Wednesday, June 19, 2013

LOVING, Forgiving and Helping one another is the key for Happiness my brother, my sister and my dear friend [John 13.34]. That is the sign and proof of being a Disciple of JESUS or a Christian [John 13.35] beloved. So LOVE others. Remember GOD has always given us something to give others. It may be our: love, kindness, time, knowledge, wisdom or whatever. The sign and Proof of Love is when our passion to give exceeds; our passion to receive. We cannot be in LOVE with someone without GIVING something GOOD and Valuable to them [Luke 6.38]. Because JESUS LOVED and LOVES us even today, HE gave HIS Life [Matthew 28.5-6]. HE gave HIS Word and HE is around us, HE is with us, HE is in us and HE is Coming back [Acts 1.11].

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