Tuesday, January 15, 2013

PRIDE is [Daniel 5.22-30]: ugly, stench, evil, poison, problem, weakness, repelling and hatred to God resulting in Death [2 Chronicles 33.23-24] Whereas, Humility is [Job 22.12] LIFE [Proverbs 22.4] pleasure, beauty [2 Chronicles 12.12] fragrance [2 Chronicles 32.26] medicine [2 Chronicles 7.14], solution [2 Chronicles 12.7], sweet [2 Kings 19-20] power [Proverbs 15.33] attraction [2 Chronicles 33.12-13] and God's pleasure [Matthew 18.4] You know Lord Jesus Himself, washed the very legs of His disciples [John 13.5] demonstrating and teaching His disciples the necessity, importance and purpose of humility. So be humble in order to be loved by God, men and authorities....

Pride is: pain, poison, ugly, problem, stench, weakness, repelling and hatred to God; whereas, Humility is: love, medicine, beauty, solution, sweetness, power, attraction and God's pleasure. Be humble before God; for God to exalt you, says the Bible. You know Lord Jesus Himself, washed the very legs of His disciples, demonstrating and teaching His disciples the necessity and the importance of humility. So be humble in order to be loved by God and men.

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