Thursday, May 23, 2013

STOP for a moment; take a few minutes to think of GOD, who Created and Keeping you... THANK HIM... Ask yourself from where you came, why are you here and possibly where you may go once Dead? GOD/BIBLE reveals it very clearly [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14] Think about it [Hebrews 9.27] Someday Life will End [Romans 2.6-7] Rewards are coming [Revelation 22.11-12] Like caring our body, frequently; take regular time to: cleanup, makeup and lift up your soul, spirit too, improving your relationship with God by spending quality time in prayer, meditation... Things that will follow us even after death is: our life lived for God and our: time, talents and treasures invested in and for Him. [John 6.27] Rest all will be forgotten, sooner or later. Beware. Be wise.... THANK GOD always...

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