DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
DIVORCE is not GOD's idea [John 10.10]. That's why GOD: (1) Warns us not to be Unequally Yoked together with Unbelievers [2 Corinthians 6.14], (2) That's why GOD Commands us Not to commit Fornication because that's the only compromise for Divorce [Matthew 5.27 & 32]; (3) That's why GOD Commands Husbands to Love their wives (4) Wives to Submit themselves to their husbands [Ephesians 5.22 & 25]. Moreover, GOD says a wise woman builds her house [Proverbs 14.1], GOD warns let NO man put asunder a marriage [Matthew 19.6], GOD says Marriage is Holy [Hebrews 13.4] a Covenant [Malachi 2.14]. Now, Why all these Commands, Warnings for us? because GOD HATES DIVORCE [Malachi 2.16]. Spouse is our first Neighbour, LOVE as your Neighbour [Romans 13.10] or as your Enemy at least [Matthew 5.44-45] but Don't DIVORCE. Wisdom. Truth. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
MARRIAGE is GOD founded, It is GOD’s own idea [Genesis 2.18], [Hebrews 13.4]. That's why GOD Hates Divorce saying, let no man put asunder what GOD has united [Malachi 2.16], [Matthew 19.6]; Commanding HUSBANDS to LOVE their wives, Like CHRIST loved His Church, giving HIS own life for her [Ephesians 5.25] and WIVES to submit themselves unto their husbands, as they submit to the LORD [Ephesians 5.22] saying Husband is HEAD of the home [Ephesians 5.23]. So, Obedience to GOD/BIBLE is Key to all Blessings [1 Peter 3.1-7]. Life begins and ends with GOD [Revelation 22.13]. GOD is our Creator, our Sustainer and the Supreme Ruler of Everyone and Everything [Acts 17.26]. So, Seek GOD, Welcome HIM and Worship HIM, in order to: Renew, Restore and Rebuild your Life and your Marriage [Revelation 3.20], [John 10.10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, February 26, 2018
WIVES, Mothers GOD says 'Every wise woman Builds her house: but foolish breaks it down' [Proverbs 14.1]. So STOP: fighting, Irritating, Ignoring your: Husband, Children [Proverbs 21.19]. Avoid: Gossiping, Quarreling; instead PRAY, Meditate upon BIBLE regularly in an increasing manner. Respect [Ephesians 5.22], Love [Titus 2.4] your Husbands; Know that he is your head and CHRIST is his head [1 Corinthians 11.3]. Love, Teach, Train, Care, Correct your Children. Create a: Godly, Lovely, Caring, Peaceful Home, making BIBLE as its Ruler. Make your Husband, Children to love to be Home soon after their Business, Schooling to Enjoy, Celebrate your presence. Talk love; understand them to bring the BEST out of them. Make your home a great attraction for them. It's your Responsibility. You are in charge of it [Proverbs 31.10-12]. HAPPY HOME Key. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Husbands: LOVE your Wives; as CHRIST loved HIS Church, giving your very life for them, that's real LOVE [Ephesians 5.25]. LOVE is the key for HAPPINESS because it is Divine, it is Supernatural [1 John 4.8]. So Obey GOD/BIBLE to: Observe, Ask, Talk, Know, Understand to Please your Wives. Include them always. Be their world by remaining: Kind, Honest, Patient,. Sharing Everything; so that you can bring the Best out of them, turning your home into heaven, until we reach the Real, Eternal One [Philippians 3.20]. Though wives are weak they are wise too, full of pleasure and power. Unleash them to Unleash their: Gifts, Talents, Skills to Build a Healthy family by simply Obeying GOD, LOVING them. FYI, GOD said she will be our Suitable Help Meet [Genesis 2.18], GOD Cannot Lie [Titus 1.2]. GOD Cannot Change [Malachi 3.6]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
CHILDREN: to ENJOY long life on earth get Serious with GOD [Isaiah 66.2]. Obey and Honor your Parents in The LORD [Ephesians 6.1-3] that's all it takes because GOD said it, GOD will DO it, GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2]. FYI, GOD LOVES YOU VERY MUCH [Matthew 19.14-15]. GOD is not looking at Your Age or your Appearance but your Attitude [Matthew 18.3-4], [1 Samuel 16.7]. REAL: Safety is from GOD [Proverbs 21.31], Wisdom is from GOD [Proverbs 1.7]. Good gifts are from GOD [James 1.17], Power is from GOD [John 19.11], Salvation is from GOD [Romans 10.9], Holy Spirit is from GOD [Luke 11.13], Heaven is from GOD [John 14.2-3], [Revelation 21.4]. GOD is the Key for Everything You ever Need, Want or Dream [Jeremiah 27.5], [Ephesians 3.20]. So: Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor, Please GOD/BIBLE until your end. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, February 23, 2018
GOD/BIBLE commands PARENTS to: Correct, Discipline, Teach and Train their children [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Proverbs 22.6 & 22.15]; CHILDREN to Honor and Obey their parents [Exodus 20.12], [Ephesians 6.1]; HUSBANDS to love their wives [Ephesians 5.25]; and WIVES to submit themselves unto their husbands [Ephesians 5.22] saying Husband is the HEAD of the Family [Ephesians 5.23]; because FAMILY is GOD founded, its GOD's own Idea [Genesis 1.28 & 6.9]. So, the More we welcome GOD into our Families, the More we can Enjoy GOD's: Protection, Provision, Peace and Perfection [John 2.5], [Deuteronomy 23.14]. On the other hand, Whenever, Wherever we remove GOD/BIBLE from our LIFE, we open the doors for the enemy, devil for our own Destruction [Isaiah 1.19-20], [1 Peter 5.8]. So Welcome GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Time taken to cover a distant destination by: walking, running, Cycling, Motoring or Flying Won't be the same. Why, because as the mode of transportation change the speed also changes. So the time taken to cover the same distance, decreases drastically depending on our Choice of transport. Similarly, more WE welcome KNOWLEDGE, GOD [Hosea 4.6], [John 1.1] faster WE can progress in life. We can: See, Hear, Think what we have Not: Seen, Heard, Thought before [John 3.8]. FYI, One simple Revelation, Idea from GOD/BIBLE can Revolutionize, Transform our life, in no time [Luke 12.21], [Matthew 6.19-20], [Proverbs 11.30]. GOD specializes in IMPOSSIBILITIES [Genesis 18.14], [Jeremiah 32.17]. Know this, there is NO great: Teacher like HOLY SPIRIT [1 Corinthians 2.13] and Text book like BIBLE [Jeremiah 33.3]. Welcome GOD, Grow Exponentially. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
DEATH is Not the End of Our Existence but Transition into Eternity [Daniel 12.2-3]. So Focus on what comes after DEATH [Hebrews 9.27]. Focus on your FUTURE [Romans 10.9]. Focus on meeting GOD [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Focus on HIS Word/BIBLE [Hosea 4.6]. Focus on what you should Never Miss [Matthew 1626]. Focus on what is going to be with you Forever [Matthew 25.21]. How you began your Life is Not at all important when compared to how you are going to FINISH it [2 Timothy 4.7-8]; in CHRIST or Not [Romans 8.1]. So, your past doesn't matter; if you Repent and Reconciled to GOD now. Remember the Repented, Reconciled, last minute SAVED Criminal on Cross, last thing he stole was heart of our Creator/JESUS [Luke 23.39-43]. Please Don't wait until your last moment to seek GOD, perhaps it might be too late [Luke 12.20]. Truth. Widom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
What is Seen: Originated, Originates, Originate from UNSEEN [Hebrews 11.3]. So, never underestimate Unseen realm because it is the Parent, Permanent realm. GOD is not seen; Angels and Demons, Heaven and Hell, Spirit and Soul are not seen because they are all PERMANENT [2 Corinthians 4.18]. Whereas our Body is seen; Sickness, Poverty, Inabilities are seen, Tears, Pains, Sorrows, Death and MONEY is seen because these all are temporary. GOD said NO: eyes have seen, ears have heard, hearts have perceived what GOD has kept for those who LOVE HIM [1 Corinthians 2.9], [John 14.23]. So Seek, Believe, Obey, LOVE GOD/BIBLE now [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38], [Mark 12.30-31], so that once Dead, You too can: See, Receive and Enjoy what GOD/BIBLE Promised, Forever and Ever [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, February 19, 2018
TRUST in GOD always and PRAY as often as possible; Especially when you are in TROUBLE or when you really Don't know what to DO next [Psalms 50.15], [Psalms 91.14-16]. Like when complaint is lodged, Authorities take action; Every Prayer WE say in Faith to FATHER GOD in Heaven through JESUS' Name will be Answered by GOD with a YES [Matthew 14.30-31], NO [2 Corinthians 12.7-9] or WAIT [John 11.3-6]. Always remember, GOD Loves us all, Especially those who Loves HIM back, so much [John 14.23]. Sometimes for our own Good [Romans 8.28] GOD says: NO or WAIT because GOD sees the Future, HE Knows the End from the Beginning; in other words GOD Finished Everything and then HE Began [Isaiah 46.10], [Hebrews 4.3]. Prayers bring Power from Heaven, so be quick to PRAY [Psalms 34.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Plan to Stay long on earth to Bless [Matthew 28.19-20], SAVE many [Proverbs 11.30]; but be prepared to Depart ANYTIME. Even Death can't surprise You. Planning reduce Regrets. So Plan well in advance. Never forget WE are strangers here on earth [Psalms 119.19]. Life on earth is just Journey but our Destination is Heaven [Philippians 3.20]. So, don't get rooted here, gazing at Vanities of this world. FYI, What is Seen is Temporary but Unseen is Permanent. So Never trade Permanent for temporary [2 Corinthians 4.18]. Always Remember, 1. We can't serve two masters [Matthew 6.24], 2. Friendship with world is Enmity with GOD [James 4.4], 3. What is Highly Esteemed in this world is Abomination to GOD [Luke 16.15]. So, Deny yourself, Take up your cross and Follow JESUS daily to SAVE your Life [Matthew 16.24-27]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
STOP being Intimidated, Fooled, Wasting your Time [1 Timothy 4.12]. YOU don't need Any: Doctorate, Degree, Diploma in Theology to Serve JESUS, to Spread Gospel [Matthew 28.19-20]. Anointing is what you need [John 15.14-16], Availability is what it takes [Jeremiah 33.3]. Anointing has got nothing to do with wisdom of men [Acts 3.6]. FYI, Grades don't measure Intelligence, Age doesn't define Maturity. Degrees, Diplomas are man made standards for men Not for GOD. Wisdom of this world is Foolishness to GOD [1 Corinthians 3.19]. JESUS' disciples were not Elite but mere fishermen, tax collectors, traders but they Shook the world, Touched and Transformed it [Acts 4.13]. So, Please GO and teach two people about what JESUS has done for Mankind [Romans 5.6]; then Tell them to Teach their two. Keep Repeating it. That's all it takes. Wisdom. Truth. Choice. Share.
Friday, February 16, 2018
You are a Divine Decision, Not an accident [Jeremiah 1.5]. Every breath you take, someone somewhere has just taken their last; So, STOP running only behind: Money, Materials, Men, Pleasures,.; Ignoring, Neglecting, Rejecting GOD/BIBLE, Not Realizing or Asking yourself 1. Who am I? 2. Where do I come from? 3. Why am I here? 4. What can I Do? 5. Where am I going when Dead [Heaven or Hell]? BIBLE says Of all creations of GOD We are the most Celebrated ones, why? because GOD created only us in HIS own Image and Likeness [Genesis 1.26-27]. That's why We are all Special, Unique [Psalms 139.14]. GOD created us like HIM because HE LOVES US beyond Words, HE has AWESOME Future plans for us [Jeremiah 29.11-13], [Philippians 3.20]. FYI, Real LIFE begins only after DEATH [Hebrews 9.27]. So be SAVED [Romans 10.9], [Jeremiah 33.3]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
FYI, GOD/BIBLE has SOLUTIONS for all human Problems [Jeremiah 33.3]. Seeking and Being in the Will of GOD is the Best place to Live [Job 1.10-12]. Knowing and Doing the Will of GOD is the Smartest thing we can ever DO [Matthew 6.24], [Luke 16.15], [James 4.4], [Romans 8.6], [Matthew 6.19-20], [John 6.27-29], [Mark 10.29-30]. Fear of GOD [Believing and Obeying] BIBLE, is the Secret key to get rid of all Your other FEARS [Psalms 34.4], [Genesis 22.12]. DEATH is Not the End of our Existence, as Falsely: Believed, Lamented, Worried, Feared by Billions But Transition into Eternity either to Heaven or Hell, purely based on our Individual, Personal Response to BIBLE/GOD, Now while we Have the Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 & 19], [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. So Turn to GOD/JESUS now, be SAFE Forever [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Don't fall for other's flattery to become proud and walk away from GOD's Call or Don't be intimidated by negative opinions of others to feel inferior, unloved to cut down your good works for GOD [James 4.4]. All may not see the priceless Treasure what GOD has deposited in you [Matthew 25.15], [2 Corinthians 4.7]. So, Know for sure that GOD is: For you, With you, In you, as long as you keep Believing, Obeying HIM/BIBLE, even though No one see, say [2 Kings 6.17-20], [1 John 4.4]. FYI, GOD is not respecter of persons but Faith [Matthew 9.28-30], [John 14.12]. So, Grow in Faith, Increase it, Receive more from GOD, be a great blessing for many. Life on earth is very short, so live right and live quick; accumulating Rewards, Treasures in Heaven rather than here on earth to leave them behind [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.20], [Mark 10.29-30]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
STOP wasting your precious: Time, Talents, Treasures in vain, seeking people's: Attention, Acceptance, Appreciation, which in reality is NOTHING whereas Invest in GOD's which is Everything [Proverbs 11.30], [Psalms 16.11]. We keep: Ignoring, Neglecting, Rejecting GOD Our loving Heavenly FATHER, Creator of Heaven and Earth; Who longs to have Friendship, Fellowship and Eternal Relationship with us, waiting eagerly just outside our Hearts for our permission to enter in, only to Light up our dark lives, Revive our weak spirits to help us See things we have not seen before, to Hear things we have not heard before, Perceive things we have not perceived before [Revelation 3.20], [Jeremiah 33.3], [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. So Welcome GOD/JESUS in to your Life Today [Matthew 6.24], [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38], [John 14.27]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice. Share.
Monday, February 12, 2018
STOP Idolising people but THANK GOD and be a Blessing [Acts 14.13-18]. One of the most: Ignored, Neglected, Rejected, Forgotten TRUTH is; though GOD gave, gives us Many Good things, We keep Praising, Celebrating the men HE chose to Use for that purpose, Ignoring GOD. GOD/BIBLE says, WE are Not Destroyed for Lack of: Money, Materials, Prayer or even Faith but Knowledge [Hosea 4.6]. So, Give GOD HIS Glory. FYI, It is GOD who: Created us, Keeping us, Loving us; HE is For us and HE Longs to Fellowship with us; HE has Awesome Future Plans for us but SADLY most Mankind have not Realized this Priceless Truth yet [Isaiah 1.3], [Malachi 1.6], [Isaiah 46.9-10], [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. GOD can supply all our needs in no time, provided WE Believe, Obey HIM/BIBLE [Psalms 34.10], [Matthew 6.33], [Deuteronomy 28.1-14], [Isaiah 1.19]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
GOD Doesn't need Anyone's permission or help to: DELIVER You, HEAL You , SAVE You,.. BLESS You but YOURS [Matthew 9.28-30], [Romans 10.9], [John 11.40], [Revelation 3.20]. GOD is too BIG to be Understood, that's why HE Suggests us to Believe HIM [Hebrews 11.6]. HIS Wisdom, Knowledge, Strength, Power, Might, Resources,.. are Limitless but often Ignored by us [Psalms 46.10], [Isaiah 46.10]. GOD Owns Everything [Psalms 24.1], Everyone [Jeremiah 27.5]. FYI, GOD is GOOD [Psalms 136.1]. GOD is LIFE [John 14.6]. GOD is LIGHT [1 John 1.5]. GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8]. GOD LOVES YOU so much [John 3.16]. Like newborn babies who have no Clue, how much they are LOVED by their parents, right from conception; Unfortunately even today, many of us are still like newborn babies, Not yet Realized the LOVE of GOD for us [Hosea 4.6]. Very SAD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
GOD has two Faces: LOVE [1 John 4.8] and JUSTICE [Isaiah 33.22]. That's why WE got JESUS as Ransom, HE Died in our place [Matthew 20.28] to SAVE us out of our SINS and JUDGMENT for those who Reject JESUS [Romans 8.1]. FYI, It is Mankind, who creates: Hatred, Violence, Injustice; and are: Greedy, Selfish, Wicked [Hosea chapter 4]; NOT GOD and they are Not Realising that once Dead, All must stand before GOD for Judgment [Hebrew 9.27]. GOD/BIBLE teaches to LOVE [1 John 4.7], GIVE [Luke 6.38], CARE [Luke 6.31]. So get SAVED today [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Please: Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor GOD/BIBLE now. Repent [Matthew 3.2], Reconcile [Romans 5.10] and be Renewed in your mind [Romans 12.2]. Don't fall for the LIES of the Devil believing there is NO: GOD, JUDGMENT, HELL or HEAVEN [John 8.44 & 10.10], [Philippians 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, February 9, 2018
GOD/BIBLE says 'in All things; [GOOD, Bad, ugly], give THANKS to GOD, for this is the Will of GOD concerning us [1 Thessalonians 5.18]. Because ALL things work together for GOOD, for those who LOVE The LORD [Romans 8.28]. GRATITUDE is Priceless. THANK GOD for All things YOU Possess, Carry, Enjoy in Life; Visible and Invisible, which Money cannot Buy or Men and Materials cannot Give. For instance, think about people without legs while people crying desperately for expensive shoes. FYI, GOD Loves Grateful people [Luke 17.17]. So, Learn to LOVE The LORD [John 14.23]. You may Think, See there is NO way out for your PROBLEMS but GOD Knows and Has Millions of ways to: Deliver, Save and Bless YOU Now; which you know NOT about. So, be Grateful. Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor GOD/BIBLE. Your LIFE too will CHANGE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, February 8, 2018
A man walked into a grocery, asked the shopkeeper for his credit outstanding details which he lended to poor in their neighborhood who could not pay for themselves; he Paid it all, requested for their contact details, informed them their loan is fully settled and they don't have to worry about it anymore. Hearing his act of kindness, my eyes were filled with tears then The HOLY SPIRIT, began to speak to me, if this act of kindness makes you cry, how about JESUS, the Only begotten SON of GOD, Dying on cross of Calvary for Mankind, so that YOU ALL don't have go to Hell. GOD Never sells anything [Isaiah 55.1-2]. Whatever GOD gives is Absolutely FREE [James 1.17]. Though Salvation is Priceless, GOD simplified it, so that ALL can be SAVED to Enjoy Eternal LIFE by just Believing, Confessing that JESUS is LORD [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Value of a Container depends on its Content. So its in our hands to carry Treasure or Trash. YOU are the Gatekeeper of your Heart, Life. Who and what you: Allow, Invite, Entertain, Honor, Celebrate OR: Ignore, Neglect, Reject, Dishonor and Expel, makes who YOU are and will always Decide, Make who YOU Can or Cannot be. BIBLE/GOD Warns, Suggests, 'Keep your Heart with all Diligence; for out of it are the Issues of LIFE' [Proverbs 4.23]. Because World [Proverbs 14.12], Devil [John 10.10] can put Wrong, Negative, Evil Ideas and Thoughts in your Heart to Distract, Deceive, Depress and Destroy YOU eventually [John 13.2]. FYI, WE are Spirit beings in human bodies. WE are Spirit Containers [Genesis 1.26 & 2.7], [John 14.23], [1 John 4.4]. That's why GOD says 'Son/Daughter Give ME your Heart,..' [Proverbs 23.26]. So, give yours too to GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Power against Demons are not in our screaming voice or possession of physical weapons but in our intimacy with GOD/BIBLE [ James 4.7], [Matthew 17.21] and in whispering words of GOD given Power and Authority [Luke 10.19], [Ephesians 6.10-18]. Divine wisdom is not in begging the devil for his mercy but not even giving him a chance to challenge us but to keep him under our feet [Romans 12.2 & 16.20]. So: Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE to Increase your intimacy with GOD [Matthew 6.33]. FYI; You will remain your own enemy, as long as, you: Ignore, Neglect, Reject GOD/BIBLE remaining happily married to your wrong mindset full of Only: Money [Matthew 6.24], Men [Luke 16.15], Materials [Matthew 6.19-20] and No thought for GOD and never even allowing GOD or godly men to correct you [Hosea 4.6]. So Wake up my friend. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, February 5, 2018
If GOD could Create us in HIS own Image and Likeness [Genesis 1.26-27]; Reveal HIMSELF/BIBLE to us [John 1.1-14]; Employ HIS Angels to Guard us [Psalms 34.7]; KILL HIS only SON for us [John 3.15-17]; Give us The HOLY SPIRIT [1 John 4.4]; All these things HE Did, Does for Nothing?and to let us SUFFER on earth for a very short while with such a lot of: Troubles, Sorrows, Pains, Tears and to DIE like a wild beast? NO, not at all!!! GOD has prepared an Awesome place for all of us in HEAVEN [John 14.2-3] and going to Send JESUS again, anytime soon [Acts 1.11] to take us back HOME to Live with HIM in HEAVEN [Philippians 3.20-21] Forever and Ever, Provided WE accept LORD JESUS as Our SAVIOR now and continue to Live in HIM and for HIM [Romans 10.9], [2 Corinthians 5.17]. So, be SAVED now and be Eternally: Safe, Secure, Sound. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Listen very carefully, when you are Trusting GOD and GOD alone, Desperately waiting for a Miracle, then throw yourself open to be: disgraced, gossiped, humbled, insulted, laughed upon by men. That is when, when Everyone walks away, watching what's going to happen, Heaven gets involved, GOD walks in and takes us to next level [Psalms 91.14-16]. So STOP Aborting, Ignoring, Postponing and Running away from your own Miracles by Humanly Choosing Not to be Ashamed or Laughed upon before men [Matthew 20.30]. Always remember When you are Trusting GOD like a child world will always call you a FOOL, because they have NO Clue who and whose You are; that is when you become Wise before GOD and in GOD's very Hands you walk in [Zechariah 2.8], [Isaiah 54.17]. FYI, Faith won't make any Sense and sense won't make any Faith [2 kings 3.17]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, February 3, 2018
DIVORCE is not GOD's idea; Whereas MARRIAGE is [John 10.10]. That's why GOD: (1) Warns us not to be Unequally Yoked together with Unbelievers [2 Corinthians 6.14], (2) That's why GOD Commands us Not to commit Fornication because that's the only compromise for Divorce [Matthew 5.27 & 32]; (3) That's why GOD Commands Husbands to Love their wives (4) Wives to Submit themselves to their husbands [Ephesians 5.22 & 25]. Moreover, GOD says a wise woman builds her house [Proverbs 14.1], GOD warns let NO man put asunder a marriage [Matthew 19.6], GOD says Marriage is Holy [Hebrews 13.4] a Covenant [Malachi 2.14]. Now, Why all these Commands, Warnings for us? because GOD HATES DIVORCE [Malachi 2.16]. Spouse is our first Neighbour, LOVE as your Neighbour [Romans 13.10] or as your Enemy at least [Matthew 5.44-45] but Don't DIVORCE.
Friday, February 2, 2018
BIBLE is GOD in WORD [John 1.1], that's why it Answers all Questions men can ever Ask and Much MORE. GOD says HE has written to us Great things of HIS Law [BIBLE] but that was counted as a strange thing by most of us [Hosea 8.12]. All Scriptures/BIBLE is given by Inspiration of GOD [2 Timothy 3.16], it is profitable for 1.Doctrine, 2.Reproof, 3.Correction, 4 Instruction in Righteousness. BIBLE is AWESOME; Simply because 1.It alone talks about Past [Genesis Chapters 1-2], Present [Acts 17.26], FUTURE [Revelation Chapters 21-22]. 2. It Transforms Everyone who Obeys it. 3. It is the only Book, though Thousands of year old, Written in Highest Standard Ever known to Mankind. 4.It Creates Divine PEACE in a person's Spirit when read Faith [Hebrews 4.2], [Jeremiah 33.3]. So Wake up. Know, DO what GOD says before too late [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Beloved, Avoid being SERVED, because our Life is meant to SERVE and Not to be Served [Matthew 20.27-28]. FYI, there are Ranks in Heaven [Matthew 5:19, 18:4]. Want to be Great in Heaven? then SERVE others Now [Matthew 23.11]. JESUS, though HE was Son of GOD, GOD, HE Himself washed the very feet of HIS Disciples, saying Follow, Copy me, why? because that's the secret of becoming Great in Heaven [Philippians 2.8-9], [Matthew 16.24], [John 13.12-17]. So, from now on, Everyday before going to Bed, Sincerely Ask yourself - What Good did I Today for: GOD, Family, Friends, Others and Self? JESUS/BIBLE says 'let your light so shine before men, that they may see your Good works and Glorify your Father in Heaven' [Matthew 5.16]. So be: Humble, Grateful, Productive, Helpful and a Blessing to Others. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
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