Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thoughts of love and kindness gets generated in an increasing manner in our hearts and becomes our intent, words and deeds; as long as, we welcome and worship LORD JESUS because GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8] and JESUS commanded us to LOVE even our enemies [Matthew 5.44] whereas evil, fear, greed, hatred, injustice and wickedness results in our thoughts, intents, words and deeds if devil is given to rule our hearts [John 8.44] [John 10.10] Beloved Remember goodness comes from God and evil from the devil... GOD says HE is always looking into our hearts [1 Samuel 16.7] [Jeremiah 17.10] [Romans 2.6-7] So be informed... Nothing in hidden to GOD's eyes... And GOD says that HE will Reward every human being one day [Revelation 22.11-12] Be wise and Heap Treasures in Heaven from now on [Matthew 6.19-20] [John 6.27]

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