Saturday, June 8, 2013

Children of GOD, walk in LOVE, they evangelize, they save souls from Eternal Death [Proverbs 11.30] [Matthew 28.19-20] Save souls for CHRIST because they have a clear idea of the future [John 6.27] [Revelation 22.11-12] They fear GOD, Love and Respect ALL People; They believe in: Life after Death/Resurrection [Daniel 12.2] Final Judgment of GOD [Hebrews 9.27] Eternal Rewards for all Mankind for all our Thoughts, Intents, Words and Deeds [Jeremiah 17.10] and the Awesome Eternal Retirement in Heaven [John 14.2-3] [Philippians 3.20-21] [Revelation 21.4] for all those who are in CHRIST. My friend, please accept JESUS as your Personal SAVIOR [Romans 10.9-10] and tell others too!!! Be Eternally SAFE, SECURE and SOUND... Never Forget GOD LOVES You more than Anyone...

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