Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Be Disciplined. Carrying a stethoscope won't make one a physician or carrying a spanner makes a mechanic or carrying a Bible a servant of God. So be Disciplined, now: listen, learn, understand, change and be really qualified... GOD disciplines, instructs and warns us Mankind about leading a purposeful life all through HIS Word, The BIBLE [Hosea 4.6], [Job 36.10], [Hosea 8.12], [Matthew 6.33], [Romans 10.9-10] Whereas devil [John 10.10], [John 8.44] steals, kills and destroys.... Though Discipline tastes bitter, it is the best medicine which heals us and keeps us fit Physically and Spiritually ... Remember GOD LOVES US and HE is for us [Romans 8.28-31].

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