Friday, July 26, 2013

Decide today... LOVE and CARE All Kids, Teens and Youth around, though they are Strangers to you... They all Need JESUS... My friend, as a Born Again Christian it is our Basic: Unique and Shared Responsibility to Teach and Train our Kids and other kids around too about the importance of Knowing, Loving and Spreading JESUS... by being a role Model and an Example for our Next Generation... The Best Gift we can ever give them is GOD and GOD alone, which will last for more than Trillion years from now... Teach them BIBLE right from Day one, Tell them LIFE begin and Ends with GOD and GOD is The Creator, Sustainer and Ruler of Universe for Now and FOREVERMORE... so that they will always be Very Particular to: LOVE, RESPECT, CARE everyone around Healing the World thereby Spreading PEACE and HOPE to their fellow neighbors living a True Christian Life, Touching and Transforming Lives wherever they are... GOD commands us Parents to teach our Children and Others' as Church [Deuteronomy 6.1-25] [Ephesians 6.1-18] [Matthew 28.19-20] Try to become and be a Responsible Dad and a Christian...

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