, 2017
GOD doesn't need us but HE WANTS us [Jeremiah 31.3]. GOD is Not only Our CREATOR but FATHER as well [Genesis 1.26 & 2.7], [Isaiah 1.3], [Malachi 1.6]. So, STOP being: Ignorant!, Closed Minded!, Rejecting GOD! The More you Know BIBLE, the More you will Know GOD, the More you Know GOD, the More you will begin to: LOVE HIM, BELIEVE HIM, OBEY HIM, HONOR HIM, PLEASE HIM, GLORIFY HIM and WORSHIP HIM [Romans 8.37-39]; because GOD is for us [Romans 8.31]. GOD Loves us beyond our understanding, that HE sacrificed HIS only SON to make YOU and I, HIS own Sons and Daughters [Luke 2.10], [John 3.16], [2 Corinthians 6.16-18], GOD has Great plans for us [Jeremiah 29.11], [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4] and GOD is eagerly waiting for us [Psalms 53.2], [Revelation 3.20]. So, Wake up. Seek GOD/BIBLE now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
FYI: Ignoring, Neglecting, Rejecting GOD will result in Eternal DEATH someday; because GOD alone is LIFE [John 11.25]. So: Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor GOD/BIBLE now. LIFE doesn't End on Earth, so STOP getting Scared and Worried [Hebrews 9.27]. DEATH is not the End of our Existence but Transition into Eternity to end us up FOREVER in HEAVEN or HELL, based purely on our Individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, says GOD, who gave us LIFE with the Right to Choose, with Awesome Future plans for us in HEAVEN, if WE Choose to Believe and Obey BIBLE now [Luke 16.19-31], [Ecclesiastes 7.29], [Deuteronomy 30.15 & 19]. LIFE on earth is short [James 4.14], so Learn and Live quick [Isaiah 1.17]. Earn and Save in Heaven [Matthew 6. 19-20]. Please and make GOD Proud [Joshua 24.15]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
STOP Worrying about your outward Appearance!, Ignoring your inward Reality [Isaiah 64.6], [Proverbs 4.23]. Men look at Appearance whereas GOD at our Hearts [1 Samuel 16.7]. Men look for qualified people whereas GOD qualifies the people who Believes and Obeys HIM/BIBLE to do great and awesome things in, through and for HIM [John 14.12], [Philippians 2.13]. Men Praise you for your worldly achievements and possessions but GOD Rewards our Motives and Intentions [Jeremiah 17.10], [Matthew 6.19-20]. This is what matters to GOD; whether they are: holy, good, just, right; love, kindness, peace for others [Hosea 6.6]. Beloved, so be: Holy, Humble, Grateful, Loving, Kind, Forgiving, Patient,. and be Beautiful inside to please GOD rather than just pleasing: men, devil, world to be Deceived in the End [Matthew 6.24]. So, CHANGE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Salvation is an Announcement, Not an Argument, it is open to all, just one more wonderful Gifts of GOD to be received [Luke 2.10], [Romans 10.9-10]. GOD Neither Advertises Nor Hides HIMSELF. GOD has Revealed: HIMSELF [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21], HIS LOVE [John 3.16], [1 John 4.8] and HIS Plans for us through HIS Word/BIBLE [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. HE is Watching, Waiting for our Response [Psalms 53.2]. GOD believes in us, HE knows that; WE all carry that Instinct, Missing Link deep down our hearts; an Emptiness, Hunger for GOD [Ecclesiastes 3.11], [Psalms 90.14]. Even Animals know their Masters.. but not my Children, laments GOD [Isaiah 1.3], [Malachi 1.6]. FYI; When we Seek GOD/BIBLE Wholeheartedly; we Will find GOD and: See, Hear, Perceive,. things we Had not: seen, heard, perceived before [Psalms 34.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Three Hebrew boys; Shadrach, Meshach, Abed Nego neither Pleased nor Feared men but GOD. They Refused to Worship King's Golden Image; though it was going to END their Royal LIFE in King's palace, in a Fiery furnace. They were Three, Bound and Thrown into Fire but In Fire they were at Loose, they became Four, Walking without Hurt and the last one was like Son of GOD. King saw that in Astonishment, Asked them to come out of fire, Again they became Three, Fire had NO Power over them [Daniel 3.1-30]. Beloved, FYI, GOD Himself will be with YOU, if you Fear HIM and remain Faithful to HIM, No matter what the devil or men may plot against You [Psalms 91.14-16]. No weapon formed against you will prosper, why? because GOD Created: Angels, Demons, Men, Animals, Nature and GOD has total control over them [Isaiah 54.17], [Isaiah 46.10], [Zechariah 2.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Good friendship is Great but True friendship is Awesome [1 Samuel 18.1]. Its a Rare Blessing indeed. They pick us up, when nobody else has even noticed, realized that we have fallen; they often act proactively; sensing, observing, asking, finding out things, not even our family knows about. There is No Fear, Shyness, Secrets between them. They treat them Equal; they: Accept, Appreciate, Caution,.. and Correct Everything and never Discriminate. True friendship is Selfless, Real and full of Love and Respect. Did you know, WE are Created for GOD'S own Pleasure? [Colossians 1.16-18]. So then, Can we befriend GOD and Enjoy HIS Company? YES indeed, by simply: Knowing, Believing, Observing BIBLE, that's all it takes [James 2.23], [John 14.23], [John 15.13-15]. What a Privilege, Sounds great right? You too Go for it! Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
GOD is not respecter of persons [Acts 10.34], The More You seek HIM, the More You will find HIM [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Whenever you are Shocked or Shaken; when Trusted people let you down, Accusing you Falsely, Betraying you Suddenly,. don't be Surprised because we live in an Evil world, warns GOD/BIBLE [Galatians 1.4], [John 16.33]. FYI, this World is Not our Permanent Home [Philippians 3.20-21]. So, Accept JESUS as your SAVIOR, to be a part of it [Romans 10.9]; As your intimacy with GOD grows, you will be Hated by others even by your friends and family. You will also voluntarily begin to shift focus from: Money, Men, Materials to Celebrate your regular fellowship with Holy Spirit [1 John 4.4] enjoying HIS Awesome: invisible but Intimate relationship with YOU and it won't be too long before WE will be united with the LORD [2 Corinthians 5.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, August 7, 2017
When Compared to GOD/BIBLE Promised Eternal LIFE for us with GOD HIMSELF in Heaven, as FATHER and Children; when Believed and Obeyed HIM/BIBLE Now; against this Temporary earthly life with: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death; Earthly life is Not even a Drop in that waiting Ocean of Eternity, to begin when we are DEAD, because Eternal LIFE is Never Ending Awesome LIFE Without: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death [Revelation 21.4], [John 3.16]. YOU too can be a part of it, to Enjoy this Wonderful Gift of GOD, by just Believing, Receiving JESUS as your Personal Savior and be in HIM until the end, that's all it takes. Remember, GOD is the Greatest GIVER ever known to Mankind, HE Never Sells ANYTHING but to Receive from HIM, WE must Believe in HIM [Hebrews 11.6]. So, be SAVED, be HEAVEN bound [Romans 10.9]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Its only the Knowledge and Confirmation about our Great awaiting Future with: Rewards [Matthew 5.12], Treasures [Matthew 6.19-20] and Inheritance in Heaven [1 Peter 1.4] gives us that Extra: Energy, Enthusiasm, Patience, Joy,. and Hope it takes to move forward for Every Born Again Christian in Confidence during this temporary Present Life with: Tears, Pains, Lacks, Sorrows, Shocks,. and Uncertainties [1 Corinthians 15.51-54], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [Revelation 21.4]. On the other hand, it is People's Ignorance, Negligence and Rejection about GOD/BIBLE and HIS Awesome Future plans for All those who Believe in BIBLE only keeps them in: Darkness, Confusion, Depression,. and Hopelessness, which is the greatest weapon of devil against us mankind. FYI, Devil is a Liar and Murderer from day one [John 8.44]. So, Trust in JESUS [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Your Business partner and Life partner can be your: Greatest Asset or Worst Liability. So, seek Divine Wisdom before you Choose or Seek GOD to Fix it, if it is in a Mess [2 Chronicles 7.14]. Similarly, there is Life after Death. It can be Awesome or Horrible, based on your response to GOD/BIBLE now [Daniel 12.2-3]. So, seek Divine Knowledge before you Choose [Jeremiah 33.3]. Death is Not the End of our Existence but Transition into Eternity [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. So be SAVED and Serve GOD Now, so that you too can Depart Happily for Eternity in Heaven, when you close your eyes on earth [Romans 10.9], [John 6.27-29], [1 Timothy 4.7-8], [2 Corinthians 5.8]. DIVINE Knowledge, Wisdom is Priceless. GOD/BIBLE supplies them Both [Proverbs 8.11 & 1.7]. So be open minded and quick to Welcome GOD/BIBLE, delivering you [John 8.32]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Beloved, You are just a Thought away from your own: Deliverance, Change, Excitement and Betterment [Deuteronomy 30.15 & 19]. GOD Never runs our life by Calendar, but by our own Decisions [Matthew 9.29], [Isaiah 1.19-20]. So, Use your: Imagination to Create, Innovate, Grow and your Freewill to Fellowship and Build your Relationship with GOD and Bless Others [Luke 6.31]. FYI, GOD is the Greatest GIVER, Mankind has ever known [John 3.16]. Life itself is a Great Gift of GOD, our Imagination is a Proof of it [Psalms 139.14]. So use your Imagination to Meditate and Dream of GOD'S Awesome Promises, to become Excited and to Fly in Your Spirit [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20], Now, Enjoy GOD's: Peace, Joy, Hope by being Renewed in Mind [Romans 12.2-3]; which BIBLE offers to All who Believe, Obey, GOD [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Corinthians 15.51-54]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Nothing is Permanent on earth, so if things go well, Thank GOD and Enjoy them, If Not, Trust GOD and Stop Worrying because they won't last long either. But this won't be the case in Heaven, where Things will Only be Awesome and Forever; if WE just listen to GOD/BIBLE now, and Live accordingly [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9], [Revelation 21.4]; if not in Hell it will be Horrible and again Forever [Revelation 14.11]. Keep that in mind. Work for your Eternity, amidst these Temporary: Tears, Pains, Sorrows, Physical Death; which is why GOD has kept us here on Earth for a short time, to qualify for Heaven, giving us Freewill and Information through HIS word/BIBLE to Choose Right, GOOD [Matthew 6.19-20], [John 6.27-29], [Isaiah 66.2]. So Prepare for your Eternity in Heaven, Now [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [1 Corinthians 15.51-54]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Know and Focus on your Awaiting Eternity [Jeremiah 33.3]. DEATH is Not the End of our Existence but Transition into Eternity [Hebrews 9.27]. So, How you began your Life is Not at all important when compared to how you FINISH it; in CHRIST or Not?, that's all. So, your past doesn't matter; if you Repent and Reconciled to GOD now. Remember the Repented, Reconciled, last minute SAVED Criminal on Cross [Luke 23.39-43]. Please Don't wait until your last moment to seek GOD, perhaps it might be too late [Luke 12.20]. Focus on your FUTURE, Focus on GOD, Focus on HIS Word/BIBLE, Focus on what you should Never Miss or Compromise; in other words; Focus on what is going to be with you Forever [Matthew 5.18]. So, Know JESUS from now on, so that you can Earn MORE Eternal: Rewards, Treasures, Inheritance [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.20], [1 Peter 1.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
GOD is Not Respecter of Persons but of course of our FAITH [Matthew 9.28-29], [Hebrews 11.6], [2 Kings 3.17]. GOD Never said, 'Don't Call unto ME', 'Don't Come unto ME', or 'Don't Trust ME' but HE/BIBLE says 'Call unto ME, Come unto ME all ye Labour and Heavily Burdened I will give you REST, Trust ME I will Deliver, Save and Bless You' [Jeremiah 33.3], [Matthew 11.28], [Psalms 34.5-6]. My friend, GOD is Never Busy, GOD is Never Unable and GOD is Never Unreachable. So Say NO to your Attitude, Ego and Unbelief but YES to GOD/JESUS today to be: Delivered, Saved and Blessed [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. FYI, Ordinary becomes EXTRAORDINARY, Natural becomes SUPERNATURAL, mere Men become UNSTOPPABLE when WE welcome GOD into our Lives [1 Kings 17.15], [2 Kings 3.16], [Joshua 1.5]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
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